13 research outputs found

    On generalized semi-infinite optimization and bilevel optimization

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    The paper studies the connections and differences between bilevel problems (BL) and generalized semi-infinite problems (GSIP). Under natural assumptions (GSIP) can be seen as a special case of a (BL). We consider the so-called reduction approach for (BL) and (GSIP) leading to optimality conditions and Newton-type methods for solving the problems. We show by a structural analysis that for (GSIP)-problems the regularity assumptions for the reduction approach can be expected to hold generically at a solution but for general (BL)-problems not. The genericity behavior of (BL) and (GSIP) is in particular studied for linear problems

    Problem-based optimal scenario generation and reduction in stochastic programming

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    Scenarios are indispensable ingredients for the numerical solution of stochastic programs. Earlier approaches to optimal scenario generation and reduction are based on stability arguments involving distances of probability measures. In this paper we review those ideas and suggest to make use of stability estimates based only on problem specific data. For linear two-stage stochastic programs we show that the problem-based approach to optimal scenario generation can be reformulated as best approximation problem for the expected recourse function which in turn can be rewritten as a generalized semi-infinite program. We show that the latter is convex if either right-hand sides or costs are random and can be transformed into a semi-infinite program in a number of cases. We also consider problem-based optimal scenario reduction for two-stage models and optimal scenario generation for chance constrained programs. Finally, we discuss problem-based scenario generation for the classical newsvendor problem

    Solving bilevel programs with the KKT-approach

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    Bilevel programs (BL) form a special class of optimization problems. They appear in many models in economics, game theory and mathematical physics. BL programs show a more complicated structure than standard finite problems. We study the so-called KKT-approach for solving bilevel problems, where the lower level minimality condition is replaced by the KKT- or the FJ-condition. This leads to a special structured mathematical program with complementarity constraints. We analyze the KKT-approach from a generic viewpoint and reveal the advantages and possible drawbacks of this approach for solving BL problems numerically

    The Watermelon Algorithm for The Bilevel Integer Linear Programming Problem

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    This paper presents an exact algorithm for the bilevel integer linear programming (BILP) problem. The proposed algorithm, which we call the watermelon algorithm, uses a multiway disjunction cut to remove bilevel infeasible solutions from the search space, which was motivated by how watermelon seeds can be carved out by a scoop. Serving as the scoop, a polyhedron is designed to enclose as many bilevel infeasible solutions as possible, and then the complement of this polyhedron is applied to the search space as a multiway disjunction cut in a branch-and-bound framework. We have proved that the watermelon algorithm is able to solve all BILP instances finitely and correctly, providing either a global optimal solution or a certificate of infeasibility or unboundedness. Computational experiment results on two sets of small- to medium-sized instances suggest that the watermelon algorithm could be significantly more efficient than previous branch-and-bound based BILP algorithms

    Self-Evaluation Applied Mathematics 2003-2008 University of Twente

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    This report contains the self-study for the research assessment of the Department of Applied Mathematics (AM) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at the University of Twente (UT). The report provides the information for the Research Assessment Committee for Applied Mathematics, dealing with mathematical sciences at the three universities of technology in the Netherlands. It describes the state of affairs pertaining to the period 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2008

    Disjunctive Aspects in Generalized Semi-infinite Programming

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    In this thesis the close relationship between generalized semi-infinite problems (GSIP) and disjunctive problems (DP) is considered. We start with the description of some optimization problems from timber industry and illustrate how GSIPs and DPs arise naturally in that field. Three different applications are reviewed. Next, theory and solution methods for both types of problems are examined. We describe a new possibility to model disjunctive optimization problems as generalized semi-infinite programs. Applying existing lower level reformulations for the obtained semi-infinite program we derive conjunctive nonlinear problems without any logical expressions, which can be locally solved by standard nonlinear solvers. In addition to this local solution procedure we propose a new branch-and-bound framework for global optimization of disjunctive programs. In contrast to the widely used reformulation as a mixed-integer program, we compute the lower bounds and evaluate the logical expression in one step. Thus, we reduce the size of the problem and work exclusively with continuous variables, which is computationally advantageous. In contrast to existing methods in disjunctive programming, none of our approaches expects any special formulation of the underlying logical expression. Where applicable, under slightly stronger assumptions, even the use of negations and implications is allowed. Our preliminary numerical results show that both procedures, the reformulation technique as well as the branch-and-bound algorithm, are reasonable methods to solve disjunctive optimization problems locally and globally, respectively. In the last part of this thesis we propose a new branch-and-bound algorithm for global minimization of box-constrained generalized semi-infinite programs. It treats the inherent disjunctive structure of these problems by tailored lower bounding procedures. Three different possibilities are examined. The first one relies on standard lower bounding procedures from conjunctive global optimization. The second and the third alternative are based on linearization techniques by which we derive linear disjunctive relaxations of the considered sub-problems. Solving these by either mixed-integer linear reformulations or, alternatively, by disjunctive linear programming techniques yields two additional possibilities. Our numerical results on standard test problems with these three lower bounding procedures show the merits of our approach

    Adaptive Algorithms for Semi-Infinite Programming with Arbitrary Index Sets

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