11 research outputs found

    Planar projections of graphs

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    We introduce and study a new graph representation where vertices are embedded in three or more dimensions, and in which the edges are drawn on the projections onto the axis-parallel planes. We show that the complete graph on nn vertices has a representation in n/2+1\lceil \sqrt{n/2}+1 \rceil planes. In 3 dimensions, we show that there exist graphs with 6n156n-15 edges that can be projected onto two orthogonal planes, and that this is best possible. Finally, we obtain bounds in terms of parameters such as geometric thickness and linear arboricity. Using such a bound, we show that every graph of maximum degree 5 has a plane-projectable representation in 3 dimensions.Comment: Accepted at CALDAM 202

    Quotient-4 Cordial Labeling Of Some Caterpillar And Lobster Graphs

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    Let G (V, E) be a simple graph of order p and size q. Let φ: V (G) Z5 – {0} be a function. For each edge set E (G) define the labeling *:E (G)Z4 by *(uv)= (mod 4) where (u)(v). The function  is called Quotient-4 cordial labeling of G if |vφ(i) – vφ(j)| ≤ 1, , j, ij where vφ(x) denote the number of vertices labeled with x and |eφ(k) – eφ(l)| ≤ 1, ,,, where eφ(y) denote the number of edges labeled with y. Here some caterpillar graphs such as star graph (Sn), Bistar graph (Bn,n), Pn [N] graph, Pn [No] graph, Pn [Ne] graph, Twig graph (Tm), (Pn   K1, r), S(Sn), S(Bn,n), S(Pn [N]), S(Pn [No]), S(Pn [Ne]), S(Tm) and S(Pn   K1, r) graph proved to be quotient-4 cordial graphs

    Recognizing H-Graphs - Beyond Circular-Arc Graphs

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    Three ways to cover a graph

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    We consider the problem of covering an input graph HH with graphs from a fixed covering class GG. The classical covering number of HH with respect to GG is the minimum number of graphs from GG needed to cover the edges of HH without covering non-edges of HH. We introduce a unifying notion of three covering parameters with respect to GG, two of which are novel concepts only considered in special cases before: the local and the folded covering number. Each parameter measures "how far'' HH is from GG in a different way. Whereas the folded covering number has been investigated thoroughly for some covering classes, e.g., interval graphs and planar graphs, the local covering number has received little attention. We provide new bounds on each covering number with respect to the following covering classes: linear forests, star forests, caterpillar forests, and interval graphs. The classical graph parameters that result this way are interval number, track number, linear arboricity, star arboricity, and caterpillar arboricity. As input graphs we consider graphs of bounded degeneracy, bounded degree, bounded tree-width or bounded simple tree-width, as well as outerplanar, planar bipartite, and planar graphs. For several pairs of an input class and a covering class we determine exactly the maximum ordinary, local, and folded covering number of an input graph with respect to that covering class.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Beyond circular-arc graphs -- recognizing lollipop graphs and medusa graphs

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    In 1992 Bir\'{o}, Hujter and Tuza introduced, for every fixed connected graph HH, the class of HH-graphs, defined as the intersection graphs of connected subgraphs of some subdivision of HH. Recently, quite a lot of research has been devoted to understanding the tractability border for various computational problems, such as recognition or isomorphism testing, in classes of HH-graphs for different graphs HH. In this work we undertake this research topic, focusing on the recognition problem. Chaplick, T\"{o}pfer, Voborn\'{\i}k, and Zeman showed, for every fixed tree TT, a polynomial-time algorithm recognizing TT-graphs. Tucker showed a polynomial time algorithm recognizing K3K_3-graphs (circular-arc graphs). On the other hand, Chaplick at al. showed that recognition of HH-graphs is NPNP-hard if HH contains two different cycles sharing an edge. The main two results of this work narrow the gap between the NPNP-hard and PP cases of HH-graphs recognition. First, we show that recognition of HH-graphs is NPNP-hard when HH contains two different cycles. On the other hand, we show a polynomial-time algorithm recognizing LL-graphs, where LL is a graph containing a cycle and an edge attached to it (LL-graphs are called lollipop graphs). Our work leaves open the recognition problems of MM-graphs for every unicyclic graph MM different from a cycle and a lollipop. Other results of this work, which shed some light on the cases that remain open, are as follows. Firstly, the recognition of MM-graphs, where MM is a fixed unicyclic graph, admits a polynomial time algorithm if we restrict the input to graphs containing particular holes (hence recognition of MM-graphs is probably most difficult for chordal graphs). Secondly, the recognition of medusa graphs, which are defined as the union of MM-graphs, where MM runs over all unicyclic graphs, is NPNP-complete

    P4P_4-free Partition and Cover Numbers and Application

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    P4P_4-free graphs-- also known as cographs, complement-reducible graphs, or hereditary Dacey graphs--have been well studied in graph theory. Motivated by computer science and information theory applications, our work encodes (flat) joint probability distributions and Boolean functions as bipartite graphs and studies bipartite P4P_4-free graphs. For these applications, the graph properties of edge partitioning and covering a bipartite graph using the minimum number of these graphs are particularly relevant. Previously, such graph properties have appeared in leakage-resilient cryptography and (variants of) coloring problems. Interestingly, our covering problem is closely related to the well-studied problem of product/Prague dimension of loopless undirected graphs, which allows us to employ algebraic lower-bounding techniques for the product/Prague dimension. We prove that computing these numbers is \npol-complete, even for bipartite graphs. We establish a connection to the (unsolved) Zarankiewicz problem to show that there are bipartite graphs with size-NN partite sets such that these numbers are at least ϵN12ϵ{\epsilon\cdot N^{1-2\epsilon}}, for ϵ{1/3,1/4,1/5,}\epsilon\in\{1/3,1/4,1/5,\dotsc\}. Finally, we accurately estimate these numbers for bipartite graphs encoding well-studied Boolean functions from circuit complexity, such as set intersection, set disjointness, and inequality. For applications in information theory and communication \& cryptographic complexity, we consider a system where a setup samples from a (flat) joint distribution and gives the participants, Alice and Bob, their portion from this joint sample. Alice and Bob\u27s objective is to non-interactively establish a shared key and extract the left-over entropy from their portion of the samples as independent private randomness. A genie, who observes the joint sample, provides appropriate assistance to help Alice and Bob with their objective. Lower bounds to the minimum size of the genie\u27s assistance translate into communication and cryptographic lower bounds. We show that (the log2\log_2 of) the P4P_4-free partition number of a graph encoding the joint distribution that the setup uses is equivalent to the size of the genie\u27s assistance. Consequently, the joint distributions corresponding to the bipartite graphs constructed above with high P4P_4-free partition numbers correspond to joint distributions requiring more assistance from the genie. As a representative application in non-deterministic communication complexity, we study the communication complexity of nondeterministic protocols augmented by access to the equality oracle at the output. We show that (the log2\log_2 of) the P4P_4-free cover number of the bipartite graph encoding a Boolean function ff is equivalent to the minimum size of the nondeterministic input required by the parties (referred to as the communication complexity of ff in this model). Consequently, the functions corresponding to the bipartite graphs with high P4P_4-free cover numbers have high communication complexity. Furthermore, there are functions with communication complexity close to the \naive protocol where the nondeterministic input reveals a party\u27s input. Finally, the access to the equality oracle reduces the communication complexity of computing set disjointness by a constant factor in contrast to the model where parties do not have access to the equality oracle. To compute the inequality function, we show an exponential reduction in the communication complexity, and this bound is optimal. On the other hand, access to the equality oracle is (nearly) useless for computing set intersection

    Non-crossing shortest paths in planar graphs with applications to max flow, and path graphs

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    This thesis is concerned with non-crossing shortest paths in planar graphs with applications to st-max flow vitality and path graphs. In the first part we deal with non-crossing shortest paths in a plane graph G, i.e., a planar graph with a fixed planar embedding, whose extremal vertices lie on the same face of G. The first two results are the computation of the lengths of the non-crossing shortest paths knowing their union, and the computation of the union in the unweighted case. Both results require linear time and we use them to describe an efficient algorithm able to give an additive guaranteed approximation of edge and vertex vitalities with respect to the st-max flow in undirected planar graphs, that is the max flow decrease when the edge/vertex is removed from the graph. Indeed, it is well-known that the st-max flow in an undirected planar graph can be reduced to a problem of non-crossing shortest paths in the dual graph. We conclude this part by showing that the union of non-crossing shortest paths in a plane graph can be covered with four forests so that each path is contained in at least one forest. In the second part of the thesis we deal with path graphs and directed path graphs, where a (directed) path graph is the intersection graph of paths in a (directed) tree. We introduce a new characterization of path graphs that simplifies the existing ones in the literature. This characterization leads to a new list of local forbidden subgraphs of path graphs and to a new algorithm able to recognize path graphs and directed path graphs. This algorithm is more intuitive than the existing ones and does not require sophisticated data structures