24,869 research outputs found

    Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants.

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    Camera-based 3D reconstruction of physical objects is one of the most popular computer vision trends in recent years. Many systems have been built to model different real-world subjects, but there is lack of a completely robust system for plants. This paper presents a full 3D reconstruction system that incorporates both hardware structures (including the proposed structured light system to enhance textures on object surfaces) and software algorithms (including the proposed 3D point cloud registration and plant feature measurement). This paper demonstrates the ability to produce 3D models of whole plants created from multiple pairs of stereo images taken at different viewing angles, without the need to destructively cut away any parts of a plant. The ability to accurately predict phenotyping features, such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf size and internode distances, is also demonstrated. Experimental results show that, for plants having a range of leaf sizes and a distance between leaves appropriate for the hardware design, the algorithms successfully predict phenotyping features in the target crops, with a recall of 0.97 and a precision of 0.89 for leaf detection and less than a 13-mm error for plant size, leaf size and internode distance

    Survey on Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling

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    Register allocation (mapping variables to processor registers or memory) and instruction scheduling (reordering instructions to increase instruction-level parallelism) are essential tasks for generating efficient assembly code in a compiler. In the last three decades, combinatorial optimization has emerged as an alternative to traditional, heuristic algorithms for these two tasks. Combinatorial optimization approaches can deliver optimal solutions according to a model, can precisely capture trade-offs between conflicting decisions, and are more flexible at the expense of increased compilation time. This paper provides an exhaustive literature review and a classification of combinatorial optimization approaches to register allocation and instruction scheduling, with a focus on the techniques that are most applied in this context: integer programming, constraint programming, partitioned Boolean quadratic programming, and enumeration. Researchers in compilers and combinatorial optimization can benefit from identifying developments, trends, and challenges in the area; compiler practitioners may discern opportunities and grasp the potential benefit of applying combinatorial optimization