116 research outputs found

    Evaluation and design of e-government: A holistic overview of e-government initiatives in Harrisonburg, and the challenges of adopting a citizen-centered design

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    In the past decade, e-Government has received a lot of attention from academia, policy agencies, and IT providers, all of whom attempt to assess and track the factors that lead to a successful e-Government service. I propose a top-level approach assessing e-Government in Harrisonburg as a whole, and then I explore project-level methods of design and implementation. More specifically, I identify 29 electronic services offered by the City and rank them according to a pre-defined four-stage ranking system. This assessment demonstrates that the majority of the services considered fall under the Interaction and Transaction stages (Stages 2 and 3 respectively). This organizational approach is followed by an analysis of the factors that may lead to failure and lack of use of e-Government initiatives, and how a citizen-centered design can be employed to avoid such failures. I then describe the challenges of using a citizen-centered design in e-Government based on my experiences working on the Resource Recovery Facility in Harrisonburg. Lastly, I examine future research topics that should be considered when discussing e-Government

    Transformation theory and e-commerce adoption

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    This thesis investigates business transformation on the Internet; particularly the nature and significance of Cyber transformation theory and the Marketspace Model as a framework for E-commerce adoption. E-commerce can raise a firm\u27s productivity, transform customer relationships and open up new markets. The extent to which nations become adopters of E-commerce is set to become a source of comparative national competitive advantage (or disadvantage) in the twenty first century

    Indoor wireless metering networks - A collection of algorithms enabling low power / low duty-cycle operations

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    Die Bezeichnung Wireless Metering Network (WMN) identifiziert eine spezifische Klasse von drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken. Solche Netze bestehen aus einer Vielzahl von kleinen, kostengünstigen batteriebetriebenen Knoten und bieten eine mögliche Lösung für unterschiedliche Aufgaben in der Gebäudeautomatisierung, vorausgesetzt dass die erwartete Lebensdauer des Netzes mindestens 10 Jahre betragt, um die Netzwerkwartung im selben Raster mit den Gebäudewartungsarbeiten planen zu können. Die starken Energieeinschränkungen erfordern die Einführung von Energiesparmaßnahmen und insbesondere die Auswahl einer durch einen extrem geringen Arbeitszyklus charakterisierten Aktivierungsstrategie. Schlüsselelemente für den Erfolg eines WMN-Projektes sind die Existenz eines energieeffizienten MAC-Protokolls, der Einsatz eines robusten Zeitsynchronisationsmechanismus und die Implementierung von effizienten Strategien für die Netzwerkinitialisierung und die Netzwerkwartung. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Protokollen, mit denen der energieeffiziente Betrieb einer spezifischen Familie von WSN ermöglicht wird. Die Entwicklung und die Validierung eines Ausbreitungsmodells für den Indoor-Funkkanal war ein erforderlicher Schritt, um die Untersuchung der entwickelten Verfahren zu ermöglichen. Das erste im Rahmen des Projektes entstandene Ergebnis war ein heuristischer, robuster verteilter Algorithmus, der eine energieeffiziente Integration aller Sensorknoten und die Bildung einer robusten baumförmigen Routingstruktur ermöglicht. Derselbe Algorithmus ermöglicht eine begrenzte Anpassung der Netzstruktur an die wechselnden Charakteristiken des Funkkanals. Einfache Erweiterungen des ursprünglichen Algorithmus wurden hinzugefügt, um die Selbstheilungsfähigkeiten des Netzes zu verbessern. Ein auf einer neuen Formulierung des Synchronisationsproblems basierendes Verfahren wurde entwickelt. Es gewährleistet eine energieeffiziente und robuste Zeitsynchronisation zwischen Nachbarnknoten und, indirekt, die Synchronisation aller Netzelemente. Obwohl die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen für eine spezifische Netzkategorie entwickelt wurden, ist der Autor überzeugt, dass sich die Lösungsansätze auf ein weites Spektrum von Problemen anwenden lassen.Wireless Metering Networks (WMN), a special class of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), consisting of a large number of tiny inexpensive sensor nodes are a viable solution for many problems in the field of building automation especially if the expected lifetime of the network permits to synchronize the network maintenance with the schedule for routine maintenance of the building. In order to meet the resulting energy constraints, the nodes have to operate according to an extremely low duty cycle schedule. The existence of an energy efficient MAC Layer protocol, the adoption of a robust time synchronization mechanism and the implementation of effective network discovery and maintenance strategies are key elements for the success of a WMN project. The main goal of this work was the development of a set of algorithms and protocols which enable the low energy / low power operation in the considered family of WMNs. The development and validation of a propagation model reproducing the characteristics of the indoor radio environment was a necessary step in order to obtain appropriate instruments for the evaluation of the quality of the proposed solutions. The author suggests a simple localized heuristic algorithm which permits the integration of all sensor nodes into a tree-like failure tolerant routing structure and also provides some basic continuous adaptation capabilities of the network structure.\\ A subsequent extension of the basic algorithm makes the network able of self healing. An innovative approach to the solution of the synchronization problem based on a reformulation of the original problem into an estimation problem permitted the development of an efficient time synchronization mechanism. This mechanism, which makes an opportunistic usage of the beacon signals generated by the MAC layer protocol, permits an effective reduction of the synchronization error between directly communicating nodes and, indirectly, introduces a global synchronization among all nodes. All the proposed solutions have been developed for a specific network class. However, since the presence of a low duty cycle scheduling, the adoption of a beacon enabled MAC protocol and the presence of limited hardware resources are quite general assumptions, the author feels confident about the applicability of the proposed solution to a much wider spectrum of problems

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Performance Modeling Framework for CORBA Based Distributed Systems

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    The CORBA platform is increasingly popular in distributed computing due to its ability to hide complex implementation issues from application developers. However, performance consequences of the underlying techniques often remain visible to software developers. Moreover, new performance concerns may emerge because of additional layering and indirection. Performance modeling allows developers to understand and predict the performance of CORBA based systems. In this wor

    Business strategy, environmental uncertainty, balanced scorecard and performance among Malaysian small and medium enterprises

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    The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) initially a tool for measuring performance is now recognised as an approach for strategy implementation. Based on literature reviewed, previous studies have mainly been carried out on the use of BSC in large businesses. However, research on its usage in small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) is very limited. Businesses must have a well-developed strategy to implement BSC, but SMEs tend to have poor strategic planning. Besides that, SMEs suffer from scarcity of financial resources and are vulnerable to external environment and cannot influence the market. Being responsive to the market is a positive characteristic for SMEs but this can be problematic when applying BSC, because changes in strategy due to market dynamism is one of the main causes of BSC failure. The objectives of this study are to discover how BSC implementation is affected by SMEs’ business strategy and environmental uncertainty, and to determine the influence of this relationship on SMEs’ performance. This study utilised the contingency theoretical framework to evaluate the relationship between SMEs’ strategy, environmental uncertainty, BSC implementation and SMEs’ performance. Moreover, the influence of financial resources as a component of internal environment on business strategy of SMEs was investigated based on resource-based theory. Data were collected from a survey among 300 Malaysian SMEs. Partial least squares (PLS) technique was employed to analyse the data. The findings indicated that BSC, as a strategy implementation system enhanced SME’s performance and its effectiveness was influenced by the SMEs’ business strategy. On the other hand, firms’ financial resources significantly influenced the business strategies of SMEs. Having access to adequate financial resources enabled SMEs to develop a clear business strategy. SMEs with a clearer organisational approach was more successful in BSC implementation and consequently had better performance. The results suggested that BSC implementation acts as a mediator between SMEs’ strategy and SMEs’ performance. Additionally, successful implementation of BSC depends on the level of environmental uncertainty. Based on the findings, a distinctive BSC should be designed to suit SMEs’ business strategy and market environment especially in developing countries such as Malaysia

    Knowledge-Based Economy in Developing Countries: Measurements and Impacts

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    The traditional factors of production, such as land, labour, and capital, have typically determined a nation’s comparative advantage. However, in the context of a global Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE), a nation’s prosperity is now determined by its knowledge assets. This transition to a KBE offers endless advantages and is desirable for all countries. However, developing countries face significant challenges in adopting this new development paradigm, where knowledge is the key driver of economic growth. Yet, to effectively measure the extent to which a country is considered knowledge-based on the international level, a robust framework is needed. Although the burgeoning literature, existing KBE measurement frameworks have limitations and may not accurately reflect the progress and efficiency of the transition to a KBE, especially in developing countries. Consequently, relying on these frameworks can lead to misleading policy directions that hinder the necessary rapid transition in developing countries. This thesis aims to fill the gap in understanding the KBE within developing countries through an extensive analysis. To achieve this, the thesis begins by reviewing the conceptual and theoretical literature on the KBE. It then critically examines existing measurement frameworks and empirical studies related to the KBE, specifically evaluating their suitability for developing countries. In response to the limitations found, a new and more effective measurement framework is proposed. This framework focuses on input-output indicators across four dimensions of the KBE: acquisition, distribution/dissemination, production, and utilization. Notably, it utilizes a non-parametric approach known as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which differs from conventional econometric analysis. The DEA empirical results are then compared with those obtained from other existing KBE measurement frameworks, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the advantages offered by DEA. Based on the DEA empirical findings, knowledge production is identified as the weakest aspect, despite its utmost importance among the four KBE dimensions. As a result, this thesis places special emphasis on enhancing innovation development in selected developing countries through effective innovation policies tailored to their specific circumstances and utilizing country-specific innovation policy instruments

    Impacto do comportamento transitório de sistemas de radiocomunicações na gestão do espectro

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaThis PhD Thesis falls within the domain of spectrum engineering and spectrum management, and intends to address current and concrete problems, with which, regulators have to deal. Particularly, the definition of technical conditions to be met by radio systems, which will operate in specific bands, selected to introduce novel concepts such as flexibility and technological neutrality. The Block Edge Mask approach was adopted to define technical conditions of operation, in those bands. However, this model, based on spectral masks, which are defined in the frequency domain, do not take into account the transient behavior or time-varying characteristics of signals used by emerging radio communication systems. Furthermore, measurement methodologies developed for validation of technical parameters associated to these models, which are recommended by international bodies, potentially lead to practical issues that must be scrutinized. Thus, alternative time-frequency mixed domain signal processing techniques are explored, in this thesis, to be used for assessing the compliance of radio systems operating under such constraints.Esta Tese de Doutoramento insere-se nos domínios da engenharia do espectro e da gestão do espectro radioelétrico, e pretende abordar problemas atuais e concretos com que os reguladores se deparam. Em particular, a definição de condições técnicas a serem cumpridas pelos sistemas rádio que irão operar em determinadas faixas de frequências, selecionadas para a introdução de abordagens de gestão do espectro mais flexíveis e tecnologicamente neutras. O modelo de Máscara Delimitadora de Bloco (Block Edge Mask) foi adotado, a nível europeu, como estratégia de definição de condições técnicas de operação, nessas faixas. Contudo, este modelo, que recorre a restrições que são apenas estabelecidas no domínio da frequência, não entra em linha de conta com comportamentos transitórios ou com a variabilidade temporal de sinais inerentes aos sistemas de radiocomunicações atuais. Para além disso, a medição e validação de parâmetros técnicos associados a estes modelos, conforme definidas nas recomendações internacionais aplicáveis, levantam problemas práticos que importa escalpelizar. Nesse sentido, são exploradas, nesta tese, técnicas alternativas de processamento de sinal no domínio misto tempo-frequência, tendo em vista a sua utilização na avaliação de conformidade dos sistemas rádio em face das restrições aplicáveis

    Australian social policy

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    Produced annually, this journal publishes current research and analysis on a broad range of issues topical to Australia\u27s social policy and its administration. The major articles in this edition are: Mortality of Children and Parental Disadvantage, by Peng Yu, and Benchmarking the Indigenous Sub-Sample of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, by Boyd Hunter. Other articles include: • Extending Australia\u27s Digital Divide Policy: An examination of the value of social inclusion and social capital policy frameworks, by Tanya Notley and Marcus Foth • • Indigenous Housing, Family Life and Parental Employment: A review of the literature, by Robyn Penman • Government/Non-Government Relations: The impact of contractual reporting and accountability requirements on non-government organisations under previous arrangements in the Family and Community Services portfolio, by Margot Rawsthorne and Sheila Shave

    Organization strategy, management techniques and management accounting practices : contingency research in Thailand

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    There have been the recent calls for additional research in order to enhance the understanding of potential contingency factors which explain the adoption of management accounting practices (MAPs). This, allied to a lack of knowledge in relation to current use of MAPs, especially in developing countries, is the motivation for this research. Thus, this research attempts to explore the adoption and perceived benefit of MAPs as well as to examine their relationships with contingency factors affecting organizational performance in a developing country, Thailand. Two potential contingency factors are adopted for this research including a comprehensive set of strategic typologies and management techniques (MTs). Three forms of contingency fit, selection, interaction, and systems approaches, have been adopted in order to develop research questions and hypotheses.A triangulation approach combining a survey and interviews is used in this research. The questionnaire was delivered to 'accounting managers' of 451 companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). There were 135 returned and usable responses, resulting in 29.9 percent response rate. Semi-structured interviews of seven companies provide qualitative findings, which are in line with, but explain further, those from the survey.The findings confirm the popularity of the use of, and high perceived benefit from, traditional MAPs and reveal disappointing adoption rates of, and relatively low perceived benefit from, contemporary MAPs. There are some alignments between MAPs and strategic typologies and between MTs and strategic typologies. However, only a few moderation effects are detected. In line with expectations, the companies under differentiation/ prospector/ entrepreneurial/ build strategies tend to have higher organizational performance when they obtain higher benefit from contemporary MAPs and MTs concerning quality, employee empowerment, customization and flexibility. It was also found that the companies pursuing cost leadership/ defender/ conservative/ harvest strategies tend to have higher performance when they obtain higher benefit from traditional MAPs and MTs relating to cost reduction processes.This study adds to the limited body of knowledge of MA in Asian countries, in particular Thailand. It represents a comprehensive survey and explanation of MAPs in Thailand. It is anticipated that this research will make academics and practitioners aware of the capability of alternative MAPs combined with the right match of MTs to improve firms' efficiency and effectiveness as well as its fit with the strategies. It is also expected that the findings of this research will provide valuable insights into the nature of MAPs, and assist the academics and practitioners in improving management accounting rules and practices in Thailand
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