23 research outputs found

    On semi-planar Steiner quasigroups

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    AbstractA Steiner triple system (briefly ST) is in 1–1 correspondence with a Steiner quasigroup or squag (briefly SQ) [B. Ganter, H. Werner, Co-ordinatizing Steiner systems, Ann. Discrete Math. 7 (1980) 3–24; C.C. Lindner, A. Rosa, Steiner quadruple systems: A survey, Discrete Math. 21 (1979) 147–181]. It is well known that for each n≡1 or 3 (mod 6) there is a planar squag of cardinality n [J. Doyen, Sur la structure de certains systems triples de Steiner, Math. Z. 111 (1969) 289–300]. Quackenbush expected that there should also be semi-planar squags [R.W. Quackenbush, Varieties of Steiner loops and Steiner quasigroups, Canad. J. Math. 28 (1976) 1187–1198]. A simple squag is semi-planar if every triangle either generates the whole squag or the 9-element squag. The first author has constructed a semi-planar squag of cardinality 3n for all n>3 and n≡1 or 3 (mod 6) [M.H. Armanious, Semi-planar Steiner quasigroups of cardinality 3n, Australas. J. Combin. 27 (2003) 13–27]. In fact, this construction supplies us with semi-planar squags having only nontrivial subsquags of cardinality 9. Our aim in this article is to give a recursive construction as n→3n for semi-planar squags. This construction permits us to construct semi-planar squags having nontrivial subsquags of cardinality >9. Consequently, we may say that there are semi-planar SQ(3mn)s (or semi-planar ST(3mn)s) for each positive integer m and each n≡1 or 3 (mod 6) with n>3 having only medial subsquags at most of cardinality 3ν (sub-ST(3)ν) for each ν∈{1,2,…,m+1}

    Hyperidentities and Related Concepts, I

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    This survey article illustrates many important current trends and perspectives for the field including classification of hyperidentities, characterizations of algebras with hyperidentities, functional representations of free algebras, structure results for bigroups, categorical questions and applications. However, the paper contains new results, too

    Hyperidentities and Related Concepts, II

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    This survey article illustrates many important current trends and perspectives for the field including classification of hyperidentities, characterizations of algebras with hyperidentities, functional representations of free algebras, structure results for bilattices, categorical questions and applications. However, the paper contains new results and open problems, too

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 42. Fasc. 3-4.

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    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Boundary Algebra: A Simpler Approach to Boolean Algebra and the Sentential Connectives

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    Boundary algebra [BA] is a algebra of type , and a simplified notation for Spencer-Brown’s (1969) primary algebra. The syntax of the primary arithmetic [PA] consists of two atoms, () and the blank page, concatenation, and enclosure between ‘(‘ and ‘)’, denoting the primitive notion of distinction. Inserting letters denoting, indifferently, the presence or absence of () into a PA formula yields a BA formula. The BA axioms are A1: ()()= (), and A2: “(()) [abbreviated ‘⊥’] may be written or erased at will,” implying (⊥)=(). The repeated application of A1 and A2 simplifies any PA formula to either () or ⊥. The basis for BA is B1: abc=bca (concatenation commutes & associates); B2, ⊥a=a (BA has a lower bound, ⊥); B3, (a)a=() (BA is a complemented lattice); and B4, (ba)a=(b)a (implies that BA is a distributive lattice). BA has two intended models: (1) the Boolean algebra 2 with base set B={(),⊥}, such that () ⇔ 1 [dually 0], (a) ⇔ a′, and ab ⇔ a∪b [a∩b]; and (2) sentential logic, such that () ⇔ true [false], (a) ⇔ ~a, and ab ⇔ a∨b [a∧b]. BA is a self-dual notation, facilitates a calculational style of proof, and simplifies clausal reasoning and Quine’s truth value analysis. BA resembles C.S. Peirce’s graphical logic, the symbolic logics of Leibniz and W.E. Johnson, the 2 notation of Byrne (1946), and the Boolean term schemata of Quine (1982).Boundary algebra; boundary logic; primary algebra; primary arithmetic; Boolean algebra; calculation proof; G. Spencer-Brown; C.S. Peirce; existential graphs