9 research outputs found

    On geometric distance-regular graphs with diameter three

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    In this paper we study distance-regular graphs with intersection array {(t + 1)s. ts. (t - 1)(s + 1 - psi); 1, 2, (t + 1)psi} (1) where s. t. psi are integers satisfying t >= 2 and 1 = 2, there are only finitely many distance-regular graphs of order (s, t) with mallest eigenvalue -t -1, diameter D = 3 and intersection number c(2) = 2 except for Hamming graphs with diameter three. Moreover, we will show that if a distance-regular graph with intersection array (1) for t = 2 exists then (s, psi) = (15, 9). As Gavrilyuk and Makhnev (2013)[9] proved that the case (s, psi) = (15, 9) does not exist, this enables us to finish the classification of geometric distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue -3, diameter D >= 3 and c(2) >= 2 which was started by the first author (Bang, 2013)[1]. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.X1121Ysciescopu

    Automorphisms of distance regular graph with intersection array 30, 27, 24; 1, 2, 10

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    Prime divisors of orders of automorphisms and the fixed point subgraphs of automorphisms of prime orders are studied for a hypothetical distance-regular graph with intersection array 30, 27, 24; 1, 2, 10. Let G = Aut(Γ) is nonsolvable group, G = G=S(G) and T is the socle of G. If Γ is vertex-symmetric then (G) is f2g-group, and T ≅= L2(11),M11,U5(2),M22,A11,HiS. © 2019, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

    On automorphisms of a distance-regular graph with intersection array {39, 36, 1; 1, 2, 39}

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    Possible prime-order automorphisms and their fixed-point subgraphs are found for a hypothetical distance-regular graph with intersection array {39, 36, 1; 1, 2, 39}. It is shownthat graphs with intersection arrays {15, 12, 1; 1, 2, 15}, {35, 32, 1; 1, 2, 35}, and {39, 36, 1; 1, 2, 39} are not vertex-symmetric. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    On automorphisms of a distance-regular graph with intersection array {99, 84, 1; 1, 12, 99}

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    We find possible orders and fixed point subgraphs of a hypothetical distance-regular graph with intersection array {99, 84, 1; 1, 12, 99}. We show that, for a vertex-symmetric graph Γ with intersection array {99, 84, 1; 1, 12, 99}, its automorphism group is a {2, 3, 5}-group. © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Non-geometric distance-regular graphs of diameter at least 33 with smallest eigenvalue at least 3-3

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    In this paper, we classify non-geometric distance-regular graphs of diameter at least 33 with smallest eigenvalue at least 3-3. This is progress towards what is hoped to be an eventual complete classification of distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue at least 3-3, analogous to existing classification results available in the case that the smallest eigenvalue is at least 2-2

    Families of Association Schemes on Triples from Two-Transitive Groups

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    Association schemes on triples (ASTs) are ternary analogues of classical association schemes. Analogous to Schurian association schemes, ASTs arise from the actions of two-transitive groups. In this paper, we obtain the sizes and third valencies of the ASTs obtained from the two-transitive permutation groups by determining the orbits of the groups' two-point stabilizers. Specifically, we obtain these parameters for the ASTs obtained from the actions of SnS_n and AnA_n, PGU(3,q)PGU(3,q), PSU(3,q)PSU(3,q), and Sp(2k,2)Sp(2k,2), Sz(22k+1)Sz(2^{2k+1}) and Ree(32k+1)Ree(3^{2k+1}), some subgroups of AΓL(k,n)A\Gamma L(k,n), some subgroups of PΓL(k,n)P\Gamma L(k,n), and the sporadic two-transitive groups. Further, we obtain the intersection numbers for the ASTs obtained from these subgroups of PΓL(k,n)P\Gamma L(k,n) and AΓL(k,n)A \Gamma L(k,n), and the sporadic two-transitive groups. In particular, the ASTs from these projective and sporadic groups are commutative.Comment: 20 pages, 5 table

    Distance-regular graphs

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    This is a survey of distance-regular graphs. We present an introduction to distance-regular graphs for the reader who is unfamiliar with the subject, and then give an overview of some developments in the area of distance-regular graphs since the monograph 'BCN' [Brouwer, A.E., Cohen, A.M., Neumaier, A., Distance-Regular Graphs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989] was written.Comment: 156 page