5 research outputs found

    Multi-user navigation: a 3D mobile device interactive support

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    Multi-User navigation within an environment with the aid of 3D mobile support provides end users with additional mobility thought and improves mobility services’ efficiency. A necessary approach of using mobile device for navigation aid is to display only a section of the view-front and to let users control the portion shown by conceptually moving on the orientation. There is a need for multiple users to be able to interact with themselves when they are within an environment and navigating with the aid of 3D mobile devices support, in order to meet-up with an appointment or to be aware of the locations of each other. Unfortunately, the predominant 3D mobile navigation system does not provide multi-user interactive services. Users cannot be aware of other users navigating within same environment using the same system on their mobile devices at the same time. This paper presents multi-user 3D mobile navigation system for providing multiple user awareness. The analysis of the results provides a unique visualization of multiple users using mobile devices to help them navigate to a target location by being aware of their whereabouts

    An adaptive control system to deliver Interactive Virtual Environment content to handheld devices

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    Wireless communication advances have enabled emerging video streaming applications to mobile handheld devices. For example, it is possible to display and interact with complex 3D virtual environments on mobile devices that don't have enough computational and storage capabilities (e.g. smart phones, PDAs) through remote rendering techniques, where a server renders 3D data and streams the corresponding image flow to the client. However, due to fluctuations in bandwidth characteristics and limited mobile device CPU capabilities, it is extremely challenging to design effective systems for streaming interactive multimedia over wireless networks. This paper presents a novel approach based on a controller that can automatically adjust streaming parameters basing on feedback measures from the client device. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of the proposed solution in coping with bandwidth changes, thus providing high Quality of Service (QoS) in remote visualization

    On the Applicability of Remote Rendering of Networked Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices

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    Abstract — The technologies behind Networked Virtual Environments have seen increased interest in recent years, mainly due to the proliferation of the Massively Multiplayer On Line games. It is of increasing importance to developers and service providers to be able to target the mass market of mobile device users. With increased availability of wireless connectivity, one of the hurdles has been stepped over. However, displaying a graphically attractive environment on a device with limited capabilities and battery power still presents a major obstacle. On the other hand, mobile television viewing is currently actively being promoted as one of the key drivers behind the market uptake of 3G services. By using a technique that is known as remote rendering, we are able to use existing client-side hardware (suited for 3G applications) for display of NVE-based applications on mobile devices. In this paper, we present an overview of a system architecture that supports remote rendering of these applications and measurement results that show the feasibility of the approach. I

    An Architecture For Rendering Web 3d Virtual Environments On Computers With Limited Graphic Processing Power [uma Arquitetura Para Renderização De Ambientes Virtuais 3d Na Web Em Computadores Com Capacidade De Processamento Gráfico Limitada]

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    This paper presents an architecture for 3D virtual environment rendering on the Web applied to computers with limited capacity for graphics processing, which do not have a GPU for rendering the virtual environment. 3D rendering of the scene is done remotely, on demand, and employs 3D warping technique for generating views locally in the client. Thus, the client is able to render new views while waiting for data requested to the server or even when there are problems in the transmission or receiving delay. The proposed architecture allows the virtual environment rendering using residual images, which make the data transmission between client and server more efficient since less information is sent when compared to complete frames rendered from the 3D model. A method for taking advantage of the residual images received by clients is proposed and implemented, improving the quality of the resulting views instead of being discarded. Furthermore, an approach to reducing the quality degradation problem of the views locally rendered in the client is presented. © 2010 ACM.Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)Bao, P., Gourlay, D., Superview 3d image warping for visibility gap errors (2003) IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 49 (1), pp. 177-182. , FebBao, P., Gourlay, D., Remote Walkthrough over Mobile Networks Using 3-D Image Warping and Streaming (2004) IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 151 (4), pp. 329-336. , AugBao, P., Gourlay, D., A Framework for Remote Rendering of 3-D Scenes on Limited Mobile Devices (2006) IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 8 (2), pp. 382-389. , AprilBao, P., Gourlay, D., Li, Y., Mobile Collaborative Walkthrough Using 3-D Image Warping and Streaming (2004) Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 1, pp. 279-285. , JuneBoukerche, A., Pazzi, R.W.N., Enhancing Remote Walkthrough for E-learning Environments on Mobile Devices over Heterogeneous Networks (2006) Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, pp. 13-18. , JulyBoukerche, A., Pazzi, R.W.N., A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Remote Rendering and Image Streaming in Walkthrough Applications (2007) Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1692-1697. , JuneChang, C.-F., Ger, S.-H., Enhancing 3D Graphics on Mobile Devices by Image-Based Rendering (2002) Proceedings of 2002 Third IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, pp. 1105-1111. , London, UK, Springer-VerlagChen, S.E., QuickTime VR - An Image-Based Approach to Virtual Environment Navigation (1995) Computer Graphics, 29, pp. 29-38. , Annual Conference SeriesChim, J., Lau, R., Leong, H., Si, A., CyberWalk: A Web-based Distributed Virtual Walkthrough Environment (2003) IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 5 (4), pp. 503-515. , DecDos Santos, M.C., Pedrini, H., Renderização de Cenas Tridimensionais Interativas em Computadores de Baixo Desempenho (2008) Anais Do V Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, pp. 1-8. , Bauru, SPHoppe, H., Progressive Meshes (1996) SIGGRAPH '96: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, pp. 99-108. , New York, NY, USA, ACM(2008) Método de Compressão de Imagens Com Perda, , http://www.jpeg.org/, acesso em: 30 de julho de 2008Lei, Y., Jiang, Z., Chen, D., Bao, H., Image-Based Walkthrough over Internet on Mobile Devices (2004) Proceedings of the Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2004 Workshops, pp. 728-735. , Springer Berlin(2008), http://www.ltsp.org/, LTSP.org. acesso em: 30 de julho de 2008Mark, W., (1999) Post-Rendering 3D Image Warping: Visibility, Reconstruction, and Performance for Depth-Image Warping, , PhD thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, AprMcMillan, L., (1997) An Image-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics, , PhD thesis, University of North Carolina, Apr(2008), http://www.opengl.org/, OpenGL.org. acesso em: 30 de julho de 2008Quax, P., Geuns, B., Jehaes, T., Lamotte, W., Vansichem, G., On the Applicability of Remote Rendering of Networked Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices (2006) Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems and Networks Communication, p. 16. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyQuillet, J.-C., Thomas, G., Granier, X., Guitton, P., Marvie, J.-E., Using Expressive Rendering for Remote Visualization of Large City Models (2006) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, pp. 27-35. , New York, NY, USA, ACMWinkelholz, C., Weiss, M., Cakuli, P., Schreiber, M., Renkewitz, H., (2009) Biblioteca para a Manipulação de Objetos Tridimensionais No Formato VRML e X3D, , http://open-activewrl.sourceforge.net/, acesso em: 15 de janeiro de 2009Womack, P., Leech, J., (1998) OpenGL® Graphics with the X Window System®, , http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/glx/glx1.3.pdf, acesso em: 15 de janeiro de 2009Yang, S., Kuo, C.-C.J., Robust Graphics Streaming in Walkthrough Virtual Environments via Wireless Channels (2003) Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 6, pp. 3191-3195. , DecZheng, H., Boyce, J., An Improved UDP Protocol for Video Transmission over Internet-to-Wireless Networks (2001) IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 3 (3), pp. 356-365. , Se