19,778 research outputs found

    Acquisition, compression and rendering of depth and texture for multi-view video

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    Three-dimensional (3D) video and imaging technologies is an emerging trend in the development of digital video systems, as we presently witness the appearance of 3D displays, coding systems, and 3D camera setups. Three-dimensional multi-view video is typically obtained from a set of synchronized cameras, which are capturing the same scene from different viewpoints. This technique especially enables applications such as freeviewpoint video or 3D-TV. Free-viewpoint video applications provide the feature to interactively select and render a virtual viewpoint of the scene. A 3D experience such as for example in 3D-TV is obtained if the data representation and display enable to distinguish the relief of the scene, i.e., the depth within the scene. With 3D-TV, the depth of the scene can be perceived using a multi-view display that renders simultaneously several views of the same scene. To render these multiple views on a remote display, an efficient transmission, and thus compression of the multi-view video is necessary. However, a major problem when dealing with multiview video is the intrinsically large amount of data to be compressed, decompressed and rendered. We aim at an efficient and flexible multi-view video system, and explore three different aspects. First, we develop an algorithm for acquiring a depth signal from a multi-view setup. Second, we present efficient 3D rendering algorithms for a multi-view signal. Third, we propose coding techniques for 3D multi-view signals, based on the use of an explicit depth signal. This motivates that the thesis is divided in three parts. The first part (Chapter 3) addresses the problem of 3D multi-view video acquisition. Multi-view video acquisition refers to the task of estimating and recording a 3D geometric description of the scene. A 3D description of the scene can be represented by a so-called depth image, which can be estimated by triangulation of the corresponding pixels in the multiple views. Initially, we focus on the problem of depth estimation using two views, and present the basic geometric model that enables the triangulation of corresponding pixels across the views. Next, we review two calculation/optimization strategies for determining corresponding pixels: a local and a one-dimensional optimization strategy. Second, to generalize from the two-view case, we introduce a simple geometric model for estimating the depth using multiple views simultaneously. Based on this geometric model, we propose a new multi-view depth-estimation technique, employing a one-dimensional optimization strategy that (1) reduces the noise level in the estimated depth images and (2) enforces consistent depth images across the views. The second part (Chapter 4) details the problem of multi-view image rendering. Multi-view image rendering refers to the process of generating synthetic images using multiple views. Two different rendering techniques are initially explored: a 3D image warping and a mesh-based rendering technique. Each of these methods has its limitations and suffers from either high computational complexity or low image rendering quality. As a consequence, we present two image-based rendering algorithms that improves the balance on the aforementioned issues. First, we derive an alternative formulation of the relief texture algorithm which was extented to the geometry of multiple views. The proposed technique features two advantages: it avoids rendering artifacts ("holes") in the synthetic image and it is suitable for execution on a standard Graphics Processor Unit (GPU). Second, we propose an inverse mapping rendering technique that allows a simple and accurate re-sampling of synthetic pixels. Experimental comparisons with 3D image warping show an improvement of rendering quality of 3.8 dB for the relief texture mapping and 3.0 dB for the inverse mapping rendering technique. The third part concentrates on the compression problem of multi-view texture and depth video (Chapters 5–7). In Chapter 5, we extend the standard H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video compression algorithm for handling the compression of multi-view video. As opposed to the Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) standard that encodes only the multi-view texture data, the proposed encoder peforms the compression of both the texture and the depth multi-view sequences. The proposed extension is based on exploiting the correlation between the multiple camera views. To this end, two different approaches for predictive coding of views have been investigated: a block-based disparity-compensated prediction technique and a View Synthesis Prediction (VSP) scheme. Whereas VSP relies on an accurate depth image, the block-based disparity-compensated prediction scheme can be performed without any geometry information. Our encoder adaptively selects the most appropriate prediction scheme using a rate-distortion criterion for an optimal prediction-mode selection. We present experimental results for several texture and depth multi-view sequences, yielding a quality improvement of up to 0.6 dB for the texture and 3.2 dB for the depth, when compared to solely performing H.264/MPEG-4AVC disparitycompensated prediction. Additionally, we discuss the trade-off between the random-access to a user-selected view and the coding efficiency. Experimental results illustrating and quantifying this trade-off are provided. In Chapter 6, we focus on the compression of a depth signal. We present a novel depth image coding algorithm which concentrates on the special characteristics of depth images: smooth regions delineated by sharp edges. The algorithm models these smooth regions using parameterized piecewiselinear functions and sharp edges by a straight line, so that it is more efficient than a conventional transform-based encoder. To optimize the quality of the coding system for a given bit rate, a special global rate-distortion optimization balances the rate against the accuracy of the signal representation. For typical bit rates, i.e., between 0.01 and 0.25 bit/pixel, experiments have revealed that the coder outperforms a standard JPEG-2000 encoder by 0.6-3.0 dB. Preliminary results were published in the Proceedings of 26th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. In Chapter 7, we propose a novel joint depth-texture bit-allocation algorithm for the joint compression of texture and depth images. The described algorithm combines the depth and texture Rate-Distortion (R-D) curves, to obtain a single R-D surface that allows the optimization of the joint bit-allocation in relation to the obtained rendering quality. Experimental results show an estimated gain of 1 dB compared to a compression performed without joint bit-allocation optimization. Besides this, our joint R-D model can be readily integrated into an multi-view H.264/MPEG-4 AVC coder because it yields the optimal compression setting with a limited computation effort

    A virtual reality system using the concentric mosaic: Construction, rendering, and data compression

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    This paper proposes a new image-based rendering (IBR) technique called "concentric mosaic" for virtual reality applications. IBR using the plenoptic function is an efficient technique for rendering new views of a scene from a collection of sample images previously captured. It provides much better image quality and lower computational requirement for rendering than conventional three-dimensional (3-D) model-building approaches. The concentric mosaic is a 3-D plenoptic function with viewpoints constrained on a plane. Compared with other more sophisticated four-dimensional plenoptic functions such as the light field and the lumigraph, the file size of a concentric mosaic is much smaller. In contrast to a panorama, the concentric mosaic allows users to move freely in a circular region and observe significant parallax and lighting changes without recovering the geometric and photometric scene models. The rendering of concentric mosaics is very efficient, and involves the reordering and interpolating of previously captured slit images in the concentric mosaic. It typically consists of hundreds of high-resolution images which consume a significant amount of storage and bandwidth for transmission. An MPEG-like compression algorithm is therefore proposed in this paper taking into account the access patterns and redundancy of the mosaic images. The compression algorithms of two equivalent representations of the concentric mosaic, namely the multiperspective panoramas and the normal setup sequence, are investigated. A multiresolution representation of concentric mosaics using a nonlinear filter bank is also proposed.published_or_final_versio

    An object-based compression system for a class of dynamic image-based representations

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    S P I E Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, Beijing, China, 12-15 July 2005This paper proposes a new object-based compression system for a class of dynamic image-based representations called plenoptic videos (PVs). PVs are simplified dynamic light fields, where the videos are taken at regularly spaced locations along line segments instead of a 2-D plane. The proposed system employs an object-based approach, where objects at different depth values are segmented to improve the rendering quality as in the pop-up light fields. Furthermore, by coding the plenoptic video at the object level, desirable functionalities such as scalability of contents, error resilience, and interactivity with individual IBR objects can be achieved. Besides supporting the coding of the texture and binary shape maps for IBR objects with arbitrary shapes, the proposed system also supports the coding of gray-scale alpha maps as well as geometry information in the form of depth maps to respectively facilitate the matting and rendering of the IBR objects. To improve the coding performance, the proposed compression system exploits both the temporal redundancy and spatial redundancy among the video object streams in the PV by employing disparity-compensated prediction or spatial prediction in its texture, shape and depth coding processes. To demonstrate the principle and effectiveness of the proposed system, a multiple video camera system was built and experimental results show that considerable improvements in coding performance are obtained for both synthetic scene and real scene, while supporting the stated object-based functionalities.published_or_final_versio

    Performance improvement of segmentation-based depth representation in 3D imagery by region merging

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    The feasible implementation of immersive 3D video systems entails the need for a substantial reduction in the amount of image information necessary for representation. Multiview image rendering algorithms based on depth data have radically reduced the number of images required to reconstruct a 3D scene. Nonetheless, the compression of depth maps still poses several challenges due to the particular nature and characteristics of the data. To this end, this paper outlines a depth representation technique, developed in our earlier work, that exploits the correlation intrinsically present between color intensity and depth images capturing a natural scene. In this technique, a segmentation-based algorithm that is backwards compatible with conventional video coding systems is implemented. The effectiveness of our previous technique is enhanced in this contribution by a region merging process on the segmented regions, which results in a decrease in the amount of information necessary for transmission or storage of multiview image data by a factor of 20.5 with respect to the reference H.264/AVC coding methodology. This is furthermore achieved whilst maintaining a 3D image reconstruction and viewing quality which is quasi identical to the referenced approach.peer-reviewe

    RLFC: Random Access Light Field Compression using Key Views and Bounded Integer Encoding

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    We present a new hierarchical compression scheme for encoding light field images (LFI) that is suitable for interactive rendering. Our method (RLFC) exploits redundancies in the light field images by constructing a tree structure. The top level (root) of the tree captures the common high-level details across the LFI, and other levels (children) of the tree capture specific low-level details of the LFI. Our decompressing algorithm corresponds to tree traversal operations and gathers the values stored at different levels of the tree. Furthermore, we use bounded integer sequence encoding which provides random access and fast hardware decoding for compressing the blocks of children of the tree. We have evaluated our method for 4D two-plane parameterized light fields. The compression rates vary from 0.08 - 2.5 bits per pixel (bpp), resulting in compression ratios of around 200:1 to 20:1 for a PSNR quality of 40 to 50 dB. The decompression times for decoding the blocks of LFI are 1 - 3 microseconds per channel on an NVIDIA GTX-960 and we can render new views with a resolution of 512X512 at 200 fps. Our overall scheme is simple to implement and involves only bit manipulations and integer arithmetic operations.Comment: Accepted for publication at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '19

    Visual Importance-Biased Image Synthesis Animation

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    Present ray tracing algorithms are computationally intensive, requiring hours of computing time for complex scenes. Our previous work has dealt with the development of an overall approach to the application of visual attention to progressive and adaptive ray-tracing techniques. The approach facilitates large computational savings by modulating the supersampling rates in an image by the visual importance of the region being rendered. This paper extends the approach by incorporating temporal changes into the models and techniques developed, as it is expected that further efficiency savings can be reaped for animated scenes. Applications for this approach include entertainment, visualisation and simulation

    Semantic multimedia remote display for mobile thin clients

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    Current remote display technologies for mobile thin clients convert practically all types of graphical content into sequences of images rendered by the client. Consequently, important information concerning the content semantics is lost. The present paper goes beyond this bottleneck by developing a semantic multimedia remote display. The principle consists of representing the graphical content as a real-time interactive multimedia scene graph. The underlying architecture features novel components for scene-graph creation and management, as well as for user interactivity handling. The experimental setup considers the Linux X windows system and BiFS/LASeR multimedia scene technologies on the server and client sides, respectively. The implemented solution was benchmarked against currently deployed solutions (VNC and Microsoft-RDP), by considering text editing and WWW browsing applications. The quantitative assessments demonstrate: (1) visual quality expressed by seven objective metrics, e.g., PSNR values between 30 and 42 dB or SSIM values larger than 0.9999; (2) downlink bandwidth gain factors ranging from 2 to 60; (3) real-time user event management expressed by network round-trip time reduction by factors of 4-6 and by uplink bandwidth gain factors from 3 to 10; (4) feasible CPU activity, larger than in the RDP case but reduced by a factor of 1.5 with respect to the VNC-HEXTILE
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