31,872 research outputs found

    Optimal Collision/Conflict-free Distance-2 Coloring in Synchronous Broadcast/Receive Tree Networks

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    This article is on message-passing systems where communication is (a) synchronous and (b) based on the "broadcast/receive" pair of communication operations. "Synchronous" means that time is discrete and appears as a sequence of time slots (or rounds) such that each message is received in the very same round in which it is sent. "Broadcast/receive" means that during a round a process can either broadcast a message to its neighbors or receive a message from one of them. In such a communication model, no two neighbors of the same process, nor a process and any of its neighbors, must be allowed to broadcast during the same time slot (thereby preventing message collisions in the first case, and message conflicts in the second case). From a graph theory point of view, the allocation of slots to processes is know as the distance-2 coloring problem: a color must be associated with each process (defining the time slots in which it will be allowed to broadcast) in such a way that any two processes at distance at most 2 obtain different colors, while the total number of colors is "as small as possible". The paper presents a parallel message-passing distance-2 coloring algorithm suited to trees, whose roots are dynamically defined. This algorithm, which is itself collision-free and conflict-free, uses Δ+1\Delta + 1 colors where Δ\Delta is the maximal degree of the graph (hence the algorithm is color-optimal). It does not require all processes to have different initial identities, and its time complexity is O(dΔ)O(d \Delta), where d is the depth of the tree. As far as we know, this is the first distributed distance-2 coloring algorithm designed for the broadcast/receive round-based communication model, which owns all the previous properties.Comment: 19 pages including one appendix. One Figur

    The complexity of the T-coloring problem for graphs with small degree

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    AbstractIn the paper we consider a generalized vertex coloring model, namely T-coloring. For a given finite set T of nonnegative integers including 0, a proper vertex coloring is called a T-coloring if the distance of the colors of adjacent vertices is not an element of T. This problem is a generalization of the classic vertex coloring and appeared as a model of the frequency assignment problem. We present new results concerning the complexity of T-coloring with the smallest span on graphs with small degree Δ. We distinguish between the cases that appear to be polynomial or NP-complete. More specifically, we show that our problem is polynomial on graphs with Δ⩜2 and in the case of k-regular graphs it becomes NP-hard even for every fixed T and every k>3. Also, the case of graphs with Δ=3 is under consideration. Our results are based on the complexity properties of the homomorphism of graphs

    Digraph Coloring and Distance to Acyclicity

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    In kk-Digraph Coloring we are given a digraph and are asked to partition its vertices into at most kk sets, so that each set induces a DAG. This well-known problem is NP-hard, as it generalizes (undirected) kk-Coloring, but becomes trivial if the input digraph is acyclic. This poses the natural parameterized complexity question what happens when the input is "almost" acyclic. In this paper we study this question using parameters that measure the input's distance to acyclicity in either the directed or the undirected sense. It is already known that, for all k≄2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard on digraphs of DFVS at most k+4k+4. We strengthen this result to show that, for all k≄2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for DFVS kk. Refining our reduction we obtain two further consequences: (i) for all k≄2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for graphs of feedback arc set (FAS) at most k2k^2; interestingly, this leads to a dichotomy, as we show that the problem is FPT by kk if FAS is at most k2−1k^2-1; (ii) kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for graphs of DFVS kk, even if the maximum degree Δ\Delta is at most 4k−14k-1; we show that this is also almost tight, as the problem becomes FPT for DFVS kk and Δ≀4k−3\Delta\le 4k-3. We then consider parameters that measure the distance from acyclicity of the underlying graph. We show that kk-Digraph Coloring admits an FPT algorithm parameterized by treewidth, whose parameter dependence is (tw!)ktw(tw!)k^{tw}. Then, we pose the question of whether the tw!tw! factor can be eliminated. Our main contribution in this part is to settle this question in the negative and show that our algorithm is essentially optimal, even for the much more restricted parameter treedepth and for k=2k=2. Specifically, we show that an FPT algorithm solving 22-Digraph Coloring with dependence tdo(td)td^{o(td)} would contradict the ETH

    Average Sensitivity of Graph Algorithms

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    In modern applications of graphs algorithms, where the graphs of interest are large and dynamic, it is unrealistic to assume that an input representation contains the full information of a graph being studied. Hence, it is desirable to use algorithms that, even when only a (large) subgraph is available, output solutions that are close to the solutions output when the whole graph is available. We formalize this idea by introducing the notion of average sensitivity of graph algorithms, which is the average earth mover's distance between the output distributions of an algorithm on a graph and its subgraph obtained by removing an edge, where the average is over the edges removed and the distance between two outputs is the Hamming distance. In this work, we initiate a systematic study of average sensitivity. After deriving basic properties of average sensitivity such as composition, we provide efficient approximation algorithms with low average sensitivities for concrete graph problems, including the minimum spanning forest problem, the global minimum cut problem, the minimum ss-tt cut problem, and the maximum matching problem. In addition, we prove that the average sensitivity of our global minimum cut algorithm is almost optimal, by showing a nearly matching lower bound. We also show that every algorithm for the 2-coloring problem has average sensitivity linear in the number of vertices. One of the main ideas involved in designing our algorithms with low average sensitivity is the following fact; if the presence of a vertex or an edge in the solution output by an algorithm can be decided locally, then the algorithm has a low average sensitivity, allowing us to reuse the analyses of known sublinear-time algorithms and local computation algorithms (LCAs). Using this connection, we show that every LCA for 2-coloring has linear query complexity, thereby answering an open question.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Computing Square Colorings on Bounded-Treewidth and Planar Graphs

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    A square coloring of a graph GG is a coloring of the square G2G^2 of GG, that is, a coloring of the vertices of GG such that any two vertices that are at distance at most 22 in GG receive different colors. We investigate the complexity of finding a square coloring with a given number of qq colors. We show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable on graphs of bounded treewidth by presenting an algorithm with running time n2tw⁥+4+O(1)n^{2^{\operatorname{tw} + 4}+O(1)} for graphs of treewidth at most tw⁥\operatorname{tw}. The somewhat unusual exponent 2tw⁥2^{\operatorname{tw}} in the running time is essentially optimal: we show that for any Ï”>0\epsilon>0, there is no algorithm with running time f(tw⁥)n(2−ϔ)tw⁥f(\operatorname{tw})n^{(2-\epsilon)^{\operatorname{tw}}} unless the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. We also show that the square coloring problem is NP-hard on planar graphs for any fixed number q≄4q \ge 4 of colors. Our main algorithmic result is showing that the problem (when the number of colors qq is part of the input) can be solved in subexponential time 2O(n2/3log⁥n)2^{O(n^{2/3}\log n)} on planar graphs. The result follows from the combination of two algorithms. If the number qq of colors is small (≀n1/3\le n^{1/3}), then we can exploit a treewidth bound on the square of the graph to solve the problem in time 2O(qnlog⁥n)2^{O(\sqrt{qn}\log n)}. If the number of colors is large (≄n1/3\ge n^{1/3}), then an algorithm based on protrusion decompositions and building on our result for the bounded-treewidth case solves the problem in time 2O(nlog⁥n/q)2^{O(n\log n/q)}.Comment: 72 pages, 15 figures, full version of a paper accepted at SODA 202

    A general framework for coloring problems: old results, new results, and open problems

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    In this survey paper we present a general framework for coloring problems that was introduced in a joint paper which the author presented at WG2003. We show how a number of different types of coloring problems, most of which have been motivated from frequency assignment, fit into this framework. We give a survey of the existing results, mainly based on and strongly biased by joint work of the author with several different groups of coauthors, include some new results, and discuss several open problems for each of the variants
