17 research outputs found

    The complexity of weighted and unweighted #CSP

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    We give some reductions among problems in (nonnegative) weighted #CSP which restrict the class of functions that needs to be considered in computational complexity studies. Our reductions can be applied to both exact and approximate computation. In particular, we show that a recent dichotomy for unweighted #CSP can be extended to rational-weighted #CSP.Comment: 11 page

    On Tractable Exponential Sums

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    We consider the problem of evaluating certain exponential sums. These sums take the form x1,...,xnZNef(x1,...,xn)2πi/N\sum_{x_1,...,x_n \in Z_N} e^{f(x_1,...,x_n) {2 \pi i / N}} , where each x_i is summed over a ring Z_N, and f(x_1,...,x_n) is a multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. We show that the sum can be evaluated in polynomial time in n and log N when f is a quadratic polynomial. This is true even when the factorization of N is unknown. Previously, this was known for a prime modulus N. On the other hand, for very specific families of polynomials of degree \ge 3, we show the problem is #P-hard, even for any fixed prime or prime power modulus. This leads to a complexity dichotomy theorem - a complete classification of each problem to be either computable in polynomial time or #P-hard - for a class of exponential sums. These sums arise in the classifications of graph homomorphisms and some other counting CSP type problems, and these results lead to complexity dichotomy theorems. For the polynomial-time algorithm, Gauss sums form the basic building blocks. For the hardness results, we prove group-theoretic necessary conditions for tractability. These tests imply that the problem is #P-hard for even very restricted families of simple cubic polynomials over fixed modulus N

    The complexity of weighted boolean #CSP*

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    This paper gives a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of computing the partition function of an instance of a weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem. The problem is parameterized by a finite set F of nonnegative functions that may be used to assign weights to the configurations (feasible solutions) of a problem instance. Classical constraint satisfaction problems correspond to the special case of 0,1-valued functions. We show that computing the partition function, i.e., the sum of the weights of all configurations, is FP#P-complete unless either (1) every function in F is of “product type,” or (2) every function in F is “pure affine.” In the remaining cases, computing the partition function is in P

    Holant Problems for Regular Graphs with Complex Edge Functions

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    We prove a complexity dichotomy theorem for Holant Problems on 3-regular graphs with an arbitrary complex-valued edge function. Three new techniques are introduced: (1) higher dimensional iterations in interpolation; (2) Eigenvalue Shifted Pairs, which allow us to prove that a pair of combinatorial gadgets in combination succeed in proving #P-hardness; and (3) algebraic symmetrization, which significantly lowers the symbolic complexity of the proof for computational complexity. With holographic reductions the classification theorem also applies to problems beyond the basic model.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, added proofs for full versio

    Enumerating Homomorphisms

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    The homomorphism problem for relational structures is an abstract way of formulating constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and various problems in database theory. The decision version of the homomorphism problem received a lot of attention in literature; in particular, the way the graph-theoretical structure of the variables and constraints influences the complexity of the problem is intensively studied. Here we study the problem of enumerating all the solutions with polynomial delay from a similar point of view. It turns out that the enumeration problem behaves very differently from the decision version. We give evidence that it is unlikely that a characterization result similar to the decision version can be obtained. Nevertheless, we show nontrivial cases where enumeration can be done with polynomial delay

    Classical simulation of quantum circuits by half Gauss sums

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    We give an efficient algorithm to evaluate a certain class of exponential sums, namely the periodic, quadratic, multivariate half Gauss sums. We show that these exponential sums become #P\#\mathsf{P}-hard to compute when we omit either the periodic or quadratic condition. We apply our results about these exponential sums to the classical simulation of quantum circuits and give an alternative proof of the Gottesman-Knill theorem. We also explore a connection between these exponential sums and the Holant framework. In particular, we generalize the existing definition of affine signatures to arbitrary dimensions and use our results about half Gauss sums to show that the Holant problem for the set of affine signatures is tractable.Comment: 25 pages, no figure