3 research outputs found

    Recursive Bayesian Initialization of Localization Based on Ranging and Dead Reckoning

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    The initialization of the state estimation in a localization scenario based on ranging and dead reckoning is studied. Specifically, we start with a cooperative localization setup and consider the problem of recursively arriving at a uni-modal state estimate with sufficiently low covariance such that covariance based filters can be used to estimate an agent's state subsequently. A number of simplifications/assumptions are made such that the estimation problem can be seen as that of estimating the initial agent state given a deterministic surrounding and dead reckoning. This problem is solved by means of a particle filter and it is described how continual states and covariance estimates are derived from the solution. Finally, simulations are used to illustrate the characteristics of the method and experimental data are briefly presented

    Quantification of cortical folding using MR image data

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    The cerebral cortex is a thin layer of tissue lining the brain where neural circuits perform important high level functions including sensory perception, motor control and language processing. In the third trimester the fetal cortex folds rapidly from a smooth sheet into a highly convoluted arrangement of gyri and sulci. Premature birth is a high risk factor for poor neurodevelopmental outcome and has been associated with abnormal cortical development, however the nature of the disruption to developmental processes is not fully understood. Recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging have allowed the acquisition of high quality brain images of preterms and also fetuses in-utero. The aim of this thesis is to develop techniques which quantify folding from these images in order to better understand cortical development in these two populations. A framework is presented that quantifies global and regional folding using curvature-based measures. This methodology was applied to fetuses over a wide gestational age range (21.7 to 38.9 weeks) for a large number of subjects (N = 80) extending our understanding of how the cortex folds through this critical developmental period. The changing relationship between the folding measures and gestational age was modelled with a Gompertz function which allowed an accurate prediction of physiological age. A spectral-based method is outlined for constructing a spatio-temporal surface atlas (a sequence of mean cortical surface meshes for weekly intervals). A key advantage of this method is the ability to do group-wise atlasing without bias to the anatomy of an initial reference subject. Mean surface templates were constructed for both fetuses and preterms allowing a preliminary comparison of mean cortical shape over the postmenstrual age range 28-36 weeks. Displacement patterns were revealed which intensified with increasing prematurity, however more work is needed to evaluate the reliability of these findings.Open Acces

    Rainfall Forecasting in Burkina Faso Using Bayesian-Wavelet Neural Networks

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    This work aims to forecast rain locally in Tambarga, Burkina Faso, to be able to fight against a worm inducing the disease called schistosomiasis. The chosen approach relies on a machine-leaning technique called Artificial Neural Networks, which simulates the synapses of a brain, with climatic parameters as inputs, activation functions and outputs in the form of rain prediction. A special case of Neural Networks using Bayesian Computations is used, along with as a transform allowing to capture the changes in climatic conditions, called Wavelet Transform. The precipitation is forecasted in different manners: binary forecast on the presence or absence of rain, linear forecast on the daily and weekly intensity, as well as a rain-class forecast. The most successful predictions have been found to be the binary forecast, as well as the weekly windowed cumulative rain forecast. The daily cumulative rain, as well has the classes forecast have not produced satisfying results, mainly because of the high temporal variability of the observations, as well as the very unequal distribution of observations in the different rain classes. In the end, it has been shown that it is possible to use Bayesian Networks to forecast precipitation in some extent, and that the wavelet transform of the inputs has a positive impact on the accuracy of the prediction