4,396 research outputs found

    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications

    Circuit-Variant Moving Target Defense for Side-Channel Attacks on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    With the emergence of side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks, bits of a secret key may be derived by correlating key values with physical properties of cryptographic process execution. Power and Electromagnetic (EM) analysis attacks are based on the principle that current flow within a cryptographic device is key-dependent and therefore, the resulting power consumption and EM emanations during encryption and/or decryption can be correlated to secret key values. These side-channel attacks require several measurements of the target process in order to amplify the signal of interest, filter out noise, and derive the secret key through statistical analysis methods. Differential power and EM analysis attacks rely on correlating actual side-channel measurements to hypothetical models. This research proposes increasing resistance to differential power and EM analysis attacks through structural and spatial randomization of an implementation. By introducing randomly located circuit variants of encryption components, the proposed moving target defense aims to disrupt side-channel collection and correlation needed to successfully implement an attac

    On the security of embedded systems against side-channel attacks

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    Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) represents a serious threat to the security of millions of smart devices that form part of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). On the other hand, perform the "right- fitting" cryptographic code for the IoT is a highly challenging task due to the reduced resource constraints of must of the IoT devices and the variety of cryptographic algorithms on disposal. An important criterion to assess the suitability of a light-weight cipher implementation, with respect to the SCA point of view, is the amount of energy leakage available to an adversary. In this thesis, the efficiency of a selected function that is commonly used in AES implementations in the perspective of Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attacks are analyzed, leading to focus on the very common situation where the exact time of the sensitive processing is drowned in a large number of leakage points. In the particular case of statistical attacks, much of the existing literature essentially develop the theory under the assumption that the exact sensitive time is known and cannot be directly applied when the latter assumption is relaxed, being such a particular aspect for the simple Differential Power Analysis (DPA) in contrast with the CPA. To deal with this issue, an improvement that makes the statistical attack a real alternative compared with the simple DPA has been proposed. For the power consumption model (Hamming Weight model), and by rewriting the simple DPA attacks in terms of correlation coefficients between Boolean functions. Exhibiting properties of S-boxes relied on CPA attacks and showing that these properties are opposite to the non-linearity criterion and to the propagation criterion assumed for the former DPA. In order to achieve this goal, the study has been illustrated by various attack experiments performed on several copies implementations of the light-weight AES chipper in a well-known micro-controller educative platform within an 8-bit processor architecture deployed on a 350 nanometers CMOS technology. The Side-channel attacks presented in this work have been set in ideal conditions to capture the full complexity of an attack performed in real-world conditions, showing that certain implementation aspects can influence the leakage levels. On the other side, practical improvements are proposed for specific contexts by exploring the relationship between the non-linearity of the studied selection function and the measured leakages, with the only pretension to bridge the gap between the theory and the practice. The results point to new enlightenment on the resilience of basic operations executed by common light-weight ciphers implementations against CPA attacks

    Fault Detection in Crypto-Devices

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