61 research outputs found

    Finding antipodal point grasps on irregularly shaped objects

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    Two-finger antipodal point grasping of arbitrarily shaped smooth 2-D and 3-D objects is considered. An object function is introduced that maps a finger contact space to the object surface. Conditions are developed to identify the feasible grasping region, F, in the finger contact space. A “grasping energy function”, E , is introduced which is proportional to the distance between two grasping points. The antipodal points correspond to critical points of E in F. Optimization and/or continuation techniques are used to find these critical points. In particular, global optimization techniques are applied to find the “maximal” or “minimal” grasp. Further, modeling techniques are introduced for representing 2-D and 3-D objects using B-spline curves and spherical product surfaces

    How to push a block along a wall

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    Some robot tasks require manipulation of objects that may be touching other fixed objects. The effects of friction and kinematic constraint must be anticipated, and may even be exploited to accomplish the task. An example task, a dynamic analysis, and appropriate effector motions are presented. The goal is to move a rectangular block along a wall, so that one side of the block maintains contact with the wall. Two solutions that push the block along the wall are discussed

    Teleoperation experiments with a Utah/MIT hand and a VPL DataGlove

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    A teleoperation system capable of controlling a Utah/MIT Dextrous Hand using a VPL DataGlove as a master is presented. Additionally the system is capable of running the dextrous hand in robotic (autonomous) mode as new programs are developed. The software and hardware architecture used is presented and the experiments performed are described. The communication and calibration issues involved are analyzed and applications to the analysis and development of automated dextrous manipulations are investigated

    Searching force-closure optimal grasps of articulated 2D objects with n links

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    This paper proposes a method that finds a locally optimal grasp of an articulated 2D object with n links considering frictionless contacts. The surface of each link of the object is represented by a finite set of points, thus it may have any shape. The proposed approach finds, first, an initial force-closure grasp and from it starts an iterative search of a local optimum grasp. The quality measure considered in this work is the largest perturbation wrench that a grasp can resist with independence of the direction of the perturbation. The approach has been implemented and some illustrative examples are included in the article.Postprint (published version

    Stable Object Grasping With Dextrous Hand In Three-Dimension

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    This paper considers a grasp planning scheme for dextrous hands. The grasp is assumed to be a precise one, which means that only the fingertips of the hand are in contact. The most important algorithm of the grasp planner is the placement of contact points in the presence of friction. Based on a heuristic search, a number of grasp configurations are generated. A proposed method for evaluation of the configurations and determination whether a grasp is a force closure, is introduced. These algorithms are used in the experimental control system of an industrial robot, which the dextrous hand is attached to. A two-level robot programming language, which was written for the robot-hand system, is briefly introduced

    Frictionless grasp with 7 fingers on discretized 3D objects

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    This paper presents an algorithm to plain locally frictionless grasp on 3D objects. The objects can be of any arbitrary shape, since the surface is discretized in a cloud of points. The planning algorithm finds an initial force-closure grasp that is iteratively improved through an oriented search procedure. The grasp quality is measured with the “largest ball” criterion, and a force-closure test based on geometric considerations is used. The efficiency of the algorithm is illustrated through numerical example

    Independent contact regions for discretized 3D objects with frictionless contacts

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    This paper deals with the problem of determining independent contact regions on a 3D object boundary such that a seven finger frictionless grasp with a contact point in each region assures a force-closure grasp on the object, independently of the exact position of the contact points. These regions provide robustness in front of finger positioning errors in grasp and fixturing applications. The object’s structure is discretized in a cloud of points, so the procedure is applicable to objects of any arbitrary shape. The procedure finds an initial form-closure grasp that is iteratively improved through an oriented search procedure: once a locally optimum grasp has been reached, the independent contact regions are computed. The procedure has been implemented, and application examples are included in the paper