1,104 research outputs found

    Joint distribution of polarization-multiplexed UWB and WiMAX radio in PON

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    In this paper, the feasibility of the joint distribution of ultra-wideband (UWB) and WIMAX wireless using polarization multiplexing as a coexistence technique is proposed and experimentally demonstrated within the framework of passive optical networks (PON). Four single- and orthogonal-polarization multiplexing schemes are studied targeting to reduce the mutual interference when UWB and WiMAX are distributed jointly through standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) without transmission impairments compensation techniques and amplification. Experimental results indicate successful transmission up to 25 km, in SSMF exceeding the range in typical PON deployments. The radio link penalty introduced by optical transmission is also investigated in this paper

    Performance of MB-OFDM UWB and WiMAX IEEE 802.16e converged radio-over-fiber in PON

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    Experimental results about the performance of converged radio-over- fiber transmission including multiband- OFDM UWB and WiMAX 802.16e wireless over a passive optical network are reported in this paper. The experimental study indicates that UWB and WiMAX converged transmission is feasible over the proposed distribution set-up employing a single wavelength. However, the results indicate that there is an EVM penalty of 3.2 dB for a UWB 10 km SSMF transmission in presence of WiMAX wireless

    Regulatory and Policy Implications of Emerging Technologies to Spectrum Management

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    This paper provides an overview of the policy implications of technological developments, and how these technologies can accommodate an increased level of market competition. It is based on the work carried out in the SPORT VIEWS (Spectrum Policies and Radio Technologies Viable In Emerging Wireless Societies) research project for the European Commission (FP6)spectrum, new radio technologies, UWB, SDR, cognitive radio, Telecommunications, regulation, Networks, Interconnection

    A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission

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    We present an efficient, low-cost implementation of time-hopping impulse radio that fulfills the spectral mask mandated by the FCC and is suitable for high-data-rate, short-range communications. Key features are: (i) all-baseband implementation that obviates the need for passband components, (ii) symbol-rate (not chip rate) sampling, A/D conversion, and digital signal processing, (iii) fast acquisition due to novel search algorithms, (iv) spectral shaping that can be adapted to accommodate different spectrum regulations and interference environments. Computer simulations show that this system can provide 110Mbit/s at 7-10m distance, as well as higher data rates at shorter distances under FCC emissions limits. Due to the spreading concept of time-hopping impulse radio, the system can sustain multiple simultaneous users, and can suppress narrowband interference effectively.Comment: To appear in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Special Issue on UWB - State of the Art

    Large System Analysis of Game-Theoretic Power Control in UWB Wireless Networks with Rake Receivers

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    This paper studies the performance of partial-Rake (PRake) receivers in impulse-radio ultrawideband wireless networks when an energy-efficient power control scheme is adopted. Due to the large bandwidth of the system, the multipath channel is assumed to be frequency-selective. By using noncooperative game-theoretic models and large system analysis, explicit expressions are derived in terms of network parameters to measure the effects of self- and multiple-access interference at a receiving access point. Performance of the PRake is compared in terms of achieved utilities and loss to that of the all-Rake receiver.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Helsinki, Finland, June 17-20, 200

    A Quantitative Assessment of the Compatibility of Ultra Wideband with Broadband Wireless Access and Radar Services

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    In July 2008, following a request made by the Radio Spectrum Policy Unit in DG INFSO (Unit B4), a pilot phase of twelve months was agreed with Member States representatives in the Radio Spectrum Committee. During this time the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the EC Joint Research Centre (IPSC-JRC) has been mandated to provide testing facilities to support the development of Community spectrum legal measures under the Radio Spectrum Decision (676/2002/EC). In the frame of this pilot phase, IPSC-JRC has successfully completed the implementation and extensive testing of both a state-of-the-art laboratory test-bed and a simulation tool, which have been specifically designed for two different coexistence studies. Firstly, the coexistence between broadband wireless access (BWA) and ultra wideband (UWB) services in the 3.5 GHz frequency band; and secondly, the coexistence between radiolocation (i.e. radar) and UWB services in the 3.1-3.4 GHz frequency band. The selection of these two coexistence scenarios is not casual and has been made based on the fact that they have been considered highly relevant in the CEPT-ECC studies on UWB mandated by the European Commission.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    Wireless Alliance for Testing Experiment and Research (WALTER) Experts Workshop

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    The purpose of the publication is to describe the WALTER experts workshop and related results and findings. The workshop was conducted in Ispra, Varese, Italy from the 2nd to the 3rd of July 2008 at the European Commission JRC facilities. The workshop was organized as part of the FP7 WALTER project, which has the objective of define a networked test bed laboratory to evaluate UltraWideBand (UWB) technology and equipment. The purpose of WALTER workshop was to present and discuss the current regulatory, standardization and research status of UltraWideBand (UWB) technology with special focus on the definition of requirements, methodologies and tools for UWB measurements and testing. The WALTER workshop had the following main objectives: - Identify the main regulatory and standardization challenges for the adoption of UWB in Europe and the world. Support the identification and resolution of conflicting requirements. - Identify the main challenges in the UWB testing and measurements. Describe how the current industrial and research activity could support the resolution of these challenges. - Discuss the future developments like UWB at 60 GHz and innovative interference and mitigation techniques including Detect And Avoid (DAA). A number of international experts in the UltraWideBand field have been invited to participate to this workshop, to encourage bi-directional communication: in one direction to disseminate the information on WALTER project and its activities, in the other direction to collect the input and feedback on the regulatory and standardization work, industrial activity and research studies.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit
