108 research outputs found

    The highly connected even-cycle and even-cut matroids

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    The classes of even-cycle matroids, even-cycle matroids with a blocking pair, and even-cut matroids each have hundreds of excluded minors. We show that the number of excluded minors for these classes can be drastically reduced if we consider in each class only the highly connected matroids of sufficient size.Comment: Version 2 is a major revision, including a correction of an error in the statement of one of the main results and improved exposition. It is 89 pages, including a 33-page Jupyter notebook that contains SageMath code and that is also available in the ancillary file

    There are only a finite number of excluded minors for the class of bicircular matroids

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    We show that the class of bicircular matroids has only a finite number of excluded minors. Key tools used in our proof include representations of matroids by biased graphs and the recently introduced class of quasi-graphic matroids. We show that if NN is an excluded minor of rank at least ten, then NN is quasi-graphic. Several small excluded minors are quasi-graphic. Using biased-graphic representations, we find that NN already contains one of these. We also provide an upper bound, in terms of rank, on the number of elements in an excluded minor, so the result follows.Comment: Added an appendix describing all known excluded minors. Added Gordon Royle as author. Some proofs revised and correcte

    Templates for Representable Matroids

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    The matroid structure theory of Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle has led to a hypothesis that a highly connected member of a minor-closed class of matroids representable over a finite field is a mild modification (known as a perturbation) of a frame matroid, the dual of a frame matroid, or a matroid representable over a proper subfield. They introduced the notion of a template to describe these perturbations in more detail. In this dissertation, we determine these templates for various classes and use them to prove results about representability, extremal functions, and excluded minors. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to matroids and matroid structure theory. Chapters 2 and 3 analyze this hypothesis of Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle and propose some refined hypotheses. In Chapter 3, we define frame templates and discuss various notions of template equivalence. Chapter 4 gives some details on how templates relate to each other. We define a preorder on the set of frame templates over a finite field, and we determine the minimal nontrivial templates with respect to this preorder. We also study in significant depth a specific type of template that is pertinent to many applications. Chapters 5 and 6 apply the results of Chapters 3 and 4 to several subclasses of the binary matroids and the quaternary matroids---those matroids representable over the fields of two and four elements, respectively. Two of the classes we study in Chapter 5 are the even-cycle matroids and the even-cut matroids. Each of these classes has hundreds of excluded minors. We show that, for highly connected matroids, two or three excluded minors suffice. We also show that Seymour\u27s 1-Flowing Conjecture holds for sufficiently highly connected matroids. In Chapter 6, we completely characterize the highly connected members of the class of golden-mean matroids and several other closely related classes of quaternary matroids. This leads to a determination of the extremal functions for these classes, verifying a conjecture of Archer for matroids of sufficiently large rank

    On Binary And Regular Matroids Without Small Minors

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    The results of this dissertation consist of excluded-minor results for Binary Matroids and excluded-minor results for Regular Matroids. Structural theorems on the relationship between minors and k-sums of matroids are developed here in order to provide some of these characterizations. Chapter 2 of the dissertation contains excluded-minor results for Binary Matroids. The first main result of this dissertation is a characterization of the internally 4-connected binary matroids with no minor that is isomorphic to the cycle matroid of the prism+e graph. This characterization generalizes results of Mayhew and Royle [18] for binary matroids and results of Dirac [8] and Lovász [15] for graphs. The results of this chapter are then extended from the class of internally 4-connected matroids to the class of 3-connected matroids. Chapter 3 of the dissertation contains the second main result, a decomposition theorem for regular matroids without certain minors. This decomposition theorem is used to obtain excluded-minor results for Regular Matroids. Wagner, Lovász, Oxley, Ding, Liu, and others have characterized many classes of graphs that are H-free for graphs H with at most twelve edges (see [7]). We extend several of these excluded-minor characterizations to regular matroids in Chapter 3. We also provide characterizations of regular matroids excluding several graphic matroids such as the octahedron, cube, and the Möbius Ladder on eight vertices. Both theoretical and computer-aided proofs of the results of Chapters 2 and 3 are provided in this dissertation

    Ramsey Theory Using Matroid Minors

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    This thesis considers a Ramsey Theory question for graphs and regular matroids. Specifically, how many elements N are required in a 3-connected graphic or regular matroid to force the existence of certain specified minors in that matroid? This question cannot be answered for an arbitrary collection of specified minors. However, there are results from the literature for which the number N exists for certain collections of minors. We first encode totally unimodular matrix representations of certain matroids. We use the computer program MACEK to investigate this question for certain classes of specified minors

    On Selected Subclasses of Matroids

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    Matroids were introduced by Whitney to provide an abstract notion of independence. In this work, after giving a brief survey of matroid theory, we describe structural results for various classes of matroids. A connected matroid MM is unbreakable if, for each of its flats FF, the matroid M/FM/F is connected%or, equivalently, if M∗M^* has no two skew circuits. . Pfeil showed that a simple graphic matroid M(G)M(G) is unbreakable exactly when GG is either a cycle or a complete graph. We extend this result to describe which graphs are the underlying graphs of unbreakable frame matroids. A laminar family is a collection \A of subsets of a set EE such that, for any two intersecting sets, one is contained in the other. For a capacity function cc on \A, let \I be %the set \{I:|I\cap A| \leq c(A)\text{ for all A\in\A}\}. Then \I is the collection of independent sets of a (laminar) matroid on EE. We characterize the class of laminar matroids by their excluded minors and present a way to construct all laminar matroids using basic operations. %Nested matroids were introduced by Crapo in 1965 and have appeared frequently in the literature since then. A flat of a matroid MM is Hamiltonian if it has a spanning circuit. A matroid MM is nested if its Hamiltonian flats form a chain under inclusion; MM is laminar if, for every 11-element independent set XX, the Hamiltonian flats of MM containing XX form a chain under inclusion. We generalize these notions to define the classes of kk-closure-laminar and kk-laminar matroids. The second class is always minor-closed, and the first is if and only if k≤3k \le 3. We give excluded-minor characterizations of the classes of 2-laminar and 2-closure-laminar matroids
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