901 research outputs found

    Tele-education Process Modelling supported by the ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language

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    This paper reports on applying the ODP enterprise viewpoint in the domain of tele-education. The work is conducted as part of a research activity that aims at designing a tele-education system to support planning, execution and evaluation of dynamic distributed educational processes. We explore the ODP enterprise viewpoint as a basis for communication and co-operation between educational scientists and ODP systems designers involved in the design process. Our application of the enterprise viewpoint involves four main steps. First, an educational language is proposed to describe educational processes in generic terms. Second, a set of appropriate enterprise language concepts is selected. Third, a relationship is established between the educational language and enterprise language concepts. Fourth, an educational process is modelled in terms of an entity-oriented model and a behaviour-oriented model. It is hoped that the experience gained in this exercise will provide useful feedback to both the educational and ODP communitie

    A common reference model for environmental science research infrastructures

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    Independent development of research infrastructures leads to unnecessary replication of technologies and solutions whilst the lack of standard definitions makes it difficult to relate experiences in one infrastructure with those of oth-ers. The ENVRI Reference Model, www.envri.eu/rm, uses the Open Distributed Processing standard framework in order to model the "archetypical" environmental research infrastructure. The use of the ENVRI-RM to illustrate common characteristics of European ESFRI environmental infrastructures from a number of different perspectives provides a common language for and understanding of environmental research infrastructures, promote technology and solution sharing between infrastructures, and improve interoperability between implemented services

    Viewpoint Development of Stochastic Hybrid Systems

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    Nowadays, due to the explosive spreading of networked and highly distributed systems, mastering system complexity becomes a critical issue. Two development and verification paradigms have become more popular: viewpoints and randomisation. The viewpoints offer large freedom and introduce concurrency and compositionality in the development process. Randomisation is now a traditional method for reducing complexity (comparing with deterministic models) and it offers finer analytical analysis tools (quantification over non-determinism, multi-valued logics, etc). In this paper, we propose a combination of these two paradigms introducing a viewpoint methodology for systems with stochastic behaviours

    Specifying ODP Computational Objects in Z

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    The computational viewpoint contained within the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) shows how collections of objects can be configured within a distributed system to enable interworking. It prescribes certain capabilities that such objects are expected to possess and structuring rules that apply to how these objects can be configured with one another. This paper highlights how the specification language Z can be used to formalise these capabilities and the associated structuring rules, thereby enabling specifications of ODP systems from the computational viewpoint to be achieved

    Specifying ODP Computational Objects in Z

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    The computational viewpoint contained within the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) shows how collections of objects can be configured within a distributed system to enable interworking. It prescribes certain capabilities that such objects are expected to possess and structuring rules that apply to how these objects can be configured with one another. This paper highlights how the specification language Z can be used to formalise these capabilities and the associated structuring rules, thereby enabling specifications of ODP systems from the computational viewpoint to be achieved

    The ENVRI reference model

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    Advances in automation, communication, sensing and computation enable experimental scientific processes to generate data at increasingly great speeds and volumes. Research infrastructures are devised to take advantage of these data, providing advanced capabilities for acquisition, sharing, processing, and analysis; enabling advanced research and playing an ever-increasing role in the environmental and Earth science research domain. The ENVRI community identified several recurring requirements in the development of environmental research infrastructures such as i) duplication of efforts to solve similar problems; ii) lack of standards to harmonise and accelerate development, and bring about interoperability; iii) a large number of data models and data information systems within the domain, and iv) a steep learning curve for integration complex research infrastructure systems. To address these challenges, the ENVRI community has developed and refined the Environmental Research Infrastructures Reference Model (ENVRI Reference Model or ENVRI RM), a modelling framework encoding this knowledge. The proposed modelling framework encompasses a language and a notation to describe the research domain, its systems and the requirements and challenges faced when implementing those systems. By adopting ENVRI RM as an integrative approach, the environmental research community can secure interoperability between infrastructures, enable reuse, share resources, experiences and common language, reduce unnecessary duplication of effort, and speed up the understanding of research infrastructure systems. This chapter provides a short introduction to the ENVRI RM

    Pattern Reification as the Basis for Description-Driven Systems

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    One of the main factors driving object-oriented software development for information systems is the requirement for systems to be tolerant to change. To address this issue in designing systems, this paper proposes a pattern-based, object-oriented, description-driven system (DDS) architecture as an extension to the standard UML four-layer meta-model. A DDS architecture is proposed in which aspects of both static and dynamic systems behavior can be captured via descriptive models and meta-models. The proposed architecture embodies four main elements - firstly, the adoption of a multi-layered meta-modeling architecture and reflective meta-level architecture, secondly the identification of four data modeling relationships that can be made explicit such that they can be modified dynamically, thirdly the identification of five design patterns which have emerged from practice and have proved essential in providing reusable building blocks for data management, and fourthly the encoding of the structural properties of the five design patterns by means of one fundamental pattern, the Graph pattern. A practical example of this philosophy, the CRISTAL project, is used to demonstrate the use of description-driven data objects to handle system evolution.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Enterprise modeling using the foundation concepts of the RM-ODP ISO/ITU standard

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    Enterprise architecture (EA) projects require analyzing and designing across the whole enterprise and its environment. Enterprise architects, therefore, frequently develop enterprise models that span from the markets in which the organization operates down to the implementation of the IT systems that support its operations. In this paper, we present SEAM for EA: a method for defining an enterprise model in which all the systems are systematically represented with the same modeling ontology. We base our modeling ontology on the foundation modeling concepts defined in Part 2 of ISO/ITU Standard "Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing” (RM-ODP). This work has two contributions to enterprise architecture: the SEAM for EA method itself and the use of Part 2 of the RM-ODP standard as a modeling ontolog

    A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language

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    Nowadays models, rather than code, become the key artifacts of software development. Consequently, this raises the level of requirements for modeling languages on which modeling practitioners should rely in their work. A minor inconsistency of a modeling language metamodel may cause major problems in the language applications; thus with the model driven systems development the solidness of modeling languages metamodels becomes particularly important. In its current state the UML metamodel leaves a significant area for improvement. We present an alternative metamodel that was inspired by the RM-ODP standard and that solves the problems of UML. RM-ODP was mentioned in UML specifications as a framework that has already influenced UML. Our metamodel was formalized, thus its resulting models can be simulated and checked for consistency. So, our proposed solution with constructive potential towards improvement of the UML metamodel, may have a significant practical impact on the UML specifications
