294 research outputs found

    On restarting the Arnoldi method for large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems

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    Abstract. The Arnoldi method computes eigenvalues of large nonsymmetric matrices. Restarting is generally needed to reduce storage requirements and orthogonalization costs. However, restarting slows down the convergence and makes the choice of the new starting vector difficult if several eigenvalues are desired. We analyze several approaches to restarting and show why Sorensen’s implicit QR approach is generally far superior to the others. Ritz vectors are combined in precisely the right way for an effective new starting vector. Also, a new method for restarting Arnoldi is presented. It is mathematically equivalent to the Sorensen approach but has additional uses. 1

    Large-scale computation of pseudospectra using ARPACK and eigs

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    ARPACK and its MATLAB counterpart, eigs, are software packages that calculate some eigenvalues of a large non-symmetric matrix by Arnoldi iteration with implicit restarts. We show that at a small additional cost, which diminishes relatively as the matrix dimension increases, good estimates of pseudospectra in addition to eigenvalues can be obtained as a by-product. Thus in large-scale eigenvalue calculations it is feasible to obtain routinely not just eigenvalue approximations, but also information as to whether or not the eigenvalues are likely to be physically significant. Examples are presented for matrices with dimension up to 200,000

    Deflated Iterative Methods for Linear Equations with Multiple Right-Hand Sides

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    A new approach is discussed for solving large nonsymmetric systems of linear equations with multiple right-hand sides. The first system is solved with a deflated GMRES method that generates eigenvector information at the same time that the linear equations are solved. Subsequent systems are solved by combining restarted GMRES with a projection over the previously determined eigenvectors. This approach offers an alternative to block methods, and it can also be combined with a block method. It is useful when there are a limited number of small eigenvalues that slow the convergence. An example is given showing significant improvement for a problem from quantum chromodynamics. The second and subsequent right-hand sides are solved much quicker than without the deflation. This new approach is relatively simple to implement and is very efficient compared to other deflation methods.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Restarted Hessenberg method for solving shifted nonsymmetric linear systems

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    It is known that the restarted full orthogonalization method (FOM) outperforms the restarted generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method in several circumstances for solving shifted linear systems when the shifts are handled simultaneously. Many variants of them have been proposed to enhance their performance. We show that another restarted method, the restarted Hessenberg method [M. Heyouni, M\'ethode de Hessenberg G\'en\'eralis\'ee et Applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Universit\'e des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, 1996] based on Hessenberg procedure, can effectively be employed, which can provide accelerating convergence rate with respect to the number of restarts. Theoretical analysis shows that the new residual of shifted restarted Hessenberg method is still collinear with each other. In these cases where the proposed algorithm needs less enough CPU time elapsed to converge than the earlier established restarted shifted FOM, weighted restarted shifted FOM, and some other popular shifted iterative solvers based on the short-term vector recurrence, as shown via extensive numerical experiments involving the recent popular applications of handling the time fractional differential equations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables. Some corrections for updating the reference

    Some observations on weighted GMRES

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    We investigate the convergence of the weighted GMRES method for solving linear systems. Two different weighting variants are compared with unweighted GMRES for three model problems, giving a phenomenological explanation of cases where weighting improves convergence, and a case where weighting has no effect on the convergence. We also present new alternative implementations of the weighted Arnoldi algorithm which may be favorable in terms of computational complexity, and examine stability issues connected with these implementations. Two implementations of weighted GMRES are compared for a large number of examples. We find that weighted GMRES may outperform unweighted GMRES for some problems, but more often this method is not competitive with other Krylov subspace methods like GMRES with deflated restarting or BICGSTAB, in particular when a preconditioner is used

    Deflated GMRES for Systems with Multiple Shifts and Multiple Right-Hand Sides

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    We consider solution of multiply shifted systems of nonsymmetric linear equations, possibly also with multiple right-hand sides. First, for a single right-hand side, the matrix is shifted by several multiples of the identity. Such problems arise in a number of applications, including lattice quantum chromodynamics where the matrices are complex and non-Hermitian. Some Krylov iterative methods such as GMRES and BiCGStab have been used to solve multiply shifted systems for about the cost of solving just one system. Restarted GMRES can be improved by deflating eigenvalues for matrices that have a few small eigenvalues. We show that a particular deflated method, GMRES-DR, can be applied to multiply shifted systems. In quantum chromodynamics, it is common to have multiple right-hand sides with multiple shifts for each right-hand side. We develop a method that efficiently solves the multiple right-hand sides by using a deflated version of GMRES and yet keeps costs for all of the multiply shifted systems close to those for one shift. An example is given showing this can be extremely effective with a quantum chromodynamics matrix.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure
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