76 research outputs found

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    Deploying RIOT operating system on a reconfigurable Internet of Things end-device

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresThe Internet of Everything (IoE) is enabling the connection of an infinity of physical objects to the Internet, and has the potential to connect every single existing object in the world. This empowers a market with endless opportunities where the big players are forecasting, by 2020, more than 50 billion connected devices, representing an 8 trillion USD market. The IoE is a broad concept that comprises several technological areas and will certainly, include more in the future. Some of those already existing fields are the Internet of Energy related with the connectivity of electrical power grids, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), for instance, enables patient monitoring, Internet of Industrial Things (IoIT), which is dedicated to industrial plants, and the Internet of Things (IoT) that focus on the connection of everyday objects (e.g. home appliances, wearables, transports, buildings, etc.) to the Internet. The diversity of scenarios where IoT can be deployed, and consequently the different constraints associated to each device, leads to a heterogeneous network composed by several communication technologies and protocols co-existing on the same physical space. Therefore, the key requirements of an IoT network are the connectivity and the interoperability between devices. Such requirement is achieved by the adoption of standard protocols and a well-defined lightweight network stack. Due to the adoption of a standard network stack, the data processed and transmitted between devices tends to increase. Because most of the devices connected are resource constrained, i.e., low memory, low processing capabilities, available energy, the communication can severally decrease the device’s performance. Hereupon, to tackle such issues without sacrificing other important requirements, this dissertation aims to deploy an operating system (OS) for IoT, the RIOT-OS, while providing a study on how network-related tasks can benefit from hardware accelerators (deployed on reconfigurable technology), specially designed to process and filter packets received by an IoT device.O conceito Internet of Everything (IoE) permite a conexão de uma infinidade de objetos à Internet e tem o potencial de conectar todos os objetos existentes no mundo. Favorecendo assim o aparecimento de novos mercados e infinitas possibilidades, em que os grandes intervenientes destes mercados preveem até 2020 a conexão de mais de 50 mil milhões de dispositivos, representando um mercado de 8 mil milhões de dólares. IoE é um amplo conceito que inclui várias áreas tecnológicas e irá certamente incluir mais no futuro. Algumas das áreas já existentes são: a Internet of Energy relacionada com a conexão de redes de transporte e distribuição de energia à Internet; Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), que possibilita a monotorização de pacientes; Internet of Industrial Things (IoIT), dedicada a instalações industriais e a Internet of Things (IoT), que foca na conexão de objetos do dia-a-dia (e.g. eletrodomésticos, wearables, transportes, edifícios, etc.) à Internet. A diversidade de cenários à qual IoT pode ser aplicado, e consequentemente, as diferentes restrições aplicadas a cada dispositivo, levam à criação de uma rede heterogénea composto por diversas tecnologias de comunicação e protocolos a coexistir no mesmo espaço físico. Desta forma, os requisitos chave aplicados às redes IoT são a conectividade e interoperabilidade entre dispositivos. Estes requisitos são atingidos com a adoção de protocolos standard e pilhas de comunicação bem definidas. Com a adoção de pilhas de comunicação standard, a informação processada e transmitida entre dispostos tende a aumentar. Visto que a maioria dos dispositivos conectados possuem escaços recursos, i.e., memória reduzida, baixa capacidade de processamento, pouca energia disponível, o aumento da capacidade de comunicação pode degradar o desempenho destes dispositivos. Posto isto, para lidar com estes problemas e sem sacrificar outros requisitos importantes, esta dissertação pretende fazer o porting de um sistema operativo IoT, o RIOT, para uma solução reconfigurável, o CUTE mote. O principal objetivo consiste na realização de um estudo sobre os benefícios que as tarefas relacionadas com as camadas de rede podem ter ao serem executadas em hardware via aceleradores dedicados. Estes aceleradores são especialmente projetados para processar e filtrar pacotes de dados provenientes de uma interface radio em redes IoT periféricas

    Energy-aware Approaches for Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Systems

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    Energy harvesting (EH) powered wireless sensor systems (WSSs) are gaining increasing popularity since they enable the system to be self-powering, long-lasting, almost maintenance-free, and environmentally friendly. However, the mismatch between energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSS to perform the required tasks is always a bottleneck as the ambient environmental energy is limited, and the WSS is power hunger. Therefore, the thesis has proposed, designed, implemented, and tested the energy-aware approaches for wireless sensor motes (WSMs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), including hardware energy-aware interface (EAI), software EAI, sensing EAI and network energy-aware approaches to address this mismatch. The main contributions of this thesis to the research community are designing the energy-aware approaches for EH Powered WSMs and WSNs which enables a >30 times reduction in sleep power consumption of WSNs for successful EH powering WSNs without a start-up issue in the condition of mismatch between the energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSSs in both mote and network systems. For EH powered WSM systems, the energy-aware approaches have (1) enabled the harvested energy to be accumulated in energy storage devices to deal with the mismatch for the operation of the WSMs without the start-up issue, (2) enabled a commercial available WSMs with a reduced sleep current from 28.3 μA to 0.95 μA for the developed WSM, (3) thus enabled the WSM operations for a long active time of about 1.15 s in every 7.79 s to sample and transmit a large number of data (e.g., 388 bytes), rather than a few ten milliseconds and a few bytes. For EH powered WSN systems, on top of energy-aware approached for EH powered WSM, the network energy-aware approaches have presented additional capabilities for network joining process for energy-saving and enabled EH powered WSNs. Once the EH powered WSM with the network energy-aware approach is powered up and began the network joining process, energy, as an example of 48.23 mJ for a tested case, has been saved in the case of the attempt to join the network unsuccessfully. Once the EH-WSM has joined the network successfully, the smart programme applications that incorporate the software EAI, sensing EAI and hardware EAI allow the EH powered WSM to achieve (4) asynchronous operation or (5) synchronised operation based on the energy available after the WSM has joined the network.Through designs, implementations, and analyses, it has been shown that the developed energy-aware approaches have provided an enabled capability for EH successfully powering WSS technologies in the condition of energy mismatch, and it has the potential to be used for wide industrial applications

    Quantifying, generating and mitigating radio interference in Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    Doctoral Programme in Telecommunication - MAP-teleRadio interference a ects the performance of low-power wireless networks (LPWN), leading to packet loss and reduced energy-e ciency, among other problems. Reliability of communications is key to expand application domains for LPWN. Since most LPWN operate in the license-free Industrial Scienti c and Medical (ISM) bands and hence share the spectrum with other wireless technologies, addressing interference is an important challenge. In this context, we present JamLab: a low-cost infrastructure to augment existing LPWN testbeds with accurate interference generation in LPWN testbeds, useful to experimentally investigate the impact of interference on LPWN protocols. We investigate how interference in a shared wireless medium can be mitigated by performing wireless channel energy sensing in low-cost and low-power hardware. For this pupose, we introduce a novel channel quality metric|dubbed CQ|based on availability of the channel over time, which meaningfully quanti es interference. Using data collected from a number of Wi-Fi networks operating in a library building, we show that our metric has strong correlation with the Packet Reception Rate (PRR). We then explore dynamic radio resource adaptation techniques|namely packet size and error correction code overhead optimisations|based on instantaneous spectrum usage as quanti ed by our CQ metric. To conclude, we study emerging fast fading in the composite channel under constructive baseband interference, which has been recently introduced in low-power wireless networks as a promising technique. We show the resulting composite signal becomes vulnerable in the presence of noise, leading to signi cant deterioration of the link, whenever the carriers have similar amplitudes. Overall, our results suggest that the proposed tools and techniques have the potential to improve performance in LPWN operating in the unlicensed spectrum, improving coexistence while maintaining energy-e ciency. Future work includes implementation in next generation platforms, which provides superior computational capacity and more exible radio chip designs.A interferência de r adio afeta o desempenho das redes de comunicação sem o de baixo consumo - low-power wireless networks (LPWN), o que provoca perdas de pacotes, diminuição da e ciência energética, entre outros problemas. A contabilidade das comunicações e importante para a expansão e adoção das LPWN nos diversos domínios de potencial aplicação. Visto que a grande maioria das LPWN partilham o espectro radioelétrico com outras redes sem o, a interferência torna-se um desafio importante. Neste contexto, apresentamos o JamLab: uma infraestrutura de baixo custo para estender a funcionalidade dos ambientes laboratoriais para o estudo experimental do desempenho das LPWN sob interferência. Resultando, assim, numa ferramenta essencial para a adequada verificação dos protocolos de comunicações das LPWN. Para al em disso, a Tese introduz uma nova técnica para avaliar o ambiente radioelétrico e demostra a sua utilização para gerir recursos disponíveis no transceptor rádio, o que permite melhorar a fiabilidade das comunicações, nomeadamente nas plataformas de baixo consumo, garantindo e ciência energética. Assim, apresentamos uma nova métrica| denominada CQ - concebida especificamente para quantificar a qualidade do canal r adio, com base na sua disponibilidade temporal. Mediante dados adquiridos em v arias redes sem o Wi-Fi, instaladas no edifício de uma biblioteca universitária, demonstra-se que esta métrica tem um ótimo desempenho, evidenciando uma elevada correlação com a taxa de receção de pacotes. Investiga-se ainda a potencialidade da nossa métrica CQ para gerir dinamicamente recursos de radio como tamanho de pacote e taxa de correlação de erros dos códigos - baseado em medições instantâneas da qualidade do canal de radio. Posteriormente, estuda-se um modelo de canal composto, sob interferência construtiva de banda-base. A interferência construtiva de banda-base tem sido introduzida recentemente nas LPWN, evidenciando ser uma técnica prometedora no que diz respeito à baixa latência e à contabilidade das comunicações. Na Tese investiga-se o caso crítico em que o sinal composto se torna vulnerável na presença de ruído, o que acaba por deteriorar a qualidade da ligação, no caso em que as amplitudes das distintas portadoras presentes no receptor sejam similares. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos sugerem que as ferramentas e as técnicas propostas têm potencial para melhorar o desempenho das LPWN, num cenário de partilha do espectro radioelétrico com outras redes, melhorando a coexistência e mantendo e ciência energética. Prevê-se como trabalho futuro a implementação das técnicas propostas em plataformas de próxima geração, com maior flexibilidade e poder computacional para o processamento dos sinais rádio.This work was supported by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) and by ESF (European Social Fund) through POPH (Portuguese Human Potential Operational Program), under PhD grant SFRH/BD/62198/2009; also by FCT under project ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014922 (MASQOTS), and EU through the FP7 programme, under grant FP7-ICT-224053 (CONET)

    A Survey on (mobile) wireless sensor network experimentation testbeds

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    International audienceWith the development of new technologies, these last years have witnessed the emergence of a new paradigm: the Internet of Things (IoT) and of the physical world. We are now able to communicate and interact with our surrounding environ- ment through the use of multiple tiny sensors, RFID technologies or small wireless robots. This allows a set of new applications and usages to be envisioned ranging from logistic and traceability purposes to emergency and rescue operations going through the monitoring of volcanos or forest fires. However, all this comes with several technical and scientific issues like how to ensure the reliability of wireless communications in disturbed environments, how to manage efficiently the low resources (energy, memory, etc) or how to set a safe and sustainable maintenance. All these issues are addressed by researchers all around the world but solutions designed for IoT need to face real experimentations to be validated. To ease such experimentations for IoT, several experimental testbeds have been deployed offering diverse and heterogeneous services and tools. This article studies the different requirements and features such facilities should offer and survey the different experimental facilities currently available for the community, the different hardware used (as sensors and robots) and the scope of their services. We expect this survey assist a potential user to easily choose the one to use regarding his own needs. Finally, we identify existing gaps and difficulties and investigate new directions for such facilities

    Contribution to the integration, performance improvement, and smart management of data and resources in the Internet of Things

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones.[ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. The IoT has seen a tremendous growth in the last few years. Not only due to its potential to transform societies, but also as an enabling technology for many other technological advances. Unfortunately, the IoT is a relatively recent paradigm that lacks the maturity of other well-established (not so recent) revolutions like the internet itself or Wireless Sensor Networks; upon which the IoT is built. The presented Thesis contributes to this maturation process by researching on the underlying communication mechanisms that enable a truly ubiquitous and effective IoT. As a Thesis by compilation, 5 relevant articles are introduced and discussed. Each of such articles delve into different key aspects that, in their own way, help closing the gap between what the IoT is expected to bring and what the IoT actually brings. As thoroughly commented throughout the main text, the comprehensive approach taken in this Thesis ensures that multiple angles of the same plane --the communication plane-- are analyzed and studied. From the mathematical analysis of how electromagnetic waves propagate through complex environments to the utilization of recent Machine Learning techniques, this Thesis explore a wide range of scientific and researching tools that are shown to improve the final performance of the IoT. In the first three chapters of this document, the reader will be introduced to the current context and state-of-the-art of the IoT while, at the same time, the formal objectives of this Thesis are outlined and set into such a global context. In the next five chapters, the five corresponding articles are presented and commented. For each and every of these articles: a brief abstract, a methodology summary, a highlight on the results and contributions and final conclusions are also added. Lastly, in the two last chapters, the final conclusions and future lines of this Thesis are commented.Los artículos que componen la tesis son los siguientes: 1. R. M. Sandoval, A.-J. J. Garcia-Sanchez, F. Garcia-Sanchez, and J. Garcia-Haro, \Evaluating the More Suitable ISM Frequency Band for IoT-Based Smart Grids: A Quantitative Study of 915 MHz vs. 2400 MHz," Sensors, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 76, Dec. 2016. 2. R. M. Sandoval, A.-J. J. Garcia-Sanchez, J.-M. M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo, F. Garcia-Sanchez, and J. Garcia-Haro, \Radio-Channel Characterization of Smart Grid Substations in the 2.4-GHz ISM Band," IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1294{1307, Feb. 2017. 3. R. M. Sandoval, A. J. Garcia-Sanchez, and J. Garcia-Haro, \Improving RSSI-based path-loss models accuracy for critical infrastructures: A smart grid substation case-study," IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 2230{2240, 2018. 4. R. M. Sandoval, A.-J. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Garcia-Haro, and T. M. Chen, \Optimal policy derivation for Transmission Duty-Cycle constrained LPWAN," IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1{1, Aug. 2018. 5. R. M. Sandoval, S. Canovas-Carrasco, A. Garcia-Sanchez, and J. Garcia-Haro, \Smart Usage of Multiple RAT in IoT-oriented 5G Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach," in 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K), 2018, pp. 1-8.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones por la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Sensor Networks and Their Applications: Investigating the Role of Sensor Web Enablement

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    The Engineering Doctorate (EngD) was conducted in conjunction with BT Research on state-of-the-art Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) projects. The first area of work is a literature review of WSN project applications, some of which the author worked on as a BT Researcher based at the world renowned Adastral Park Research Labs in Suffolk (2004-09). WSN applications are examined within the context of Machine-to-Machine (M2M); Information Networking (IN); Internet/Web of Things (IoT/WoT); smart home and smart devices; BT’s 21st Century Network (21CN); Cloud Computing; and future trends. In addition, this thesis provides an insight into the capabilities of similar external WSN project applications. Under BT’s Sensor Virtualization project, the second area of work focuses on building a Generic Architecture for WSNs with reusable infrastructure and ‘infostructure’ by identifying and trialling suitable components, in order to realise actual business benefits for BT. The third area of work focuses on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and their Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative. The SWE framework was investigated to ascertain its potential as a component of the Generic Architecture. BT’s SAPHE project served as a use case. BT Research’s experiences of taking this traditional (vertical) stove-piped application and creating SWE compliant services are described. The author’s findings were originally presented in a series of publications and have been incorporated into this thesis along with supplementary WSN material from BT Research projects. SWE 2.0 specifications are outlined to highlight key improvements, since work began at BT with SWE 1.0. The fourth area of work focuses on Complex Event Processing (CEP) which was evaluated to ascertain its potential for aggregating and correlating the shared project sensor data (‘infostructure’) harvested and for enabling data fusion for WSNs in diverse domains. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions for further work are provided

    Event-Driven User-Centric Middleware for Energy Efficient Buildings and Public Spaces

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    In this work, the design of an event-driven user-centric middleware for monitoring and managing energy consumption in public buildings and spaces is presented. The main purpose is to increase the energy efficiency, reducing consumption, in buildings and public spaces. To achieve this, the proposed service-oriented middleware has been designed to be event based, also exploiting the user behaviours patterns of the people who live and work into the building. Furthermore, it allows an easy integration of heterogeneous technologies in order to enable a hardware independent interoperability between them. Moreover, a Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) control strategy has been developed and the whole infrastructure has been deployed in a real-world case study consisting of a historical building. Finally the results will be presented and discusse
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