161 research outputs found

    Essential connectedness and the rigidity problem for Gaussian symmetrization

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    We provide a geometric characterization of rigidity of equality cases in Ehrhard's symmetrization inequality for Gaussian perimeter. This condition is formulated in terms of a new measure-theoretic notion of connectedness for Borel sets, inspired by Federer's definition of indecomposable current.Comment: 38 page

    Vertices of Lie Modules

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    Let Lie(n) be the Lie module of the symmetric group S_n over a field F of characteristic p>0, that is, Lie(n) is the left ideal of FS_n generated by the Dynkin-Specht-Wever element. We study the problem of parametrizing non-projective indecomposable summands of Lie(n), via describing their vertices and sources. Our main result shows that this can be reduced to the case when n is a power of p. When n=9 and p=3, and when n=8 and p=2, we present a precise answer. This suggests a possible parametrization for arbitrary prime powers.Comment: 26 page

    On the indecomposability of ωn\omega^n

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    We study the reverse mathematics of pigeonhole principles for finite powers of the ordinal ω\omega. Four natural formulations are presented and their relative strengths are compared. In the analysis of the pigeonhole principle for ω2\omega^2, we uncover two weak variants of Ramsey's Theorem for pairs

    Syzygy modules with semidualizing or G-projective summands

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    Let R be a commutative Noetherian local ring with residue class field k. In this paper, we mainly investigate direct summands of the syzygy modules of k. We prove that R is regular if and only if some syzygy module of k has a semidualizing summand. After that, we consider whether R is Gorenstein if and only if some syzygy module of k has a G-projective summand.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Cuspidal representations of sl(n+1)

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    In this paper we study the subcategory of cuspidal modules of the category of weight modules over the Lie algebra sl(n+1). Our main result is a complete classification and explicit description of the indecomposable cuspidal modules.Comment: 31 pages, corrections added, to appear in Adv. Mat

    Tree-Automatic Well-Founded Trees

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    We investigate tree-automatic well-founded trees. Using Delhomme's decomposition technique for tree-automatic structures, we show that the (ordinal) rank of a tree-automatic well-founded tree is strictly below omega^omega. Moreover, we make a step towards proving that the ranks of tree-automatic well-founded partial orders are bounded by omega^omega^omega: we prove this bound for what we call upwards linear partial orders. As an application of our result, we show that the isomorphism problem for tree-automatic well-founded trees is complete for level Delta^0_{omega^omega} of the hyperarithmetical hierarchy with respect to Turing-reductions.Comment: Will appear in Logical Methods of Computer Scienc
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