591 research outputs found

    Infinite graphic matroids Part I

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    An infinite matroid is graphic if all of its finite minors are graphic and the intersection of any circuit with any cocircuit is finite. We show that a matroid is graphic if and only if it can be represented by a graph-like topological space: that is, a graph-like space in the sense of Thomassen and Vella. This extends Tutte's characterization of finite graphic matroids. The representation we construct has many pleasant topological properties. Working in the representing space, we prove that any circuit in a 3-connected graphic matroid is countable

    Constrained partitioning problems

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    AbstractWe consider partitioning problems subject to the constraint that the subsets in the partition are independent sets or bases of given matroids. We derive conditions for the functions F and [fnof] such that an optimal partition (S∗1, S∗2,…, S∗k) which minimizes F([fnof](S1),…, [fnof](S k)) has certain order properties. These order properties allow to determine optimal partitions by Greedy-like algorithms. In particular balancing partitioning problems can be solved in this way

    Infinite Matroids and Determinacy of Games

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    Solving a problem of Diestel and Pott, we construct a large class of infinite matroids. These can be used to provide counterexamples against the natural extension of the Well-quasi-ordering-Conjecture to infinite matroids and to show that the class of planar infinite matroids does not have a universal matroid. The existence of these matroids has a connection to Set Theory in that it corresponds to the Determinacy of certain games. To show that our construction gives matroids, we introduce a new very simple axiomatization of the class of countable tame matroids

    The Lattice of Cyclic Flats of a Matroid

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    A flat of a matroid is cyclic if it is a union of circuits. The cyclic flats of a matroid form a lattice under inclusion. We study these lattices and explore matroids from the perspective of cyclic flats. In particular, we show that every lattice is isomorphic to the lattice of cyclic flats of a matroid. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a lattice Z of sets and a function r on Z to be the lattice of cyclic flats of a matroid and the restriction of the corresponding rank function to Z. We define cyclic width and show that this concept gives rise to minor-closed, dual-closed classes of matroids, two of which contain only transversal matroids.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. The new version addresses earlier work by Julie Sims that the authors learned of after submitting the first versio
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