87,994 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue interlacing and weight parameters of graphs

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    Eigenvalue interlacing is a versatile technique for deriving results in algebraic combinatorics. In particular, it has been successfully used for proving a number of results about the relation between the (adjacency matrix or Laplacian) spectrum of a graph and some of its properties. For instance, some characterizations of regular partitions, and bounds for some parameters, such as the independence and chromatic numbers, the diameter, the bandwidth, etc., have been obtained. For each parameter of a graph involving the cardinality of some vertex sets, we can define its corresponding weight parameter by giving some "weights" (that is, the entries of the positive eigenvector) to the vertices and replacing cardinalities by square norms. The key point is that such weights "regularize" the graph, and hence allow us to define a kind of regular partition, called "pseudo-regular," intended for general graphs. Here we show how to use interlacing for proving results about some weight parameters and pseudo-regular partitions of a graph. For instance, generalizing a well-known result of Lov\'asz, it is shown that the weight Shannon capacity Θ\Theta^* of a connected graph \G, with nn vertices and (adjacency matrix) eigenvalues λ1>λ2.˙.λn\lambda_1>\lambda_2\ge\...\ge \lambda_n, satisfies \Theta\le \Theta^* \le \frac{\|\vecnu\|^2}{1-\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_n}} where Θ\Theta is the (standard) Shannon capacity and \vecnu is the positive eigenvector normalized to have smallest entry 1. In the special case of regular graphs, the results obtained have some interesting corollaries, such as an upper bound for some of the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of a distance-regular graph. Finally, some results involving the Laplacian spectrum are derived. spectrum are derived

    On the extremal properties of the average eccentricity

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    The eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance from it to another vertex and the average eccentricity ecc(G)ecc (G) of a graph GG is the mean value of eccentricities of all vertices of GG. The average eccentricity is deeply connected with a topological descriptor called the eccentric connectivity index, defined as a sum of products of vertex degrees and eccentricities. In this paper we analyze extremal properties of the average eccentricity, introducing two graph transformations that increase or decrease ecc(G)ecc (G). Furthermore, we resolve four conjectures, obtained by the system AutoGraphiX, about the average eccentricity and other graph parameters (the clique number, the Randi\' c index and the independence number), refute one AutoGraphiX conjecture about the average eccentricity and the minimum vertex degree and correct one AutoGraphiX conjecture about the domination number.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    A Greedy Partition Lemma for Directed Domination

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    A directed dominating set in a directed graph DD is a set SS of vertices of VV such that every vertex uV(D)Su \in V(D) \setminus S has an adjacent vertex vv in SS with vv directed to uu. The directed domination number of DD, denoted by γ(D)\gamma(D), is the minimum cardinality of a directed dominating set in DD. The directed domination number of a graph GG, denoted Γd(G)\Gamma_d(G), which is the maximum directed domination number γ(D)\gamma(D) over all orientations DD of GG. The directed domination number of a complete graph was first studied by Erd\"{o}s [Math. Gaz. 47 (1963), 220--222], albeit in disguised form. In this paper we prove a Greedy Partition Lemma for directed domination in oriented graphs. Applying this lemma, we obtain bounds on the directed domination number. In particular, if α\alpha denotes the independence number of a graph GG, we show that αΓd(G)α(1+2ln(n/α))\alpha \le \Gamma_d(G) \le \alpha(1+2\ln(n/\alpha)).Comment: 12 page