139,901 research outputs found

    Building a Truly Distributed Constraint Solver with JADE

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    Real life problems such as scheduling meeting between people at different locations can be modelled as distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Suitable and satisfactory solutions can then be found using constraint satisfaction algorithms which can be exhaustive (backtracking) or otherwise (local search). However, most research in this area tested their algorithms by simulation on a single PC with a single program entry point. The main contribution of our work is the design and implementation of a truly distributed constraint solver based on a local search algorithm using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE) to enable communication between agents on different machines. Particularly, we discuss design and implementation issues related to truly distributed constraint solver which might not be critical when simulated on a single machine. Evaluation results indicate that our truly distributed constraint solver works well within the observed limitations when tested with various distributed CSPs. Our application can also incorporate any constraint solving algorithm with little modifications.Comment: 7 page

    Sequential Randomized Algorithms for Convex Optimization in the Presence of Uncertainty

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    In this paper, we propose new sequential randomized algorithms for convex optimization problems in the presence of uncertainty. A rigorous analysis of the theoretical properties of the solutions obtained by these algorithms, for full constraint satisfaction and partial constraint satisfaction, respectively, is given. The proposed methods allow to enlarge the applicability of the existing randomized methods to real-world applications involving a large number of design variables. Since the proposed approach does not provide a priori bounds on the sample complexity, extensive numerical simulations, dealing with an application to hard-disk drive servo design, are provided. These simulations testify the goodness of the proposed solution.Comment: 18 pages, Submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Approximation, abstraction and decomposition in search and optimization

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    In this paper, I discuss four different areas of my research. One portion of my research has focused on automatic synthesis of search control heuristics for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). I have developed techniques for automatically synthesizing two types of heuristics for CSPs: Filtering functions are used to remove portions of a search space from consideration. Another portion of my research is focused on automatic synthesis of hierarchic algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). I have developed a technique for constructing hierarchic problem solvers based on numeric interval algebra. Another portion of my research is focused on automatic decomposition of design optimization problems. We are using the design of racing yacht hulls as a testbed domain for this research. Decomposition is especially important in the design of complex physical shapes such as yacht hulls. Another portion of my research is focused on intelligent model selection in design optimization. The model selection problem results from the difficulty of using exact models to analyze the performance of candidate designs

    Finding regions of local repair in hierarchical constraint satisfaction

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    Algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) have been successfully applied to several fields including scheduling, design, and planning. Latest extensions of the standard CSP to constraint optimization problems (COP) additionally provided new opportunities for solving several problems of combinatorial optimization more efficiently. Basically, two classes of algorithms have been used for searching constraint satisfaction problems (CSP): local search methods and systematic tree search extended by the classical constraint-processing techniques like e.g. forward checking and backmarking. Both classes exhibit characteristic advantages and drawbacks. This report presents a novel approach for solving constraint optimization problems that combines the advantages of local search and tree search algorithms which have been extended by constraint-processing techniques. This method proved applicability in a commercial nurse scheduling system as well as on randomly generated problems

    Robust Mission Design Through Evidence Theory and Multi-Agent Collaborative Search

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    In this paper, the preliminary design of a space mission is approached introducing uncertainties on the design parameters and formulating the resulting reliable design problem as a multiobjective optimization problem. Uncertainties are modelled through evidence theory and the belief, or credibility, in the successful achievement of mission goals is maximised along with the reliability of constraint satisfaction. The multiobjective optimisation problem is solved through a novel algorithm based on the collaboration of a population of agents in search for the set of highly reliable solutions. Two typical problems in mission analysis are used to illustrate the proposed methodology

    Finding robust solutions for constraint satisfaction problems with discrete and ordered domains by coverings

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    Constraint programming is a paradigm wherein relations between variables are stated in the form of constraints. Many real life problems come from uncertain and dynamic environments, where the initial constraints and domains may change during its execution. Thus, the solution found for the problem may become invalid. The search forrobustsolutions for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) has become an important issue in the ¿eld of constraint programming. In some cases, there exists knowledge about the uncertain and dynamic environment. In other cases, this information is unknown or hard to obtain. In this paper, we consider CSPs with discrete and ordered domains where changes only involve restrictions or expansions of domains or constraints. To this end, we model CSPs as weighted CSPs (WCSPs) by assigning weights to each valid tuple of the problem constraints and domains. The weight of each valid tuple is based on its distance from the borders of the space of valid tuples in the corresponding constraint/domain. This distance is estimated by a new concept introduced in this paper: coverings. Thus, the best solution for the modeled WCSP can be considered as a most robust solution for the original CSP according to these assumptionsThis work has been partially supported by the research projects TIN2010-20976-C02-01 (Min. de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain) and P19/08 (Min. de Fomento, Spain-FEDER), and the fellowship program FPU.Climent Aunés, LI.; Wallace, RJ.; Salido Gregorio, MA.; Barber Sanchís, F. (2013). Finding robust solutions for constraint satisfaction problems with discrete and ordered domains by coverings. Artificial Intelligence Review. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-013-9420-0S126Climent L, Salido M, Barber F (2011) Reformulating dynamic linear constraint satisfaction problems as weighted csps for searching robust solutions. In: Ninth symposium of abstraction, reformulation, and approximation (SARA-11), pp 34–41Dechter R, Dechter A (1988) Belief maintenance in dynamic constraint networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th national conference on, artificial intelligence (AAAI-88), pp 37–42Dechter R, Meiri I, Pearl J (1991) Temporal constraint networks. Artif Intell 49(1):61–95Fargier H, Lang J (1993) Uncertainty in constraint satisfaction problems: a probabilistic approach. In: Proceedings of the symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning and uncertainty (EC-SQARU-93), pp 97–104Fargier H, Lang J, Schiex T (1996) Mixed constraint satisfaction: a framework for decision problems under incomplete knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 13th national conference on, artificial intelligence, pp 175–180Fowler D, Brown K (2000) Branching constraint satisfaction problems for solutions robust under likely changes. In: Proceedings of the international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming (CP-2000), pp 500–504Goles E, Martínez S (1990) Neural and automata networks: dynamical behavior and applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, DordrechtHays W (1973) Statistics for the social sciences, vol 410, 2nd edn. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New YorkHebrard E (2006) Robust solutions for constraint satisfaction and optimisation under uncertainty. PhD thesis, University of New South WalesHerrmann H, Schneider C, Moreira A, Andrade Jr J, Havlin S (2011) Onion-like network topology enhances robustness against malicious attacks. J Stat Mech Theory Exp 2011(1):P01,027Larrosa J, Schiex T (2004) Solving weighted CSP by maintaining arc consistency. Artif Intell 159:1–26Larrosa J, Meseguer P, Schiex T (1999) Maintaining reversible DAC for Max-CSP. J Artif Intell 107(1):149–163Mackworth A (1977) On reading sketch maps. In: Proceedings of IJCAI’77, pp 598–606Sam J (1995) Constraint consistency techniques for continuous domains. These de doctorat, École polytechnique fédérale de LausanneSchiex T, Fargier H, Verfaillie G (1995) Valued constraint satisfaction problems: hard and easy problems. In: Proceedings of the 14th international joint conference on, artificial intelligence (IJCAI-95), pp 631–637Taillard E (1993) Benchmarks for basic scheduling problems. Eur J Oper Res 64(2):278–285Verfaillie G, Jussien N (2005) Constraint solving in uncertain and dynamic environments: a survey. Constraints 10(3):253–281Wallace R, Freuder E (1998) Stable solutions for dynamic constraint satisfaction problems. In: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming (CP-98), pp 447–461Wallace RJ, Grimes D (2010) Problem-structure versus solution-based methods for solving dynamic constraint satisfaction problems. In: Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on tools with artificial intelligence (ICTAI-10), IEEEWalsh T (2002) Stochastic constraint programming. In: Proceedings of the 15th European conference on, artificial intelligence (ECAI-02), pp 111–115William F (2006) Topology and its applications. Wiley, New YorkWiner B (1971) Statistical principles in experimental design, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, New YorkYorke-Smith N, Gervet C (2009) Certainty closure: reliable constraint reasoning with incomplete or erroneous data. J ACM Trans Comput Log (TOCL) 10(1):

    Experimenting with Constraint Programming Techniques in Artificial Intelligence: Automated System Design and Verification of Neural Networks

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    This thesis focuses on the application of Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization techniques in two Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains: automated design of elevator systems and verification of Neural Networks (NNs). The three main areas of interest for my work are (i) the languages for defining the constraints for the systems, (ii) the algorithms and encodings that enable solving the problems considered and (iii) the tools that implement such algorithms. Given the expressivity of the domain description languages and the availability of effective tools, several problems in diverse application fields have been solved successfully using constraint satisfaction techniques. The two case studies herewith presented are no exception, even if they entail different challenges in the adoption of such techniques. Automated design of elevator systems not only requires encoding of feasibility (hard) constraints, but should also take into account design preferences, which can be expressed in terms of cost functions whose optimal or near-optimal value characterizes “good” design choices versus “poor” ones. Verification of NNs (and other machine-learned implements) requires solving large-scale constraint problems which may become the main bottlenecks in the overall verification procedure. This thesis proposes some ideas for tackling such challenges, including encoding techniques for automated design problems and new algorithms for handling the optimization problems arising from verification of NNs. The proposed algorithms and techniques are evaluated experimentally by developing tools that are made available to the research community for further evaluation and improvement
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