691 research outputs found

    Structured condition number for multiple right-hand side linear systems with parameterized quasiseparable coefficient matrix

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    In this paper, we consider the structured perturbation analysis for multiple right-hand side linear systems with parameterized coefficient matrix. Especially, we present the explicit expressions for structured condition numbers for multiple right-hand sides linear systems with {1;1}-quasiseparable coefficient matrix in the quasiseparable and the Givens-vector representations. In addition, the comparisons of these two condition numbers between themselves, and with respect to unstructured condition number are investigated. Moreover, the effective structured condition number for multiple right-hand sides linear systems with {1;1}-quasiseparable coefficient matrix is proposed. The relationships between the effective structured condition number and structured condition numbers with respect to the quasiseparable and the Givens-vector representations are also studied. Numerical experiments show that there are situations in which the effective structured condition number can be much smaller than the unstructured ones

    Relative perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices

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    In this paper, strong relative perturbation bounds are developed for a number of linear algebra problems involving diagonally dominant matrices. The key point is to parameterize diagonally dominant matrices using their off-diagonal entries and diagonally dominant parts and to consider small relative componentwise perturbations of these parameters. This allows us to obtain new relative perturbation bounds for the inverse, the solution to linear systems, the symmetric indefinite eigenvalue problem, the singular value problem, and the nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem. These bounds are much stronger than traditional perturbation results, since they are independent of either the standard condition number or the magnitude of eigenvalues/singular values. Together with previously derived perturbation bounds for the LDU factorization and the symmetric positive definite eigenvalue problem, this paper presents a complete and detailed account of relative structured perturbation theory for diagonally dominant matrices.This research was partially supported by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad of Spain under grant MTM2012-32542.Publicad
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