79,648 research outputs found

    Dynamically variable step search motion estimation algorithm and a dynamically reconfigurable hardware for its implementation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. For the recently available High Definition (HD) video formats, the computational complexity of De full search (FS) ME algorithm is prohibitively high, whereas the PSNR obtained by fast search ME algorithms is low. Therefore, ill this paper, we present Dynamically Variable Step Search (DVSS) ME algorithm for Processing high definition video formats and a dynamically reconfigurable hardware efficiently implementing DVSS algorithm. The architecture for efficiently implementing DVSS algorithm. The simulation results showed that DVSS algorithm performs very close to FS algorithm by searching much fewer search locations than FS algorithm and it outperforms successful past search ME algorithms by searching more search locations than these algorithms. The proposed hardware is implemented in VHDL and is capable, of processing high definition video formats in real time. Therefore, it can be used in consumer electronics products for video compression, frame rate up-conversion and de-interlacing(1)

    Development of Distributed Research Center for analysis of regional climatic and environmental changes

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    We present an approach and first results of a collaborative project being carried out by a joint team of researchers from the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Russia and Earth Systems Research Center UNH, USA. Its main objective is development of a hardware and software platform prototype of a Distributed Research Center (DRC) for monitoring and projecting of regional climatic and environmental changes in the Northern extratropical areas. The DRC should provide the specialists working in climate related sciences and decision-makers with accurate and detailed climatic characteristics for the selected area and reliable and affordable tools for their in-depth statistical analysis and studies of the effects of climate change. Within the framework of the project, new approaches to cloud processing and analysis of large geospatial datasets (big geospatial data) inherent to climate change studies are developed and deployed on technical platforms of both institutions. We discuss here the state of the art in this domain, describe web based information-computational systems developed by the partners, justify the methods chosen to reach the project goal, and briefly list the results obtained so far

    The Application of Minicomputers to Problems of Information Retrieval

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    Although minicomputers can be used in many types of information retrieval facilities, this paper deals primarily with bibliographic reference re- trieval systems. There are two main reasons why it is attractive to consider using a minicomputer for on-line applications: (1) the relatively low cost and (2) the hardware and software provided.published or submitted for publicatio

    TALON - The Telescope Alert Operation Network System: Intelligent Linking of Distributed Autonomous Robotic Telescopes

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    The internet has brought about great change in the astronomical community, but this interconnectivity is just starting to be exploited for use in instrumentation. Utilizing the internet for communicating between distributed astronomical systems is still in its infancy, but it already shows great potential. Here we present an example of a distributed network of telescopes that performs more efficiently in synchronous operation than as individual instruments. RAPid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) is a system of telescopes at LANL that has intelligent intercommunication, combined with wide-field optics, temporal monitoring software, and deep-field follow-up capability all working in closed-loop real-time operation. The Telescope ALert Operations Network (TALON) is a network server that allows intercommunication of alert triggers from external and internal resources and controls the distribution of these to each of the telescopes on the network. TALON is designed to grow, allowing any number of telescopes to be linked together and communicate. Coupled with an intelligent alert client at each telescope, it can analyze and respond to each distributed TALON alert based on the telescopes needs and schedule.Comment: Presentation at SPIE 2004, Glasgow, Scotland (UK

    Chemical structure matching using correlation matrix memories

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    This paper describes the application of the Relaxation By Elimination (RBE) method to matching the 3D structure of molecules in chemical databases within the frame work of binary correlation matrix memories. The paper illustrates that, when combined with distributed representations, the method maps well onto these networks, allowing high performance implementation in parallel systems. It outlines the motivation, the neural architecture, the RBE method and presents some results of matching small molecules against a database of 100,000 models

    A gap analysis of Internet-of-Things platforms

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    We are experiencing an abundance of Internet-of-Things (IoT) middleware solutions that provide connectivity for sensors and actuators to the Internet. To gain a widespread adoption, these middleware solutions, referred to as platforms, have to meet the expectations of different players in the IoT ecosystem, including device providers, application developers, and end-users, among others. In this article, we evaluate a representative sample of these platforms, both proprietary and open-source, on the basis of their ability to meet the expectations of different IoT users. The evaluation is thus more focused on how ready and usable these platforms are for IoT ecosystem players, rather than on the peculiarities of the underlying technological layers. The evaluation is carried out as a gap analysis of the current IoT landscape with respect to (i) the support for heterogeneous sensing and actuating technologies, (ii) the data ownership and its implications for security and privacy, (iii) data processing and data sharing capabilities, (iv) the support offered to application developers, (v) the completeness of an IoT ecosystem, and (vi) the availability of dedicated IoT marketplaces. The gap analysis aims to highlight the deficiencies of today's solutions to improve their integration to tomorrow's ecosystems. In order to strengthen the finding of our analysis, we conducted a survey among the partners of the Finnish IoT program, counting over 350 experts, to evaluate the most critical issues for the development of future IoT platforms. Based on the results of our analysis and our survey, we conclude this article with a list of recommendations for extending these IoT platforms in order to fill in the gaps.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in Computer Communications, special issue on the Internet of Things: Research challenges and solution

    LightBox: Full-stack Protected Stateful Middlebox at Lightning Speed

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    Running off-site software middleboxes at third-party service providers has been a popular practice. However, routing large volumes of raw traffic, which may carry sensitive information, to a remote site for processing raises severe security concerns. Prior solutions often abstract away important factors pertinent to real-world deployment. In particular, they overlook the significance of metadata protection and stateful processing. Unprotected traffic metadata like low-level headers, size and count, can be exploited to learn supposedly encrypted application contents. Meanwhile, tracking the states of 100,000s of flows concurrently is often indispensable in production-level middleboxes deployed at real networks. We present LightBox, the first system that can drive off-site middleboxes at near-native speed with stateful processing and the most comprehensive protection to date. Built upon commodity trusted hardware, Intel SGX, LightBox is the product of our systematic investigation of how to overcome the inherent limitations of secure enclaves using domain knowledge and customization. First, we introduce an elegant virtual network interface that allows convenient access to fully protected packets at line rate without leaving the enclave, as if from the trusted source network. Second, we provide complete flow state management for efficient stateful processing, by tailoring a set of data structures and algorithms optimized for the highly constrained enclave space. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that LightBox, with all security benefits, can achieve 10Gbps packet I/O, and that with case studies on three stateful middleboxes, it can operate at near-native speed.Comment: Accepted at ACM CCS 201
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