8,735 research outputs found

    On Ternary Square-Free Circular Words

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    Circular words are cyclically ordered finite sequences of letters. We give a computer-free proof of the following result by Currie: square-free circular words over the ternary alphabet exist for all lengths l except for 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, and 17. Our proof reveals an interesting connection between ternary square-free circular words and closed walks in the K3,3 graph. In addition, our proof implies an exponential lower bound on the number of such circular words of length l and allows one to list all lengths l for which such a circular word is unique up to isomorphism

    Ten Conferences WORDS: Open Problems and Conjectures

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    In connection to the development of the field of Combinatorics on Words, we present a list of open problems and conjectures that were stated during the ten last meetings WORDS. We wish to continually update the present document by adding informations concerning advances in problems solving

    On the entropy and letter frequencies of ternary square-free words

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    We enumerate all ternary length-1 square-free words, which are words avoiding squares of words up to length 1, for 1<=24. We analyse the singular behaviour of the corresponding generating functions. This leads to new upper entropy bounds for ternary square-free words. We then consider ternary square-free words with fixed letter densities, thereby proving exponential growth for certain ensembles with various letter densities. We derive consequences for the free energy and entropy of ternary square-free words

    Attainable lengths for circular binary words avoiding k-powers

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    We show that binary circular words of length n avoiding 7/3+ powers exist for every sufficiently large n. This is not the case for binary circular words avoiding k+ powers with k < 7/3https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.bbms/113379334