4 research outputs found

    New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties

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    We study the communication complexity of a number of graph properties where the edges of the graph GG are distributed between Alice and Bob (i.e., each receives some of the edges as input). Our main results are: * An Omega(n) lower bound on the quantum communication complexity of deciding whether an n-vertex graph G is connected, nearly matching the trivial classical upper bound of O(n log n) bits of communication. * A deterministic upper bound of O(n^{3/2}log n) bits for deciding if a bipartite graph contains a perfect matching, and a quantum lower bound of Omega(n) for this problem. * A Theta(n^2) bound for the randomized communication complexity of deciding if a graph has an Eulerian tour, and a Theta(n^{3/2}) bound for the quantum communication complexity of this problem. The first two quantum lower bounds are obtained by exhibiting a reduction from the n-bit Inner Product problem to these graph problems, which solves an open question of Babai, Frankl and Simon. The third quantum lower bound comes from recent results about the quantum communication complexity of composed functions. We also obtain essentially tight bounds for the quantum communication complexity of a few other problems, such as deciding if G is triangle-free, or if G is bipartite, as well as computing the determinant of a distributed matrix.Comment: 12 pages LaTe

    New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties

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    Nearly Optimal Communication and Query Complexity of Bipartite Matching

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    We settle the complexities of the maximum-cardinality bipartite matching problem (BMM) up to poly-logarithmic factors in five models of computation: the two-party communication, AND query, OR query, XOR query, and quantum edge query models. Our results answer open problems that have been raised repeatedly since at least three decades ago [Hajnal, Maass, and Turan STOC'88; Ivanyos, Klauck, Lee, Santha, and de Wolf FSTTCS'12; Dobzinski, Nisan, and Oren STOC'14; Nisan SODA'21] and tighten the lower bounds shown by Beniamini and Nisan [STOC'21] and Zhang [ICALP'04]. We also settle the communication complexity of the generalizations of BMM, such as maximum-cost bipartite bb-matching and transshipment; and the query complexity of unique bipartite perfect matching (answering an open question by Beniamini [2022]). Our algorithms and lower bounds follow from simple applications of known techniques such as cutting planes methods and set disjointness.Comment: Accepted in FOCS 202

    The Message Complexity of Distributed Graph Optimization

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    The message complexity of a distributed algorithm is the total number of messages sent by all nodes over the course of the algorithm. This paper studies the message complexity of distributed algorithms for fundamental graph optimization problems. We focus on four classical graph optimization problems: Maximum Matching (MaxM), Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC), Minimum Dominating Set (MDS), and Maximum Independent Set (MaxIS). In the sequential setting, these problems are representative of a wide spectrum of hardness of approximation. While there has been some progress in understanding the round complexity of distributed algorithms (for both exact and approximate versions) for these problems, much less is known about their message complexity and its relation with the quality of approximation. We almost fully quantify the message complexity of distributed graph optimization by showing the following results...[see paper for full abstract