268 research outputs found

    Dynamical Modeling of Cloud Applications for Runtime Performance Management

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    Cloud computing has quickly grown to become an essential component in many modern-day software applications. It allows consumers, such as a provider of some web service, to quickly and on demand obtain the necessary computational resources to run their applications. It is desirable for these service providers to keep the running cost of their cloud application low while adhering to various performance constraints. This is made difficult due to the dynamics imposed by, e.g., resource contentions or changing arrival rate of users, and the fact that there exist multiple ways of influencing the performance of a running cloud application. To facilitate decision making in this environment, performance models can be introduced that relate the workload and different actions to important performance metrics.In this thesis, such performance models of cloud applications are studied. In particular, we focus on modeling using queueing theory and on the fluid model for approximating the often intractable dynamics of the queue lengths. First, existing results on how the fluid model can be obtained from the mean-field approximation of a closed queueing network are simplified and extended to allow for mixed networks. The queues are allowed to follow the processor sharing or delay disciplines, and can have multiple classes with phase-type service times. An improvement to this fluid model is then presented to increase accuracy when the \emph{system size}, i.e., number of servers, initial population, and arrival rate, is small. Furthermore, a closed-form approximation of the response time CDF is presented. The methods are tested in a series of simulation experiments and shown to be accurate. This mean-field fluid model is then used to derive a general fluid model for microservices with interservice delays. The model is shown to be completely extractable at runtime in a distributed fashion. It is further evaluated on a simple microservice application and found to accurately predict important performance metrics in most cases. Furthermore, a method is devised to reduce the cost of a running application by tuning load balancing parameters between replicas. The method is built on gradient stepping by applying automatic differentiation to the fluid model. This allows for arbitrarily defined cost functions and constraints, most notably including different response time percentiles. The method is tested on a simple application distributed over multiple computing clusters and is shown to reduce costs while adhering to percentile constraints. Finally, modeling of request cloning is studied using the novel concept of synchronized service. This allows certain forms of cloning over servers, each modeled with a single queue, to be equivalently expressed as one single queue. The concept is very general regarding the involved queueing discipline and distributions, but instead introduces new, less realistic assumptions. How the equivalent queue model is affected by relaxing these assumptions is studied considering the processor sharing discipline, and an extension to enable modeling of speculative execution is made. In a simulation campaign, it is shown that these relaxations only has a minor effect in certain cases

    Performance analysis of redundancy and mobility in multi-server systems

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    In this thesis, we studied how both redundancy and mobility impact the performance of computer systems and cellular networks, respectively. The general notion of redundancy is that upon arrival each job dispatches copies into multiple servers. This allows exploiting the variability of the queue lengths and server capacities in the system. We consider redundancy models with both identical and i.i.d. copies. When copies are i.i.d., we show that with PS and ROS, redundancy does not reduce the stability region. When copies are identical, we characterize the stability condition for systems where either FCFS, PS, or ROS is implemented in the servers. We observe that this condition strongly depends on the scheduling policy implemented in the system. We then investigate how redundancy impacts the performance by comparing it to a non-redundant system. We observe that both the stability and performance improve considerably under redundancy as the heterogeneity of the server capacities increases. Furthermore, for both i.i.d. and identical copies, we characterize redundancy-aware scheduling policies that improve both the stability and performance. Finally, we identify several open problems that might be of interest to the community. User mobility in wireless networks addresses the fact that users in a cellular network switch from cell to cell when geographically moving in the system. We control the mobility speed of the users among the servers and analyze how mobility impacts the performance at a user level. We observe that the performance of the system under fixed mobility speed strongly depends on the inherent parameters of the system

    Aligning observed and modeled behavior

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    Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASOS) engineering environment.

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    Progressive Network Deployment, Performance, and Control with Software-defined Networking

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    The inflexible nature of traditional computer networks has led to tightly-integrated systems that are inherently difficult to manage and secure. New designs move low-level network control into software creating software-defined networks (SDN). Augmenting an existing network with these enhancements can be expensive and complex. This research investigates solutions to these problems. It is hypothesized that an add-on device, or shim could be used to make a traditional switch behave as an OpenFlow SDN switch while maintaining reasonable performance. A design prototype is found to cause approximately 1.5% reduction in throughput for one ow and less than double increase in latency, showing that such a solution may be feasible. It is hypothesized that a new design built on event-loop and reactive programming may yield a controller that is higher-performing and easier to program. The library node-openflow is found to have performance approaching that of professional controllers, however it exhibits higher variability in response rate. The framework rxdn is found to exceed performance of two comparable controllers by at least 33% with statistical significance in latency mode with 16 simulated switches, but is slower than the library node-openflow or professional controllers (e.g., Libfluid, ONOS, and NOX). Collectively, this work enhances the tools available to researchers, enabling experimentation and development toward more sustainable and secure infrastructur

    Boundary Algebra: A Simpler Approach to Boolean Algebra and the Sentential Connectives

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    Boundary algebra [BA] is a algebra of type , and a simplified notation for Spencer-Brown’s (1969) primary algebra. The syntax of the primary arithmetic [PA] consists of two atoms, () and the blank page, concatenation, and enclosure between ‘(‘ and ‘)’, denoting the primitive notion of distinction. Inserting letters denoting, indifferently, the presence or absence of () into a PA formula yields a BA formula. The BA axioms are A1: ()()= (), and A2: “(()) [abbreviated ‘⊥’] may be written or erased at will,” implying (⊥)=(). The repeated application of A1 and A2 simplifies any PA formula to either () or ⊥. The basis for BA is B1: abc=bca (concatenation commutes & associates); B2, ⊥a=a (BA has a lower bound, ⊥); B3, (a)a=() (BA is a complemented lattice); and B4, (ba)a=(b)a (implies that BA is a distributive lattice). BA has two intended models: (1) the Boolean algebra 2 with base set B={(),⊥}, such that () ⇔ 1 [dually 0], (a) ⇔ a′, and ab ⇔ a∪b [a∩b]; and (2) sentential logic, such that () ⇔ true [false], (a) ⇔ ~a, and ab ⇔ a∨b [a∧b]. BA is a self-dual notation, facilitates a calculational style of proof, and simplifies clausal reasoning and Quine’s truth value analysis. BA resembles C.S. Peirce’s graphical logic, the symbolic logics of Leibniz and W.E. Johnson, the 2 notation of Byrne (1946), and the Boolean term schemata of Quine (1982).Boundary algebra; boundary logic; primary algebra; primary arithmetic; Boolean algebra; calculation proof; G. Spencer-Brown; C.S. Peirce; existential graphs

    Performance and energy efficiency in wireless self-organized networks

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