558 research outputs found

    Thresholded Covering Algorithms for Robust and Max-Min Optimization

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    The general problem of robust optimization is this: one of several possible scenarios will appear tomorrow, but things are more expensive tomorrow than they are today. What should you anticipatorily buy today, so that the worst-case cost (summed over both days) is minimized? Feige et al. and Khandekar et al. considered the k-robust model where the possible outcomes tomorrow are given by all demand-subsets of size k, and gave algorithms for the set cover problem, and the Steiner tree and facility location problems in this model, respectively. In this paper, we give the following simple and intuitive template for k-robust problems: "having built some anticipatory solution, if there exists a single demand whose augmentation cost is larger than some threshold, augment the anticipatory solution to cover this demand as well, and repeat". In this paper we show that this template gives us improved approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner tree and set cover, and the first approximation algorithms for k-robust Steiner forest, minimum-cut and multicut. All our approximation ratios (except for multicut) are almost best possible. As a by-product of our techniques, we also get algorithms for max-min problems of the form: "given a covering problem instance, which k of the elements are costliest to cover?".Comment: 24 page

    When the Cut Condition is Enough: A Complete Characterization for Multiflow Problems in Series-Parallel Networks

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a supply graph and H=(V,F)H=(V,F) a demand graph defined on the same set of vertices. An assignment of capacities to the edges of GG and demands to the edges of HH is said to satisfy the \emph{cut condition} if for any cut in the graph, the total demand crossing the cut is no more than the total capacity crossing it. The pair (G,H)(G,H) is called \emph{cut-sufficient} if for any assignment of capacities and demands that satisfy the cut condition, there is a multiflow routing the demands defined on HH within the network with capacities defined on GG. We prove a previous conjecture, which states that when the supply graph GG is series-parallel, the pair (G,H)(G,H) is cut-sufficient if and only if (G,H)(G,H) does not contain an \emph{odd spindle} as a minor; that is, if it is impossible to contract edges of GG and delete edges of GG and HH so that GG becomes the complete bipartite graph K2,pK_{2,p}, with p3p\geq 3 odd, and HH is composed of a cycle connecting the pp vertices of degree 2, and an edge connecting the two vertices of degree pp. We further prove that if the instance is \emph{Eulerian} --- that is, the demands and capacities are integers and the total of demands and capacities incident to each vertex is even --- then the multiflow problem has an integral solution. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm to find an integral solution in this case. In order to prove these results, we formulate properties of tight cuts (cuts for which the cut condition inequality is tight) in cut-sufficient pairs. We believe these properties might be useful in extending our results to planar graphs.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will be published at the 44th Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2012

    Towards Duality of Multicommodity Multiroute Cuts and Flows: Multilevel Ball-Growing

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    An elementary h-route flow, for an integer h ≥ 1, is a set of h edge-disjoint paths between a source and a sink, each path carrying a unit of flow, and an h-route flow is a non-negative linear combination of elementary h-route flows. An h-route cut is a set of edges whose removal decreases the maximum h-route flow between a given source-sink pair (or between every source-sink pair in the multicommodity setting) to zero. The main result of this paper is an approximate duality theorem for multicommodity h-route cuts and flows, for h ≤ 3: The size of a minimum h-route cut is at least f/h and at most O(log 3 k·f) where f is the size of the maximum h-route flow and k is the number of commodities. The main step towards the proof of this duality is the design and analysis of a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the minimum h-route cut problem for h = 3 that has an approximation ratio of O(log 3 k). Previously, polylogarithmic approximation was known only for h-route cuts for h ≤ 2. A key ingredient of our algorithm is a novel rounding technique that we call multilevel ball-growing. Though the proof of the duality relies on this algorithm, it is not a straightforward corollary of it as in the case of classical multicommodity flows and cuts. Similar results are shown also for the sparsest multiroute cut problem

    Distances and cuts in planar graphs

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    Distances and cuts in planar graphs

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    AbstractWe prove the following theorem. Let G = (V, E) be a planar bipartite graph, embedded in the euclidean plane. Let O and I be two of its faces. Then there exist pairwise edge-disjoint cuts C1, …, Ct so that for each two vertices v, w with v, w ϵ O of v, w ϵ I, the distance from v to w in G is equal to the number of cuts Cj separating v and w. This theorem is dual to a theorem of Okamura on plane multicommodity flows, in the same way as a theorem of Karzanov is dual to one of Lomonosov

    On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms

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    We give a lower bound on the iteration complexity of a natural class of Lagrangean-relaxation algorithms for approximately solving packing/covering linear programs. We show that, given an input with mm random 0/1-constraints on nn variables, with high probability, any such algorithm requires Ω(ρlog(m)/ϵ2)\Omega(\rho \log(m)/\epsilon^2) iterations to compute a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate solution, where ρ\rho is the width of the input. The bound is tight for a range of the parameters (m,n,ρ,ϵ)(m,n,\rho,\epsilon). The algorithms in the class include Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Benders' decomposition, Lagrangean relaxation as developed by Held and Karp [1971] for lower-bounding TSP, and many others (e.g. by Plotkin, Shmoys, and Tardos [1988] and Grigoriadis and Khachiyan [1996]). To prove the bound, we use a discrepancy argument to show an analogous lower bound on the support size of (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate mixed strategies for random two-player zero-sum 0/1-matrix games