67 research outputs found

    On diamond-free subposets of the Boolean lattice

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    The Boolean lattice of dimension two, also known as the diamond, consists of four distinct elements with the following property: AB,CDA\subset B,C\subset D. A diamond-free family in the nn-dimensional Boolean lattice is a subposet such that no four elements form a diamond. Note that elements BB and CC may or may not be related. There is a diamond-free family in the nn-dimensional Boolean lattice of size (2o(1))(nn/2)(2-o(1)){n\choose\lfloor n/2\rfloor}. In this paper, we prove that any diamond-free family in the nn-dimensional Boolean lattice has size at most (2.25+o(1))(nn/2)(2.25+o(1)){n\choose\lfloor n/2\rfloor}. Furthermore, we show that the so-called Lubell function of a diamond-free family in the nn-dimensional Boolean lattice is at most 2.25+o(1)2.25+o(1), which is asymptotically best possible.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures Accepted to Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    On diamond-free subposets of the Boolean lattice

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    The Boolean lattice of dimension two, also known as the diamond, consists of four distinct elements with the following property: A ⊂ B, C ⊂ D. A diamondfree family in the n-dimensional Boolean lattice is a subposet such that no four elements form a diamond. Note that elements B and C may or may not be related. There is a diamond-free family in the n-dimensional Boolean lattice of size (2 − o(1)) n n/2 . In this paper, we prove that any diamond-free family in the ndimensional Boolean lattice has size at most (2.25 + o(1)) n n/2 . Furthermore, we show that the so-called Lubell function of a diamond-free family in the ndimensional Boolean lattice which contains the empty set is at most 2.25 + o(1), which is asympotically best possible

    Sperner type theorems with excluded subposets

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    Let F be a family of subsets of an n-element set. Sperner's theorem says that if there is no inclusion among the members of F then the largest family under this condition is the one containing all ⌊ frac(n, 2) ⌋-element subsets. The present paper surveys certain generalizations of this theorem. The maximum size of F is to be found under the condition that a certain configuration is excluded. The configuration here is always described by inclusions. More formally, let P be a poset. The maximum size of a family F which does not contain P as a (not-necessarily induced) subposet is denoted by La (n, P). The paper is based on a lecture of the author at the Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics [Banasthali University, January 11-13, 2009], but it was somewhat updated in December 2010. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Diamond-free Families

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    Given a finite poset P, we consider the largest size La(n,P) of a family of subsets of [n]:={1,...,n}[n]:=\{1,...,n\} that contains no subposet P. This problem has been studied intensively in recent years, and it is conjectured that π(P):=limnLa(n,P)/nchoosen/2\pi(P):= \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} La(n,P)/{n choose n/2} exists for general posets P, and, moreover, it is an integer. For k2k\ge2 let \D_k denote the kk-diamond poset {A<B1,...,Bk<C}\{A< B_1,...,B_k < C\}. We study the average number of times a random full chain meets a PP-free family, called the Lubell function, and use it for P=\D_k to determine \pi(\D_k) for infinitely many values kk. A stubborn open problem is to show that \pi(\D_2)=2; here we make progress by proving \pi(\D_2)\le 2 3/11 (if it exists).Comment: 16 page

    Poset-free Families and Lubell-boundedness

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    Given a finite poset PP, we consider the largest size \lanp of a family \F of subsets of [n]:={1,...,n}[n]:=\{1,...,n\} that contains no subposet PP. This continues the study of the asymptotic growth of \lanp; it has been conjectured that for all PP, \pi(P):= \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \lanp/\nchn exists and equals a certain integer, e(P)e(P). While this is known to be true for paths, and several more general families of posets, for the simple diamond poset \D_2, the existence of π\pi frustratingly remains open. Here we develop theory to show that π(P)\pi(P) exists and equals the conjectured value e(P)e(P) for many new posets PP. We introduce a hierarchy of properties for posets, each of which implies π=e\pi=e, and some implying more precise information about \lanp. The properties relate to the Lubell function of a family \F of subsets, which is the average number of times a random full chain meets \F. We present an array of examples and constructions that possess the properties