202 research outputs found

    Toughness of Recursively Partitionable Graphs

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    A simple graph G = (V,E) on n vertices is said to be recursively partitionable (RP) if G ≃ K1, or if G is connected and satisfies the following recursive property: for every integer partition a1, a2, . . . , ak of n, there is a partition {A1,A2, . . . ,Ak} of V such that each |Ai| = ai, and each induced subgraph G[Ai] is RP (1 ≤ i ≤ k). We show that if S is a vertex cut of an RP graph G with |S| ≥ 2, then G−S has at most 3|S| − 1 components. Moreover, this bound is sharp for |S| = 3. We present two methods for constructing new RP graphs from old. We use these methods to show that for all positive integers s, there exist infinitely many RP graphs with an s-vertex cut whose removal leaves 2s + 1 components. Additionally, we prove a simple necessary condition for a graph to have an RP spanning tree, and we characterise a class of minimal 2-connected RP graphs

    Partitioning Harary graphs into connected subgraphs containing prescribed vertices

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    International audienceA graph G is arbitrarily partitionable (AP for short) if for every partition (n_1, n_2, ..., n_p) of |V(G)| there exists a partition (V_1, V_2, ..., V_p) of V(G) such that each V_i induces a connected subgraph of G with order n_i. If, additionally, k of these subgraphs (k = 1 and n >= k

    First-Order Model-Checking in Random Graphs and Complex Networks

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    Complex networks are everywhere. They appear for example in the form of biological networks, social networks, or computer networks and have been studied extensively. Efficient algorithms to solve problems on complex networks play a central role in today's society. Algorithmic meta-theorems show that many problems can be solved efficiently. Since logic is a powerful tool to model problems, it has been used to obtain very general meta-theorems. In this work, we consider all problems definable in first-order logic and analyze which properties of complex networks allow them to be solved efficiently. The mathematical tool to describe complex networks are random graph models. We define a property of random graph models called α\alpha-power-law-boundedness. Roughly speaking, a random graph is α\alpha-power-law-bounded if it does not admit strong clustering and its degree sequence is bounded by a power-law distribution with exponent at least α\alpha (i.e. the fraction of vertices with degree kk is roughly O(k−α)O(k^{-\alpha})). We solve the first-order model-checking problem (parameterized by the length of the formula) in almost linear FPT time on random graph models satisfying this property with α≥3\alpha \ge 3. This means in particular that one can solve every problem expressible in first-order logic in almost linear expected time on these random graph models. This includes for example preferential attachment graphs, Chung-Lu graphs, configuration graphs, and sparse Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs. Our results match known hardness results and generalize previous tractability results on this topic

    Remarks on the existence of uniquely partitionable planar graphs

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    We consider the problem of the existence of uniquely partitionable planar graphs. We survey some recent results and we prove the nonexistence of uniquely (D1,D1)-partitionable planar graphs with respect to the property D1 "to be a forest"

    Partitioning A Graph In Alliances And Its Application To Data Clustering

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    Any reasonably large group of individuals, families, states, and parties exhibits the phenomenon of subgroup formations within the group such that the members of each group have a strong connection or bonding between each other. The reasons of the formation of these subgroups that we call alliances differ in different situations, such as, kinship and friendship (in the case of individuals), common economic interests (for both individuals and states), common political interests, and geographical proximity. This structure of alliances is not only prevalent in social networks, but it is also an important characteristic of similarity networks of natural and unnatural objects. (A similarity network defines the links between two objects based on their similarities). Discovery of such structure in a data set is called clustering or unsupervised learning and the ability to do it automatically is desirable for many applications in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, behavioral and social sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, medicine, and information theory. In this dissertation, we study a graph theoretical model of alliances where an alliance of the vertices of a graph is a set of vertices in the graph, such that every vertex in the set is adjacent to equal or more vertices inside the set than the vertices outside it. We study the problem of partitioning a graph into alliances and identify classes of graphs that have such a partition. We present results on the relationship between the existence of such a partition and other well known graph parameters, such as connectivity, subgraph structure, and degrees of vertices. We also present results on the computational complexity of finding such a partition. An alliance cover set is a set of vertices in a graph that contains at least one vertex from every alliance of the graph. The complement of an alliance cover set is an alliance free set, that is, a set that does not contain any alliance as a subset. We study the properties of these sets and present tight bounds on their cardinalities. In addition, we also characterize the graphs that can be partitioned into alliance free and alliance cover sets. Finally, we present an approximate algorithm to discover alliances in a given graph. At each step, the algorithm finds a partition of the vertices into two alliances such that the alliances are strongest among all such partitions. The strength of an alliance is defined as a real number p, such that every vertex in the alliance has at least p times more neighbors in the set than its total number of neighbors in the graph). We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on standard data sets
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