76 research outputs found

    An improvement to multifold euclidean geometry codes

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    This paper presents an improvement to the multifold Euclidean geometry codes introduced by Lin (1973).The improved multifold EG codes are proved to be maximal, and therefore they are more efficient than the multifold EG codes. Relationships between the improved multifold EG codes and other known majority-logic decodable codes are proved

    The q-ary image of some qm-ary cyclic codes: permutation group and soft-decision decoding

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    Using a particular construction of generator matrices of the q-ary image of qm-ary cyclic codes, it is proved that some of these codes are invariant under the action of particular permutation groups. The equivalence of such codes with some two-dimensional (2-D) Abelian codes and cyclic codes is deduced from this property. These permutations are also used in the area of the soft-decision decoding of some expanded Reed–Solomon (RS) codes to improve the performance of generalized minimum-distance decoding

    Asymmetric Quantum LDPC Codes

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    Recently, quantum error-correcting codes were proposed that capitalize on the fact that many physical error models lead to a significant asymmetry between the probabilities for bit flip and phase flip errors. An example for a channel which exhibits such asymmetry is the combined amplitude damping and dephasing channel, where the probabilities of bit flips and phase flips can be related to relaxation and dephasing time, respectively. We give systematic constructions of asymmetric quantum stabilizer codes that exploit this asymmetry. Our approach is based on a CSS construction that combines BCH and finite geometry LDPC codes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Quantum stabilizer codes and beyond

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    The importance of quantum error correction in paving the way to build a practical quantum computer is no longer in doubt. This dissertation makes a threefold contribution to the mathematical theory of quantum error-correcting codes. Firstly, it extends the framework of an important class of quantum codes -- nonbinary stabilizer codes. It clarifies the connections of stabilizer codes to classical codes over quadratic extension fields, provides many new constructions of quantum codes, and develops further the theory of optimal quantum codes and punctured quantum codes. Secondly, it contributes to the theory of operator quantum error correcting codes also called as subsystem codes. These codes are expected to have efficient error recovery schemes than stabilizer codes. This dissertation develops a framework for study and analysis of subsystem codes using character theoretic methods. In particular, this work establishes a close link between subsystem codes and classical codes showing that the subsystem codes can be constructed from arbitrary classical codes. Thirdly, it seeks to exploit the knowledge of noise to design efficient quantum codes and considers more realistic channels than the commonly studied depolarizing channel. It gives systematic constructions of asymmetric quantum stabilizer codes that exploit the asymmetry of errors in certain quantum channels.Comment: Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, 200

    Mathematical structures for decoding projective geometry codes

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    Imperial Users onl

    Applications of finite geometries to designs and codes

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    This dissertation concerns the intersection of three areas of discrete mathematics: finite geometries, design theory, and coding theory. The central theme is the power of finite geometry designs, which are constructed from the points and t-dimensional subspaces of a projective or affine geometry. We use these designs to construct and analyze combinatorial objects which inherit their best properties from these geometric structures. A central question in the study of finite geometry designs is Hamada’s conjecture, which proposes that finite geometry designs are the unique designs with minimum p-rank among all designs with the same parameters. In this dissertation, we will examine several questions related to Hamada’s conjecture, including the existence of counterexamples. We will also study the applicability of certain decoding methods to known counterexamples. We begin by constructing an infinite family of counterexamples to Hamada’s conjecture. These designs are the first infinite class of counterexamples for the affine case of Hamada’s conjecture. We further demonstrate how these designs, along with the projective polarity designs of Jungnickel and Tonchev, admit majority-logic decoding schemes. The codes obtained from these polarity designs attain error-correcting performance which is, in certain cases, equal to that of the finite geometry designs from which they are derived. This further demonstrates the highly geometric structure maintained by these designs. Finite geometries also help us construct several types of quantum error-correcting codes. We use relatives of finite geometry designs to construct infinite families of q-ary quantum stabilizer codes. We also construct entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) which admit a particularly efficient and effective error-correcting scheme, while also providing the first general method for constructing these quantum codes with known parameters and desirable properties. Finite geometry designs are used to give exceptional examples of these codes

    Some new results on majority-logic codes for correction of random errors

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    The main advantages of random error-correcting majority-logic codes and majority-logic decoding in general are well known and two-fold. Firstly, they offer a partial solution to a classical coding theory problem, that of decoder complexity. Secondly, a majority-logic decoder inherently corrects many more random error patterns than the minimum distance of the code implies is possible. The solution to the decoder complexity is only a partial one because there are circumstances under which a majority-logic decoder is too complex and expensive to implement. [Continues.
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