716 research outputs found

    Analysis of Petri Nets and Transition Systems

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    This paper describes a stand-alone, no-frills tool supporting the analysis of (labelled) place/transition Petri nets and the synthesis of labelled transition systems into Petri nets. It is implemented as a collection of independent, dedicated algorithms which have been designed to operate modularly, portably, extensibly, and efficiently.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Flat counter automata almost everywhere!

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    This paper argues that flatness appears as a central notion in the verification of counter automata. A counter automaton is called flat when its control graph can be ``replaced\u27\u27, equivalently w.r.t. reachability, by another one with no nested loops. From a practical view point, we show that flatness is a necessary and sufficient condition for termination of accelerated symbolic model checking, a generic semi-algorithmic technique implemented in successful tools like FAST, LASH or TReX. From a theoretical view point, we prove that many known semilinear subclasses of counter automata are flat: reversal bounded counter machines, lossy vector addition systems with states, reversible Petri nets, persistent and conflict-free Petri nets, etc. Hence, for these subclasses, the semilinear reachability set can be computed using a emph{uniform} accelerated symbolic procedure (whereas previous algorithms were specifically designed for each subclass)

    Decidability Issues for Petri Nets

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    This is a survey of some decidability results for Petri nets, covering the last three decades. The presentation is structured around decidability of specific properties, various behavioural equivalences and finally the model checking problem for temporal logics

    Synthesis of Bounded Choice-Free Petri Nets

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    This paper describes a synthesis algorithm tailored to the construction of choice-free Petri nets from finite persistent transition systems. With this goal in mind, a minimised set of simplified systems of linear inequalities is distilled from a general region-theoretic approach, leading to algorithmic improvements as well as to a partial characterisation of the class of persistent transition systems that have a choice-free Petri net realisation

    On the decidability of fragments of the asynchronous π-calculus

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    AbstractWe study the decidability of a reachability problem for various fragments of the asynchronous π-calculus. We consider the combination of three main features: name generation, name mobility, and unbounded control. We show that the combination of name generation with either name mobility or unbounded control leads to an undecidable fragment. On the other hand, we prove that name generation without name mobility and with bounded control is decidable by reduction to the coverability problem for Petri Nets


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    Subclasses of Formalized Data Flow Diagrams: Monogeneous, Linear & Topologically Free Choice RDFD\u27s

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    Formalized Data Flow Diagrams (FDFD\u27s) and, especially, Reduced Data Flow Diagrams (RDFD\u27s) are Turing equivalent (Symanzik and Baker, 1996). Therefore, no decidability problem can be solved for FDFD\u27s in general. However, it is possible to define subclasses of FDFD\u27s for which decidability problems can be answered. In this paper we will define certain subclasses of FDFD\u27s, which we call Monogeneous RDFD\u27s, Linear RDFD\u27s, and Topologically Free Choice RDFD\u27s. We will show that two of these three subclasses of FDFD\u27s can be simulated via isomorphism by the correspondingly named subclasses of FIFO Petri Nets. It is known that isomorphisms between computation systems guarantee the same answers to corresponding decidability problems (e. g., reachability, deadlock, liveness) in the two systems (Kasai and Miller, 1982). This means that problems where it is known that they can (not) be solved for a subclass of FIFO Petri Nets it follows immediately that the same problems can (not) be solved for the correspondingly named subclass of FDFD\u27s
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