12 research outputs found

    Fibonacci type semigroups

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    We study "Fibonacci type" groups and semigroups. By establishing asphericity of their presentations we show that many of the groups are infinite. We combine this with Adjan graph techniques and the classification of the finite Fibonacci semigroups (in terms of the finite Fibonacci groups) to extend it to the Fibonacci type semigroups

    On the asphericity of a family of positive relative group presentations

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    Excluding four exceptional cases, the asphericity of the relative presentation P= ⟹G; x|xmgxh⟩ for m ≄ 2 is determined. If H = ⟹g; h⟩ ≀ G, then the exceptional cases occur when H is isomorphic to C5 or C6

    Asphericity of positive free product length 4 relative group presentations

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    © 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. Excluding some exceptional cases, we determine the asphericity of the relative presentation P = ,where a, b ∈ G \ {1} and 1 ≀ m ≀ n. If H = ≀ G, the exceptional cases occurwhen a = b2 or when H is isomorphic to C6.

    Asphericity of a length four relative presentation

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    We consider the relative group presentation P = where X = { x \} and R = { xg_1 xg_2 xg_3 x^{-1} g_4 }. We show modulo a small number of exceptional cases exactly when P is aspherical. If the subgroup H of G is given by H = then the exceptional cases occur when H is isomorphic to one of C_5,C_6,C_8 or C_2 X C_4

    Efficient Finite Groups Arising in the Study of Relative Asphericity

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    We study a class of two-generator two-relator groups, denoted Jn(m, k), that arise in the study of relative asphericity as groups satisfying a transitional curvature condition. Particular instances of these groups occur in the literature as finite groups of intriguing orders. Here we find infinite families of non-elementary virtually free groups and of finite metabelian non-nilpotent groups, for which we determine the orders. All Mersenne primes arise as factors of the orders of the non-metacyclic groups in the class, as do all primes from other conjecturally infinite families of primes. We classify the finite groups up to isomorphism and show that our class overlaps and extends a class of groups Fa,b,c with trivalent Cayley graphs that was introduced by C.M.Campbell, H.S.M.Coxeter, and E.F.Robertson. The theory of cyclically presented groups informs our methods and we extend part of this theory (namely, on connections with polynomial resultants) to ?bicyclically presented groups? that arise naturally in our analysis. As a corollary to our main results we obtain new infinite families of finite metacyclic generalized Fibonacci groups

    Asphericity and finiteness for certain group presentations

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    We study diagrammatic reducibility for the relative group presentations Rn(k, l, Δ) = H, x | t 3 x k t 2 x Δ(k+l) where H = t | t n , n ≄ 7, k ≄ 1, l ≄ 0 and Δ = ±1. We apply our results to classify finiteness for the group Gn(k, l, Δ) defined by Rn(k, l, Δ) apart from the two exceptional cases (n, k, l, Δ) = (7,2,1,-1) and (9,1,1,-1)

    Aspherical Relative Presentations All Over Again

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    The concept of asphericity for relative group presentations was introduced twenty five years ago. Since then, the subject has advanced and detailed asphericity classifications have been obtained for various families of one-relator relative presentations. Through this work the definition of asphericity has evolved and new applications have emerged. In this article we bring together key results on relative asphericity, update them, and exhibit them under a single set of definitions and terminology. We describe consequences of asphericity and present techniques for proving asphericity and for proving non-asphericity. We give a detailed survey of results concerning one-relator relative presentations where the relator has free product length four