7 research outputs found

    An Energy-Efficient Proactive Routing Scheme for MANET: Game Theoretical Approach of Forwarding with Selfish Nodes

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    In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, nodes exchange packets with each other using intermediate nodes as relays. Since nodes in MANETs are battery powered, energy conservation is a crucial issue. Accepting relay all request may not be in the best interest of a node. But if many nodes prefer not to consume energy in relaying packets on behalf of others, the overall performance of routing in network will be influenced. In this paper we address the energy-efficient routing problem in MANETs with selfish nodes. We modeled this problem as a game-theoretic constraint optimization; we defined the utility of each node as a weighted difference between a performance metric and some transmission costs. A motivate mechanism is proposed in order to induce nodes to forwarding cooperation. Each node independently implements the optimal equilibrium strategy under the given constraints. Simulation results by NS3 simulator show that our proposed approach can improve system performance in network lifetime and packet delivery ratio

    A Coalition-Formation Game Model for Energy-Efficient Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Network

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    One of the most routing problems in Mobile Ad-hoc Network is the node’s selfishness. Nodes are generally selfish and try to maximize their own benefit; hence these nodes refuse to forward packet on behalf of others to preserve their limited energy resources. This selfishness may lead to a low efficiency of routing. Therefore, it is important to study mechanisms which can be used encourage cooperation among nodes, to maintain the network efficiency. In this paper, we propose a cooperative game theoretic model to support more energy-aware and available bandwidth routing in MANET. We introduce a novel framework from coalitional-formation game theory, called hedonic coalition-formation game. We integrate this model to OLSR protocol that is an optimization over the classical link state protocol for the MANETs. Within each coalition, a coalition coordinator acts as a special MPR node to improve the energy efficient and the packet success rate of the transmission. Simulation results show how the proposed algorithm improve the performance in terms of the percentage of selected MPR nodes in the network, the percentage of alive nodes by time, and the Packet Delivery Ratio. Which prove that our proposed model leads, to better results compared to the classical OLSR


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    ABSTRACT MANET is a cooperative network in which nodes are responsible for forwarding as well as routing. Noncooperation is still a big challenge that certainly degrades the performance and reliability of a MANET. This paper presents a novel methodology to overcome routing misbehavior in MANET using Retaliation Model. In this model node misbehavior is watched and an equivalent misbehavior is given in return. This model employs several parameters such as number of packets forwarded, number of packets received for forwarding, packet forwarding ratio etc. to calculate Grade and Bonus Points. The Grade is used to isolate selfish nodes from the routing paths and the Bonus Points defines the number of packets dropped by an honest node in retaliation over its misconducts. The implementation is done in "GloMoSi

    Enhancing Node Cooperation in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Selfish Nodes

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    In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), nodes depend on each other for routing and forwarding packets. However, to save power and other resources, nodes belonging to independent authorities may behave selfishly, and may not be willing to help other nodes. Such selfish behavior poses a real threat to the proper functioning of MANETs. One way to foster node cooperation is to introduce punishment for selfish nodes. Based on neighbor-monitoring techniques, a fully distributed solution to detect, punish, and re-admit selfish nodes, is proposed here. This solution provides nodes the same opportunity to serve/and be served by others. A light-weight solution regarding battery status is also proposed here. This solution requires neighbor monitoring only when necessary, thereby saving nodes battery power. Another effective way to solve the selfish-node problem is to reward nodes for their service according to their cost. To force nodes to show their true cost, truthful protocols are needed. A low overhead truthful routing protocol to find optimal routes is proposed in this thesis. The most prominent feature of this protocol is the reduction of overhead from existing solutions O(n3) to O(n2). A light-weight scalable truthful routing protocol (LSTOP) is further proposed, which finds near-least-cost paths in dense networks. LSTOP reduces overhead to O(n) on average, and O(n2) in worst case scenarios. Multiple path routing protocols are an effective alternative to single path routing protocols. A generic mechanism that can turn any table-driven multipath routing protocol into a truthful one, is outlined here. A truthful multipath routing protocol (TMRP), based on well-known AOMDV protocol, is presented as an example. TMRP incurs an only 2n message overhead for a route discovery, and can also achieve load balancing without compromising truthfulness. To cope with the selfish-node problem in the area of position-based routing, a truthful geographic forwarding (TGF) algorithm is presented. TGF utilizes three auction-based forwarding schemes to stimulate node cooperation. The truthfulness of these schemes is proven, and their performance is evaluated through statistical analysis and simulation studies