30,193 research outputs found

    Bibliographic Review on Distributed Kalman Filtering

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    In recent years, a compelling need has arisen to understand the effects of distributed information structures on estimation and filtering. In this paper, a bibliographical review on distributed Kalman filtering (DKF) is provided.\ud The paper contains a classification of different approaches and methods involved to DKF. The applications of DKF are also discussed and explained separately. A comparison of different approaches is briefly carried out. Focuses on the contemporary research are also addressed with emphasis on the practical applications of the techniques. An exhaustive list of publications, linked directly or indirectly to DKF in the open literature, is compiled to provide an overall picture of different developing aspects of this area

    Consensus-based control for a network of diffusion PDEs with boundary local interaction

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    In this paper the problem of driving the state of a network of identical agents, modeled by boundary-controlled heat equations, towards a common steady-state profile is addressed. Decentralized consensus protocols are proposed to address two distinct problems. The first problem is that of steering the states of all agents towards the same constant steady-state profile which corresponds to the spatial average of the agents initial condition. A linear local interaction rule addressing this requirement is given. The second problem deals with the case where the controlled boundaries of the agents dynamics are corrupted by additive persistent disturbances. To achieve synchronization between agents, while completely rejecting the effect of the boundary disturbances, a nonlinear sliding-mode based consensus protocol is proposed. Performance of the proposed local interaction rules are analyzed by applying a Lyapunov-based approach. Simulation results are presented to support the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    Consensus-based approach to peer-to-peer electricity markets with product differentiation

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    With the sustained deployment of distributed generation capacities and the more proactive role of consumers, power systems and their operation are drifting away from a conventional top-down hierarchical structure. Electricity market structures, however, have not yet embraced that evolution. Respecting the high-dimensional, distributed and dynamic nature of modern power systems would translate to designing peer-to-peer markets or, at least, to using such an underlying decentralized structure to enable a bottom-up approach to future electricity markets. A peer-to-peer market structure based on a Multi-Bilateral Economic Dispatch (MBED) formulation is introduced, allowing for multi-bilateral trading with product differentiation, for instance based on consumer preferences. A Relaxed Consensus+Innovation (RCI) approach is described to solve the MBED in fully decentralized manner. A set of realistic case studies and their analysis allow us showing that such peer-to-peer market structures can effectively yield market outcomes that are different from centralized market structures and optimal in terms of respecting consumers preferences while maximizing social welfare. Additionally, the RCI solving approach allows for a fully decentralized market clearing which converges with a negligible optimality gap, with a limited amount of information being shared.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Modulating interaction times in an artificial society of robots

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    In a collaborative society, sharing information is advantageous for each individual as well as for the whole community. Maximizing the number of agent-to-agent interactions per time becomes an appealing behavior due to fast information spreading that maximizes the overall amount of shared information. However, if malicious agents are part of society, then the risk of interacting with one of them increases with an increasing number of interactions. In this paper, we investigate the roles of interaction rates and times (aka edge life) in artificial societies of simulated robot swarms. We adapt their social networks to form proper trust sub-networks and to contain attackers. Instead of sophisticated algorithms to build and administrate trust networks, we focus on simple control algorithms that locally adapt interaction times by changing only the robots' motion patterns. We successfully validate these algorithms in collective decision-making showing improved time to convergence and energy-efficient motion patterns, besides impeding the spread of undesired opinions

    Distributed Linear Parameter Estimation: Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive Strategies

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    The paper considers the problem of distributed adaptive linear parameter estimation in multi-agent inference networks. Local sensing model information is only partially available at the agents and inter-agent communication is assumed to be unpredictable. The paper develops a generic mixed time-scale stochastic procedure consisting of simultaneous distributed learning and estimation, in which the agents adaptively assess their relative observation quality over time and fuse the innovations accordingly. Under rather weak assumptions on the statistical model and the inter-agent communication, it is shown that, by properly tuning the consensus potential with respect to the innovation potential, the asymptotic information rate loss incurred in the learning process may be made negligible. As such, it is shown that the agent estimates are asymptotically efficient, in that their asymptotic covariance coincides with that of a centralized estimator (the inverse of the centralized Fisher information rate for Gaussian systems) with perfect global model information and having access to all observations at all times. The proof techniques are mainly based on convergence arguments for non-Markovian mixed time scale stochastic approximation procedures. Several approximation results developed in the process are of independent interest.Comment: Submitted to SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization journal. Initial Submission: Sept. 2011. Revised: Aug. 201
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