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    Acta Cybernetica : Tomus 8. Fasciculus 1.

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    Algebraic recognizability of regular tree languages

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    We propose a new algebraic framework to discuss and classify recognizable tree languages, and to characterize interesting classes of such languages. Our algebraic tool, called preclones, encompasses the classical notion of syntactic Sigma-algebra or minimal tree automaton, but adds new expressivity to it. The main result in this paper is a variety theorem \`{a} la Eilenberg, but we also discuss important examples of logically defined classes of recognizable tree languages, whose characterization and decidability was established in recent papers (by Benedikt and S\'{e}goufin, and by Bojanczyk and Walukiewicz) and can be naturally formulated in terms of pseudovarieties of preclones. Finally, this paper constitutes the foundation for another paper by the same authors, where first-order definable tree languages receive an algebraic characterization

    Acta Cybernetica : Tomus 8. Fasciculus 3.

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    The Complexity of Tree Transducer Output Languages

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    Two complexity results are shown for the output languages generated by compositions of macro tree transducers. They are in NSPACE(n) and hence are context-sensitive, and the class is NP-complete