5 research outputs found

    Data driven methods for updating fault detection and diagnosis system in chemical processes

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    Modern industrial processes are becoming more complex, and consequently monitoring them has become a challenging task. Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) as a key element of process monitoring, needs to be investigated because of its essential role in decision making processes. Among available FDD methods, data driven approaches are currently receiving increasing attention because of their relative simplicity in implementation. Regardless of FDD types, one of the main traits of reliable FDD systems is their ability of being updated while new conditions that were not considered at their initial training appear in the process. These new conditions would emerge either gradually or abruptly, but they have the same level of importance as in both cases they lead to FDD poor performance. For addressing updating tasks, some methods have been proposed, but mainly not in research area of chemical engineering. They could be categorized to those that are dedicated to managing Concept Drift (CD) (that appear gradually), and those that deal with novel classes (that appear abruptly). The available methods, mainly, in addition to the lack of clear strategies for updating, suffer from performance weaknesses and inefficient required time of training, as reported. Accordingly, this thesis is mainly dedicated to data driven FDD updating in chemical processes. The proposed schemes for handling novel classes of faults are based on unsupervised methods, while for coping with CD both supervised and unsupervised updating frameworks have been investigated. Furthermore, for enhancing the functionality of FDD systems, some major methods of data processing, including imputation of missing values, feature selection, and feature extension have been investigated. The suggested algorithms and frameworks for FDD updating have been evaluated through different benchmarks and scenarios. As a part of the results, the suggested algorithms for supervised handling CD surpass the performance of the traditional incremental learning in regard to MGM score (defined dimensionless score based on weighted F1 score and training time) even up to 50% improvement. This improvement is achieved by proposed algorithms that detect and forget redundant information as well as properly adjusting the data window for timely updating and retraining the fault detection system. Moreover, the proposed unsupervised FDD updating framework for dealing with novel faults in static and dynamic process conditions achieves up to 90% in terms of the NPP score (defined dimensionless score based on number of the correct predicted class of samples). This result relies on an innovative framework that is able to assign samples either to new classes or to available classes by exploiting one class classification techniques and clustering approaches.Los procesos industriales modernos son cada vez más complejos y, en consecuencia, su control se ha convertido en una tarea desafiante. La detección y el diagnóstico de fallos (FDD), como un elemento clave de la supervisión del proceso, deben ser investigados debido a su papel esencial en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Entre los métodos disponibles de FDD, los enfoques basados en datos están recibiendo una atención creciente debido a su relativa simplicidad en la implementación. Independientemente de los tipos de FDD, una de las principales características de los sistemas FDD confiables es su capacidad de actualización, mientras que las nuevas condiciones que no fueron consideradas en su entrenamiento inicial, ahora aparecen en el proceso. Estas nuevas condiciones pueden surgir de forma gradual o abrupta, pero tienen el mismo nivel de importancia ya que en ambos casos conducen al bajo rendimiento de FDD. Para abordar las tareas de actualización, se han propuesto algunos métodos, pero no mayoritariamente en el área de investigación de la ingeniería química. Podrían ser categorizados en los que están dedicados a manejar Concept Drift (CD) (que aparecen gradualmente), y a los que tratan con clases nuevas (que aparecen abruptamente). Los métodos disponibles, además de la falta de estrategias claras para la actualización, sufren debilidades en su funcionamiento y de un tiempo de capacitación ineficiente, como se ha referenciado. En consecuencia, esta tesis está dedicada principalmente a la actualización de FDD impulsada por datos en procesos químicos. Los esquemas propuestos para manejar nuevas clases de fallos se basan en métodos no supervisados, mientras que para hacer frente a la CD se han investigado los marcos de actualización supervisados y no supervisados. Además, para mejorar la funcionalidad de los sistemas FDD, se han investigado algunos de los principales métodos de procesamiento de datos, incluida la imputación de valores perdidos, la selección de características y la extensión de características. Los algoritmos y marcos sugeridos para la actualización de FDD han sido evaluados a través de diferentes puntos de referencia y escenarios. Como parte de los resultados, los algoritmos sugeridos para el CD de manejo supervisado superan el rendimiento del aprendizaje incremental tradicional con respecto al puntaje MGM (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el puntaje F1 ponderado y el tiempo de entrenamiento) hasta en un 50% de mejora. Esta mejora se logra mediante los algoritmos propuestos que detectan y olvidan la información redundante, así como ajustan correctamente la ventana de datos para la actualización oportuna y el reciclaje del sistema de detección de fallas. Además, el marco de actualización FDD no supervisado propuesto para tratar fallas nuevas en condiciones de proceso estáticas y dinámicas logra hasta 90% en términos de la puntuación de NPP (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el número de la clase de muestras correcta predicha). Este resultado se basa en un marco innovador que puede asignar muestras a clases nuevas o a clases disponibles explotando una clase de técnicas de clasificación y enfoques de agrupamientoPostprint (published version

    Data driven methods for updating fault detection and diagnosis system in chemical processes

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    Modern industrial processes are becoming more complex, and consequently monitoring them has become a challenging task. Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) as a key element of process monitoring, needs to be investigated because of its essential role in decision making processes. Among available FDD methods, data driven approaches are currently receiving increasing attention because of their relative simplicity in implementation. Regardless of FDD types, one of the main traits of reliable FDD systems is their ability of being updated while new conditions that were not considered at their initial training appear in the process. These new conditions would emerge either gradually or abruptly, but they have the same level of importance as in both cases they lead to FDD poor performance. For addressing updating tasks, some methods have been proposed, but mainly not in research area of chemical engineering. They could be categorized to those that are dedicated to managing Concept Drift (CD) (that appear gradually), and those that deal with novel classes (that appear abruptly). The available methods, mainly, in addition to the lack of clear strategies for updating, suffer from performance weaknesses and inefficient required time of training, as reported. Accordingly, this thesis is mainly dedicated to data driven FDD updating in chemical processes. The proposed schemes for handling novel classes of faults are based on unsupervised methods, while for coping with CD both supervised and unsupervised updating frameworks have been investigated. Furthermore, for enhancing the functionality of FDD systems, some major methods of data processing, including imputation of missing values, feature selection, and feature extension have been investigated. The suggested algorithms and frameworks for FDD updating have been evaluated through different benchmarks and scenarios. As a part of the results, the suggested algorithms for supervised handling CD surpass the performance of the traditional incremental learning in regard to MGM score (defined dimensionless score based on weighted F1 score and training time) even up to 50% improvement. This improvement is achieved by proposed algorithms that detect and forget redundant information as well as properly adjusting the data window for timely updating and retraining the fault detection system. Moreover, the proposed unsupervised FDD updating framework for dealing with novel faults in static and dynamic process conditions achieves up to 90% in terms of the NPP score (defined dimensionless score based on number of the correct predicted class of samples). This result relies on an innovative framework that is able to assign samples either to new classes or to available classes by exploiting one class classification techniques and clustering approaches.Los procesos industriales modernos son cada vez más complejos y, en consecuencia, su control se ha convertido en una tarea desafiante. La detección y el diagnóstico de fallos (FDD), como un elemento clave de la supervisión del proceso, deben ser investigados debido a su papel esencial en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Entre los métodos disponibles de FDD, los enfoques basados en datos están recibiendo una atención creciente debido a su relativa simplicidad en la implementación. Independientemente de los tipos de FDD, una de las principales características de los sistemas FDD confiables es su capacidad de actualización, mientras que las nuevas condiciones que no fueron consideradas en su entrenamiento inicial, ahora aparecen en el proceso. Estas nuevas condiciones pueden surgir de forma gradual o abrupta, pero tienen el mismo nivel de importancia ya que en ambos casos conducen al bajo rendimiento de FDD. Para abordar las tareas de actualización, se han propuesto algunos métodos, pero no mayoritariamente en el área de investigación de la ingeniería química. Podrían ser categorizados en los que están dedicados a manejar Concept Drift (CD) (que aparecen gradualmente), y a los que tratan con clases nuevas (que aparecen abruptamente). Los métodos disponibles, además de la falta de estrategias claras para la actualización, sufren debilidades en su funcionamiento y de un tiempo de capacitación ineficiente, como se ha referenciado. En consecuencia, esta tesis está dedicada principalmente a la actualización de FDD impulsada por datos en procesos químicos. Los esquemas propuestos para manejar nuevas clases de fallos se basan en métodos no supervisados, mientras que para hacer frente a la CD se han investigado los marcos de actualización supervisados y no supervisados. Además, para mejorar la funcionalidad de los sistemas FDD, se han investigado algunos de los principales métodos de procesamiento de datos, incluida la imputación de valores perdidos, la selección de características y la extensión de características. Los algoritmos y marcos sugeridos para la actualización de FDD han sido evaluados a través de diferentes puntos de referencia y escenarios. Como parte de los resultados, los algoritmos sugeridos para el CD de manejo supervisado superan el rendimiento del aprendizaje incremental tradicional con respecto al puntaje MGM (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el puntaje F1 ponderado y el tiempo de entrenamiento) hasta en un 50% de mejora. Esta mejora se logra mediante los algoritmos propuestos que detectan y olvidan la información redundante, así como ajustan correctamente la ventana de datos para la actualización oportuna y el reciclaje del sistema de detección de fallas. Además, el marco de actualización FDD no supervisado propuesto para tratar fallas nuevas en condiciones de proceso estáticas y dinámicas logra hasta 90% en términos de la puntuación de NPP (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el número de la clase de muestras correcta predicha). Este resultado se basa en un marco innovador que puede asignar muestras a clases nuevas o a clases disponibles explotando una clase de técnicas de clasificación y enfoques de agrupamient

    Fault detection in nonlinear systems: an observer-based approach

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    An un-permitted deviation of at least one characteristic property or parameter of a system from standard condition is referred as a fault. Faults result in reduced efficiency of the system, reduced quality of the product, and sometimes complete breakdown of the process. This not only causes economic losses but may also result in fatalities. An early detection of faults can assist to avert these losses. Therefore, fault detection and process monitoring is becoming an essential part of modern control systems. Fault detection in linear dynamical systems has been extensively studied and well established techniques exist in the literature. However, fault detection for nonlinear dynamical systems is yet an active field of research. This work is motivated by the fact that most of real systems are nonlinear in nature and there is a need to develop fault detection techniques for nonlinear systems. Observer-based methods for fault detection have proven to be among the most capable approaches, therefore, this research is focused towards these methods. The first step in observer-based fault detection is to generate a symptom signal, called the residual signal, which carries the information of faults. This is done by comparing the measurements from the process to their estimates generated by an observer (filter). It is desired that the residual signal is sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. This research presents new methods for designing observer (filter) to generate residual signal which is sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. Three types of filters are proposed in this dissertation; these include a fault sensitive filter, disturbance attenuating filter, and a filter to achieve simultaneous attenuation of disturbances and amplification of faults. Despite the disturbance attenuation property of the proposed filters, the residual signal is not completely decoupled from the effect of disturbances and uncertainties. Therefore, a threshold is needed to care for the effect of disturbances and uncertainties. Selection of threshold plays an important role in the performance of the fault detection system. If it is selected too high, some faults will not be detected. Conversely, if it is selected too low, disturbances and uncertainties will result in false alarms. This research presents a new method to determine the threshold to avoid false-alarms and to minimize missed-detections. A threshold generator is proposed which is itself a dynamic system and produces a variable threshold. This threshold changes with the effects of uncertainties and disturbances and fits more tightly to the fault-free residual signal and, hence, the performance of fault detection system is improved. In addition to the residual generation stage, the efficiency of a fault detection system can also be optimized by post-filtering. A further contribution of this research is in proposing a post-filter which operates on the residual signal to generate a modified residual signal. This modified residual signal is simultaneously sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. Together with this post-filter, a strategy is adopted to select a threshold which maximizes the fault detectability and minimizes the number of false-alarms

    Entwurf eines Beobachterbasierten Robusten Nichtlinearen Reglers

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    Due to observers ability in the estimation of internal system states, observers play an important role in the field of control and monitoring of dynamical systems. In reality, using sensors to measure the desired system states may be costly and/or affects the reliability of technical systems. Besides, some signals are impractical or inaccessible to be measured and using of sensors leads to significant errors such as stochastic noise. The solution of using observers is well-known since 1964. Besides the estimation of system states, some observers are able to estimate unknown inputs affecting the system dynamics such as disturbance forces or torques. These features are helpful for supervision and fault diagnosis tasks by monitoring the sensors and system components or for advanced control purposes by realizing observer-based control for practical systems. Among the state and disturbance observers, Proportional-Integral-Observer (PIO) is highly appreciated because of its simple structure and design procedure. Furthermore, using sufficiently high gain PIO, a robust estimation of system states and unknown inputs can be achieved. Besides taking the advantages of high gain design, the disadvantages of large overshoot and strong influence from measurement noise (as typical drawbacks of high gain utilization) in the control and estimation performance can not be neglected. Recently, some researches have been done to overcome the disadvantages of high gain observers and to adaptively adjust the gain of observer based on the resulting actual performance. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of high gain PIO besides the recent developments, it is evident that there are still open problems and questions to be solved in the area of optimal design of PIO and robust nonlinear control approaches based on PIO. On the other hand, the PI-Observer can be used in combination with linear/nonlinear control approaches (due to its simple structure and capability to estimate the system states and disturbances) to improve the performance and robustness of the closed-loop control results. Therefore, this thesis focuses on development and improvement of high gain Proportional-Integral-Observer as well as utilization of this observer in combination with well-known robust control approaches for possible general application in nonlinear systems. The Modified Advanced PIO (MAPIO) is introduced in this work as the extended version of Advanced PIO (APIO) to tune the gain of PIO according to the current situation. A cost function is defined so that the estimation performance and the related energy can be evaluated. Comparison between advanced observer design approaches has been done in the task of reconstructing the nonlinear characteristics and estimating the external inputs (contact forces) acting to elastic mechanical structures. Simulation results in open-loop and closed-loop cases verified that the performance of MAPIO in the task of unknown input estimation is more robust to different levels of measurement noise in comparison to previous methods e.g. APIO and standard high/low gain PIO. Furthermore, a new gain design approach of Proportional-Integral-Observer is proposed to overcome the disadvantages of high gain PIO and to realize the estimation of fast dynamical behaviors like unknown impact force. The dynamics of this force input is assumed as unknown. The idea of funnel control is taking into consideration to design the PIO gain. The important advantage of the proposed approach compared to previously published PIO gain design is the self-adjustment of observer gains according to the actual estimation situation inside the predefined funnel area. In this thesis it is shown that the proposed funnel PI-Observer algorithm allows adaptive PIO gain calculation, being able to be situatively adjusted even in the presence of measurement noise. Stability proof of funnel PI-Observer is investigated according to the switching observer condition and Lyapunov theory. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation and experimental results using an elastic beam test rig. Furthermore, a nonlinear MIMO mechanical system is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in the closed-loop context. Additionally, this thesis provides two new PI-Observer-based robust controllers as PIO-based sliding mode control and PIO-based backstepping control to improve the position tracking performance of a hydraulic differential cylinder system in the presence of uncertainties e.g. modeling errors, disturbances, and measurement noise. To use the linear PIO for estimation of system states and unknown inputs, the input-output feedback linearization approach is used to linearize the nonlinear model of hydraulic differential cylinder system. Thereupon the result of state and unknown input estimation is integrated into the structure of robust control design (here SMC and backstepping control) to eliminate the effects of uncertainties and disturbances. The introduced PIO-based robust controllers guarantee the ultimate boundness of the tracking error in the presence of uncertainties. The closed-loop stability is proved using Lyapunov theory in both cases. The proposed methods are experimentally validated and the results are compared with the standard SMC and industrial standard approach P-Controller in the presence of measurement noise, model uncertainties, and external disturbances. A general comparison of SMC and backstepping control approaches is provided in the last part of this work.Die Regelung und Überwachung dynamischer Systeme kann voraussetzen, dass Informationen über interne Systemzustände bekannt sind. Die Verwendung von Sensoren zur Erfassung aller Systemzustände kann erhöhte Kosten zur Folge haben und die Systemzuverlässigkeit negativ beeinflussen. Weitere Probleme ergeben sich dadurch, dass ggf. nicht jeder Systemzustand sensorisch erfasst werden kann. Der Beobachter erlaubt die Rekonstruktion aller Systemzustände auf Grundlage weniger Messungen. Neben Systemzuständen können externe Eingangsgrößen wie Reibmomente und Störungen geschätzt werden. Als Konsequenz ermöglicht der Beobachter eine gegenüber Störungen robuste Regelung und Fehlerdiagnose technischer Systeme. Der Proportional-Integral-Observer (PIO) kann mittels bestehender Entwurfsverfahren einfach implementiert werden. Durch Anpassen der Rückkopplungsmatrix eignet sich der PIO zur kombinierten Schätzung von Zuständen und unbekannten Eingangsgrößen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Wahl einer betragsmäßig großen Rückkopplungsverstärkungsmatrix, als sogenannter High Gain Ansatz, eine entscheidende Rolle. Weiterhin hängt die Performance des PIO von der unbekannten Charakteristik der zu schätzenden Eingangsgröße ab. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung optimierter Entwurfsverfahren für den Proportional-Integral-Observer und der Entwicklung und Anwendung beobachterbasierter Konzepte zur robusten Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme. In dieser Arbeit wird der modifizierte Advanced PIO (MAPIO) als erweiterte Version des Advanced PIO (APIO) eingeführt. Der Schätzfehler von MAPIO wird über ein Gütefunktional abgebildet. Das Gütefunktional wird durch Anpassung der Rückkopplungsverstärkungsmatrix an die Charakteristik der unbekannten Eingangsgröße minimiert. Die Performance der modifizierten Beobachterentwurfsansätze wird anhand eines praktischen Beispiels bewertet. Geschätzt wird eine unbekannte Kontaktkraft mit nichtlinearer Charakteristik, die auf ein mechanisches System wirkt. Anhand eines Simulationsbeispiels im offenen und geschlossenen Regelkreis wird die Performance von MAPIO gegenüber vorherigen Verfahren APIO und PIO verifiziert. Basierend auf der Idee des Funnel Reglers wird ein neuartiges Entwurfskonzept für den Proportional-Integral-Observer vorgestellt. Die Nachteile des PIO-Konzeptes mit hohem Verstärkungsfaktor können überwunden werden und Schätzungen schneller dynamischer Verhaltensweisen lassen sich realisieren. Der Vorteil der neuartigen Funnel PIO Methode ist, dass der Schätzfehler in einem definierten Bereich, der sogenannten Funnel-Area, verbleibt. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Funnel PIO Algorithmus eine adaptive PIO Verstärkungsberechnung ermöglicht, die auch in Gegenwart von Messrauschen situativ eingestellt werden kann. Der Stabilitätsnachweis von Funnel PIO wird mittels der Lyapunov Theorie untersucht. Die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Methode wird durch Simulation und experimentelle Ergebnisse validiert. Eine auf einen elastischen Balken wirkende äußere Kraft mit nichtlinearer Charakteristik wird geschätzt. Ein nichtlineares MIMO System wird verwendet, um die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Methode im geschlossenen Regelkreis zu verifizieren. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue PI-Observer basierte robuste Regelungen (PIO-basierte Sliding Mode und PIO-basierte Backstepping Regelung) vorgestellt. Die Positionsregelung eines hydraulischen Differentialzylinders in Gegenwart von Modellunsicherheiten, Störungen und Messrauschen wird untersucht. Zur Anwendung der PIO-basierten Störgrößenschätzung wird eine Ein-/Ausgangs-Linearisierung des nichtlinearen Modells vorgenommen. Die Stabilität des geschlossenen Regelkreises wird in beiden Fällen mit der Lyapunov Theorie bewiesen. Die vorgeschlagenen Methoden werden experimentell validiert und die Ergebnisse werden mit dem Standard Sliding Mode Regler und einem P-Regler in Gegenwart von Messrauschen, Modellunsicherheiten und externen Störungen verglichen