5,126 research outputs found

    Rough Sets: a Bibliometric Analysis from 2014 to 2018

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    Along almost forty years, considerable research has been undertaken on rough set theory to deal with vague information. Rough sets have proven to be extremely helpful for a diversity of computer-science problems (e.g., knowledge discovery, computational logic, machine learning, etc.), and numerous application domains (e.g., business economics, telecommunications, neurosciences, etc.). Accordingly, the literature on rough sets has grown without ceasing, and nowadays it is immense. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the research published for the last five years. To do so, it analyzes 4,038 records retrieved from the Clarivate Web of Science database, identifying (i) the most prolific authors and their collaboration networks, (ii) the countries and organizations that are leading research on rough sets, (iii) the journals that are publishing most papers, (iv) the topics that are being most researched, and (v) the principal application domains

    Positive region: An enhancement of partitioning attribute based rough set for categorical data

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    Datasets containing multi-value attributes are often involved in several domains, like pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining. Data partition is required in such cases. Partitioning attributes is the clustering process for the whole data set which is specified for further processing. Recently, there are already existing prominent rough set-based approaches available for group objects and for handling uncertainty data that use indiscernibility attribute and mean roughness measure to perform attribute partitioning. Nevertheless, most of the partitioning attribute methods for selecting partitioning attribute algorithm for categorical data in clustering datasets are incapable of optimal partitioning. This indiscernibility and mean roughness measures, however, require the calculation of the lower approximation, which has less accuracy and it is an expensive task to compute. This reduces the growth of the set of attributes and neglects the data found within the boundary region. This paper presents a new concept called the "Positive Region Based Mean Dependency (PRD)”, that calculates the attribute dependency. In order to determine the mean dependency of the attributes, that is acceptable for categorical datasets, using a positive region-based mean dependency measure, PRD defines the method. By avoiding the lower approximation, PRD is an optimal substitute for the conventional dependency measure in partitioning attribute selection. Contrary to traditional RST partitioning methods, the proposed method can be employed as a measure of data output uncertainty and as a tailback for larger and multiple data clustering. The performance of the method presented is evaluated and compared with the algorithmes of Information-Theoretical Dependence Roughness (ITDR) and Maximum Indiscernible Attribute (MIA)

    Enhancing Big Data Feature Selection Using a Hybrid Correlation-Based Feature Selection

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    This study proposes an alternate data extraction method that combines three well-known feature selection methods for handling large and problematic datasets: the correlation-based feature selection (CFS), best first search (BFS), and dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA) methods. This study aims to enhance the classifier’s performance in decision analysis by eliminating uncorrelated and inconsistent data values. The proposed method, named CFS-DRSA, comprises several phases executed in sequence, with the main phases incorporating two crucial feature extraction tasks. Data reduction is first, which implements a CFS method with a BFS algorithm. Secondly, a data selection process applies a DRSA to generate the optimized dataset. Therefore, this study aims to solve the computational time complexity and increase the classification accuracy. Several datasets with various characteristics and volumes were used in the experimental process to evaluate the proposed method’s credibility. The method’s performance was validated using standard evaluation measures and benchmarked with other established methods such as deep learning (DL). Overall, the proposed work proved that it could assist the classifier in returning a significant result, with an accuracy rate of 82.1% for the neural network (NN) classifier, compared to the support vector machine (SVM), which returned 66.5% and 49.96% for DL. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical result indicates that the proposed method is an alternative extraction tool for those with difficulties acquiring expensive big data analysis tools and those who are new to the data analysis field.Ministry of Higher Education under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2018/ICT04/UTM/01/1)Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under Research University Grant Vot-20H04, Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) Vot 4L876SPEV project, University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Czech Republic (ID: 2102–2021), “Smart Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

    Data mining in manufacturing: a review based on the kind of knowledge

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    In modern manufacturing environments, vast amounts of data are collected in database management systems and data warehouses from all involved areas, including product and process design, assembly, materials planning, quality control, scheduling, maintenance, fault detection etc. Data mining has emerged as an important tool for knowledge acquisition from the manufacturing databases. This paper reviews the literature dealing with knowledge discovery and data mining applications in the broad domain of manufacturing with a special emphasis on the type of functions to be performed on the data. The major data mining functions to be performed include characterization and description, association, classification, prediction, clustering and evolution analysis. The papers reviewed have therefore been categorized in these five categories. It has been shown that there is a rapid growth in the application of data mining in the context of manufacturing processes and enterprises in the last 3 years. This review reveals the progressive applications and existing gaps identified in the context of data mining in manufacturing. A novel text mining approach has also been used on the abstracts and keywords of 150 papers to identify the research gaps and find the linkages between knowledge area, knowledge type and the applied data mining tools and techniques

    Rough sets, their extensions and applications

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    Rough set theory provides a useful mathematical foundation for developing automated computational systems that can help understand and make use of imperfect knowledge. Despite its recency, the theory and its extensions have been widely applied to many problems, including decision analysis, data-mining, intelligent control and pattern recognition. This paper presents an outline of the basic concepts of rough sets and their major extensions, covering variable precision, tolerance and fuzzy rough sets. It also shows the diversity of successful applications these theories have entailed, ranging from financial and business, through biological and medicine, to physical, art, and meteorological

    General self-motivation and strategy identification : Case studies based on Sokoban and Pac-Man

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, we use empowerment, a recently introduced biologically inspired measure, to allow an AI player to assign utility values to potential future states within a previously unencountered game without requiring explicit specification of goal states. We further introduce strategic affinity, a method of grouping action sequences together to form "strategies," by examining the overlap in the sets of potential future states following each such action sequence. We also demonstrate an information-theoretic method of predicting future utility. Combining these methods, we extend empowerment to soft-horizon empowerment which enables the player to select a repertoire of action sequences that aim to maintain anticipated utility. We show how this method provides a proto-heuristic for nonterminal states prior to specifying concrete game goals, and propose it as a principled candidate model for "intuitive" strategy selection, in line with other recent work on "self-motivated agent behavior." We demonstrate that the technique, despite being generically defined independently of scenario, performs quite well in relatively disparate scenarios, such as a Sokoban-inspired box-pushing scenario and in a Pac-Man-inspired predator game, suggesting novel and principle-based candidate routes toward more general game-playing algorithms.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio