10 research outputs found

    Generalised Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials associated with degenerate, integrable BCS models

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    We study the Bethe Ansatz/Ordinary Differential Equation (BA/ODE) correspondence for Bethe Ansatz equations that belong to a certain class of coupled, nonlinear, algebraic equations. Through this approach we numerically obtain the generalised Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials in the degenerate, two-level limit for four cases of exactly solvable Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing models. These are the s-wave pairing model, the p+ip-wave pairing model, the p+ip pairing model coupled to a bosonic molecular pair degree of freedom, and a newly introduced extended d+id-wave pairing model with additional interactions. The zeros of the generalised Heine-Stieltjes polynomials provide solutions of the corresponding Bethe Ansatz equations. We compare the roots of the ground states with curves obtained from the solution of a singular integral equation approximation, which allows for a characterisation of ground-state phases in these systems. Our techniques also permit for the computation of the roots of the excited states. These results illustrate how the BA/ODE correspondence can be used to provide new numerical methods to study a variety of integrable systems.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Algebro-gemetric aspects of Heine-Stieltjes theory

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a Heine-Stieltjes theory for univariate linear differential operators of higher order. Namely, for a given given operator T=\sum_i Q_i(z)d^i/dz^i with polynomial coefficients Q_i(z) set r=max_i (deg Q_i(z)-i). Following the classical approach of Heine and Stieltjes we study the multiparameter spectral problem of finding all polynomial V(z) of degree at most r such that the equation: T(z)S(z)+V(z)S(z=0 has for a given positive integer n a polynomial solution S(z) of degree n. We show that under some mild non-degeneracy assumptions there exist exactly ((n+r) choose n) such polynomials V_n,i(z). We generalize a number of classically known results in this area and discuss occurring degeneracies.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, contains a translation of a difficult and often quoted passage from Heine's book 'Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen', from 187

    Critical measures, quadratic differentials, and weak limits of zeros of Stieltjes polynomials

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    We investigate the asymptotic zero distribution of Heine-Stieltjes polynomials - polynomial solutions of a second order differential equations with complex polynomial coefficients. In the case when all zeros of the leading coefficients are all real, zeros of the Heine-Stieltjes polynomials were interpreted by Stieltjes as discrete distributions minimizing an energy functional. In a general complex situation one deals instead with a critical point of the energy. We introduce the notion of discrete and continuous critical measures (saddle points of the weighted logarithmic energy on the plane), and prove that a weak-* limit of a sequence of discrete critical measures is a continuous critical measure. Thus, the limit zero distributions of the Heine-Stieltjes polynomials are given by continuous critical measures. We give a detailed description of such measures, showing their connections with quadratic differentials. In doing that, we obtain some results on the global structure of rational quadratic differentials on the Riemann sphere that have an independent interest.Comment: 70 pages, 14 figures. Minor corrections, to appear in Comm. Math. Physic


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    The classical Heun equation has the form {Q(z)d(2)/dz(2) + P(z)d/dz + V(z)} S(z) = 0. where Q(z) is a cubic complex polynomial, P(z) is a polynomial of degree at most 2 and V(z) is at most linear. In the second half of the nineteenth century E. Heine and T. Stieltjes initiated the study of the set of all V(z) for which the above equation has a polynomial solution S(z) of a given degree n. The main goal of the present paper is to study the union of the roots of the latter set of V(z)'s when n -> infinity. We provide an explicit description of this limiting set and give a substantial amount of preliminary and additional information about it obtained using a certain technique developed by A.B.J. Kuijlaars and W. Van Assche.authorCount :