6 research outputs found

    How many matchings cover the nodes of a graph?

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    Given an undirected graph, are there kk matchings whose union covers all of its nodes, that is, a matching-kk-cover? A first, easy polynomial solution from matroid union is possible, as already observed by Wang, Song and Yuan (Mathematical Programming, 2014). However, it was not satisfactory neither from the algorithmic viewpoint nor for proving graphic theorems, since the corresponding matroid ignores the edges of the graph. We prove here, simply and algorithmically: all nodes of a graph can be covered with k2k\ge 2 matchings if and only if for every stable set SS we have SkN(S)|S|\le k\cdot|N(S)|. When k=1k=1, an exception occurs: this condition is not enough to guarantee the existence of a matching-11-cover, that is, the existence of a perfect matching, in this case Tutte's famous matching theorem (J. London Math. Soc., 1947) provides the right `good' characterization. The condition above then guarantees only that a perfect 22-matching exists, as known from another theorem of Tutte (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1953). Some results are then deduced as consequences with surprisingly simple proofs, using only the level of difficulty of bipartite matchings. We give some generalizations, as well as a solution for minimization if the edge-weights are non-negative, while the edge-cardinality maximization of matching-22-covers turns out to be already NP-hard. We have arrived at this problem as the line graph special case of a model arising for manufacturing integrated circuits with the technology called `Directed Self Assembly'.Comment: 10 page

    Wake Up and Join Me! An Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Maximal Matching in Radio Networks

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    We consider networks of small, autonomous devices that communicate with each other wirelessly. Minimizing energy usage is an important consideration in designing algorithms for such networks, as battery life is a crucial and limited resource. Working in a model where both sending and listening for messages deplete energy, we consider the problem of finding a maximal matching of the nodes in a radio network of arbitrary and unknown topology. We present a distributed randomized algorithm that produces, with high probability, a maximal matching. The maximum energy cost per node is O(log2n)O(\log^2 n), where nn is the size of the network. The total latency of our algorithm is O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time steps. We observe that there exist families of network topologies for which both of these bounds are simultaneously optimal up to polylog factors, so any significant improvement will require additional assumptions about the network topology. We also consider the related problem of assigning, for each node in the network, a neighbor to back up its data in case of node failure. Here, a key goal is to minimize the maximum load, defined as the number of nodes assigned to a single node. We present a decentralized low-energy algorithm that finds a neighbor assignment whose maximum load is at most a polylog(nn) factor bigger that the optimum.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 3 algorithm

    Fairness in Graph-Theoretical Optimization Problems

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    There is arbitrariness in optimum solutions of graph-theoretic problems that can give rise to unfairness. Incorporating fairness in such problems, however, can be done in multiple ways. For instance, fairness can be defined on an individual level, for individual vertices or edges of a given graph, or on a group level. In this work, we analyze in detail two individual-fairness measures that are based on finding a probability distribution over the set of solutions. One measure guarantees uniform fairness, i.e., entities have equal chance of being part of the solution when sampling from this probability distribution. The other measure maximizes the minimum probability for every entity of being selected in a solution. In particular, we reveal that computing these individual-fairness measures is in fact equivalent to computing the fractional covering number and the fractional partitioning number of a hypergraph. In addition, we show that for a general class of problems that we classify as independence systems, these two measures coincide. We also analyze group fairness and how this can be combined with the individual-fairness measures. Finally, we establish the computational complexity of determining group-fair solutions for matching