28 research outputs found

    Minimizing DNF Formulas and AC 0 Circuits Given a Truth Table

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    For circuit classes R, the fundamental computational problem Min-R asks for the minimum R-size of a Boolean function presented as a truth table. Prominent examples of this problem include Min-DNF, which asks whether a given Boolean function presented as a truth table has a k-term DNF, and Min-Circuit (also called MCSP), which asks whether a Boolean function presented as a truth table has a size k Boolean circuit. We present a new reduction proving that Min-DNF is NP-complete. It is significantly simpler than the known reduction of Masek [31], which is from Circuit-SAT. We then give a more complex reduction, yielding the result that Min-DNF cannot be approximated to within a factor smaller than logN γ, for some constant γ 0, assuming that NP is not contained in quasipolynomial time. The standard greedy algorithm for Set Cover is often used in practice to approximate Min-DNF. The question of whether Min-DNF can be approximated to within a factor of o logN remains open, but we construct an instance of Min-DNF on which the solution produced by the greedy algorithm is Ω logN larger than optimal. Finally, we extend known hardness results for Min-TC0 d to obtain new hardness results for Min-AC0 d, under cryptographic assumptions

    Conjunctions of Unate DNF Formulas: Learning and Structure

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    AbstractA central topic in query learning is to determine which classes of Boolean formulas are efficiently learnable with membership and equivalence queries. We consider the class Rkconsisting of conjunctions ofkunate DNF formulas. This class generalizes the class ofk-clause CNF formulas and the class of unate DNF formulas, both of which are known to be learnable in polynomial time with membership and equivalence queries. We prove that R2can be properly learned with a polynomial number of polynomial-size membership and equivalence queries, but can be properly learned in polynomial time with such queries if and only if P=NP. Thus the barrier to properly learning R2with membership and equivalence queries is computational rather than informational. Few results of this type are known. In our proofs, we use recent results of Hellersteinet al.(1997,J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.43(5), 840–862), characterizing the classes that are polynomial-query learnable, together with work of Bshouty on the monotone dimension of Boolean functions. We extend some of our results to Rkand pose open questions on learning DNF formulas of small monotone dimension. We also prove structural results for Rk. We construct, for any fixedk⩾2, a class of functionsfthat cannot be represented by any formula in Rk, but which cannot be “easily” shown to have this property. More precisely, for any functionfonnvariables in the class, the value offon any polynomial-size set of points in its domain is not a witness thatfcannot be represented by a formula in Rk. Our construction is based on BCH codes

    Sample complexity of robust learning against evasion attacks

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    It is becoming increasingly important to understand the vulnerability of machine learning models to adversarial attacks. One of the fundamental problems in adversarial machine learning is to quantify how much training data is needed in the presence of so-called evasion attacks, where data is corrupted at test time. In this thesis, we work with the exact-in-the-ball notion of robustness and study the feasibility of adversarially robust learning from the perspective of learning theory, considering sample complexity. We start with two negative results. We show that no non-trivial concept class can be robustly learned in the distribution-free setting against an adversary who can perturb just a single input bit. We then exhibit a sample-complexity lower bound: the class of monotone conjunctions and any superclass on the boolean hypercube has sample complexity at least exponential in the adversary's budget (that is, the maximum number of bits it can perturb on each input). This implies, in particular, that these classes cannot be robustly learned under the uniform distribution against an adversary who can perturb ω(logn)\omega(\log n) bits of the input. As a first route to obtaining robust learning guarantees, we consider restricting the class of distributions over which training and testing data are drawn. We focus on learning problems with probability distributions on the input data that satisfy a Lipschitz condition: nearby points have similar probability. We show that, if the adversary is restricted to perturbing O(logn)O(\log n) bits, then one can robustly learn the class of monotone conjunctions with respect to the class of log-Lipschitz distributions. We then extend this result to show the learnability of 1-decision lists, 2-decision lists and monotone k-decision lists in the same distributional and adversarial setting. We finish by showing that for every fixed k the class of k-decision lists has polynomial sample complexity against a log(n)-bounded adversary. The advantage of considering intermediate subclasses of k-decision lists is that we are able to obtain improved sample complexity bounds for these cases. As a second route, we study learning models where the learner is given more power through the use of local queries. The first learning model we consider uses local membership queries (LMQ), where the learner can query the label of points near the training sample. We show that, under the uniform distribution, the exponential dependence on the adversary's budget to robustly learn conjunctions and any superclass remains inevitable even when the learner is given access to LMQs in addition to random examples. Faced with this negative result, we introduce a local equivalence, query oracle, which returns whether the hypothesis and target concept agree in a given region around a point in the training sample, as well as a counterexample if it exists. We show a separation result: on the one hand, if the query radius λ is strictly smaller than the adversary's perturbation budget ρ, then distribution free robust learning is impossible for a wide variety of concept classes; on the other hand, the setting λ = ρ allows us to develop robust empirical risk minimization algorithms in the distribution-free setting. We then bound the query complexity of these algorithms based on online learning guarantees and further improve these bounds for the special case of conjunctions. We follow by giving a robust learning algorithm for halfspaces on {0,1}n. Finally, since the query complexity for halfspaces on Rn is unbounded, we instead consider adversaries with bounded precision and give query complexity upper bounds in this setting as well

    Computational Complexity of Strong Admissibility for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks

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    Abstract dialectical frameworks (ADFs) have been introduced as a formalism for modeling and evaluating argumentation allowing general logical satisfaction conditions. Different criteria used to settle the acceptance of arguments arecalled semantics. Semantics of ADFs have so far mainly been defined based on the concept of admissibility. Recently, the notion of strong admissibility has been introduced for ADFs. In the current work we study the computational complexityof the following reasoning tasks under strong admissibility semantics. We address 1. the credulous/skeptical decision problem; 2. the verification problem; 3. the strong justification problem; and 4. the problem of finding a smallest witness of strong justification of a queried argument

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 10980 and 10981 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2018, held in Oxford, UK, in July 2018. The 52 full and 13 tool papers presented together with 3 invited papers and 2 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 215 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics and techniques, from algorithmic and logical foundations of verification to practical applications in distributed, networked, cyber-physical, and autonomous systems. They are organized in topical sections on model checking, program analysis using polyhedra, synthesis, learning, runtime verification, hybrid and timed systems, tools, probabilistic systems, static analysis, theory and security, SAT, SMT and decisions procedures, concurrency, and CPS, hardware, industrial applications