251 research outputs found

    The directed Oberwolfach problem with variable cycle lengths: a recursive construction

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    The directed Oberwolfach problem OP(m1,,mk)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_k) asks whether the complete symmetric digraph KnK_n^\ast, assuming n=m1++mkn=m_1+\ldots +m_k, admits a decomposition into spanning subdigraphs, each a disjoint union of kk directed cycles of lengths m1,,mkm_1,\ldots,m_k. We hereby describe a method for constructing a solution to OP(m1,,mk)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_k) given a solution to OP(m1,,m)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_\ell), for some <k\ell<k, if certain conditions on m1,,mkm_1,\ldots,m_k are satisfied. This approach enables us to extend a solution for OP(m1,,m)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_\ell) into a solution for OP(m1,,m,t)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_\ell,t), as well as into a solution for OP(m1,,m,2t)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_\ell,2^{\langle t \rangle}), where 2t2^{\langle t \rangle} denotes tt copies of 2, provided tt is sufficiently large. In particular, our recursive construction allows us to effectively address the two-table directed Oberwolfach problem. We show that OP(m1,m2)^\ast(m_1,m_2) has a solution for all 2m1m22 \le m_1\le m_2, with a definite exception of m1=m2=3m_1=m_2=3 and a possible exception in the case that m1{4,6}m_1 \in \{ 4,6 \}, m2m_2 is even, and m1+m214m_1+m_2 \ge 14. It has been shown previously that OP(m1,m2)^\ast(m_1,m_2) has a solution if m1+m2m_1+m_2 is odd, and that OP(m,m)^\ast(m,m) has a solution if and only if m3m \ne 3. In addition to solving many other cases of OP^\ast, we show that when 2m1++mk132 \le m_1+\ldots +m_k \le 13, OP(m1,,mk)^\ast(m_1,\ldots,m_k) has a solution if and only if (m1,,mk)∉{(4),(6),(3,3)}(m_1,\ldots,m_k) \not\in \{ (4),(6),(3,3) \}

    A Generalization of the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem on Complete Equipartite Graphs

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    The Hamilton-Waterloo problem asks for which ss and rr the complete graph KnK_n can be decomposed into ss copies of a given 2-factor F1F_1 and rr copies of a given 2-factor F2F_2 (and one copy of a 1-factor if nn is even). In this paper we generalize the problem to complete equipartite graphs K(n:m)K_{(n:m)} and show that K(xyzw:m)K_{(xyzw:m)} can be decomposed into ss copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length xzmxzm; and rr copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length yzmyzm, whenever mm is odd, s,r1s,r\neq 1, gcd(x,z)=gcd(y,z)=1\gcd(x,z)=\gcd(y,z)=1 and xyz0(mod4)xyz\neq 0 \pmod 4. We also give some more general constructions where the cycles in a given two factor may have different lengths. We use these constructions to find solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for complete graphs

    Two Problems of Gerhard Ringel

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    Gerhard Ringel was an Austrian Mathematician, and is regarded as one of the most influential graph theorists of the twentieth century. This work deals with two problems that arose from Ringel\u27s research: the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem, and the problem of R-Sequences. The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem (HWP) in the case of Cm-factors and Cn-factors asks whether Kv, where v is odd (or Kv-F, where F is a 1-factor and v is even), can be decomposed into r copies of a 2-factor made entirely of m-cycles and s copies of a 2-factor made entirely of n-cycles. Chapter 1 gives some general constructions for such decompositions and apply them to the case where m=3 and n=3x. This problem is settle for odd v, except for a finite number of x values. When v is even, significant progress is made on the problem, although open cases are left. In particular, the difficult case of v even and s=1 is left open for many situations. Chapter 2 generalizes the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem to complete equipartite graphs K(n:m) and shows that K(xyzw:m) can be decomposed into s copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length xzm and r copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length yzm, whenever m is odd, s,r≠1, gcd(x,z)=gcd(y,z)=1 and xyz≠0 (mod 4). Some more general constructions are given for the case when the cycles in a given two factor may have different lengths. These constructions are used to find solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for complete graphs. Chapter 3 completes the proof of the Friedlander, Gordon and Miller Conjecture that every finite abelian group whose Sylow 2-subgroup either is trivial or both non-trivial and non-cyclic is R-sequenceable. This settles a question of Ringel for abelian groups

    Sectionable terraces and the (generalised) Oberwolfach problem

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    AbstractThe generalised Oberwolfach problem requires v people to sit at s round tables of sizes l1,l2,…,ls (where l1+l2+⋯+ls=v) for successive meals in such a way that each pair of people are neighbours exactly λ times. The problem is denoted OP(λ;l1,l2,…,ls) and if λ=1, which is the original problem, this is abbreviated to OP(l1,l2,…,ls). It was known in 1892, though different terminology was then used, that a directed terrace with a symmetric sequencing for the cyclic group of order 2n can be used to solve OP(2n+1). We show how terraces with special properties can be used to solve OP(2;l1,l2) and OP(l1,l1,l2) for a wide selection of values of l1, l2 and v. We also give a new solution to OP(2;l,l) that is based on Z2l−1. Solutions to the problem are also of use in the design of experiments, where solutions for tables of equal size are called resolvable balanced circuit Rees neighbour designs

    The generalised Oberwolfach problem

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    We prove that any quasirandom dense large graph in which all degrees are equal and even can be decomposed into any given collection of two-factors (2-regular spanning subgraphs). A special case of this result gives a new solution to the Oberwolfach problem.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figure

    Merging Combinatorial Design and Optimization: the Oberwolfach Problem

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    The Oberwolfach Problem OP(F)OP(F), posed by Gerhard Ringel in 1967, is a paradigmatic Combinatorial Design problem asking whether the complete graph KvK_v decomposes into edge-disjoint copies of a 22-regular graph FF of order vv. In Combinatorial Design Theory, so-called difference methods represent a well-known solution technique and construct solutions in infinitely many cases exploiting symmetric and balanced structures. This approach reduces the problem to finding a well-structured 22-factor which allows us to build solutions that we call 11- or 22-rotational according to their symmetries. We tackle OPOP by modeling difference methods with Optimization tools, specifically Constraint Programming (CPCP) and Integer Programming (IPIP), and correspondingly solve instances with up to v=120v=120 within 60s60s. In particular, we model the 22-rotational method by solving in cascade two subproblems, namely the binary and group labeling, respectively. A polynomial-time algorithm solves the binary labeling, while CPCP tackles the group labeling. Furthermore, we prov ide necessary conditions for the existence of some 11-rotational solutions which stem from computational results. This paper shows thereby that both theoretical and empirical results may arise from the interaction between Combinatorial Design Theory and Operation Research