38,394 research outputs found

    Outlier Detection from Network Data with Subnetwork Interpretation

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    Detecting a small number of outliers from a set of data observations is always challenging. This problem is more difficult in the setting of multiple network samples, where computing the anomalous degree of a network sample is generally not sufficient. In fact, explaining why the network is exceptional, expressed in the form of subnetwork, is also equally important. In this paper, we develop a novel algorithm to address these two key problems. We treat each network sample as a potential outlier and identify subnetworks that mostly discriminate it from nearby regular samples. The algorithm is developed in the framework of network regression combined with the constraints on both network topology and L1-norm shrinkage to perform subnetwork discovery. Our method thus goes beyond subspace/subgraph discovery and we show that it converges to a global optimum. Evaluation on various real-world network datasets demonstrates that our algorithm not only outperforms baselines in both network and high dimensional setting, but also discovers highly relevant and interpretable local subnetworks, further enhancing our understanding of anomalous networks

    Community Detection by L0L_0-penalized Graph Laplacian

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    Community detection in network analysis aims at partitioning nodes in a network into KK disjoint communities. Most currently available algorithms assume that KK is known, but choosing a correct KK is generally very difficult for real networks. In addition, many real networks contain outlier nodes not belonging to any community, but currently very few algorithm can handle networks with outliers. In this paper, we propose a novel model free tightness criterion and an efficient algorithm to maximize this criterion for community detection. This tightness criterion is closely related with the graph Laplacian with L0L_0 penalty. Unlike most community detection methods, our method does not require a known KK and can properly detect communities in networks with outliers. Both theoretical and numerical properties of the method are analyzed. The theoretical result guarantees that, under the degree corrected stochastic block model, even for networks with outliers, the maximizer of the tightness criterion can extract communities with small misclassification rates even when the number of communities grows to infinity as the network size grows. Simulation study shows that the proposed method can recover true communities more accurately than other methods. Applications to a college football data and a yeast protein-protein interaction data also reveal that the proposed method performs significantly better.Comment: 40 pages, 15 Postscript figure

    In-Network Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    To address the problem of unsupervised outlier detection in wireless sensor networks, we develop an approach that (1) is flexible with respect to the outlier definition, (2) computes the result in-network to reduce both bandwidth and energy usage,(3) only uses single hop communication thus permitting very simple node failure detection and message reliability assurance mechanisms (e.g., carrier-sense), and (4) seamlessly accommodates dynamic updates to data. We examine performance using simulation with real sensor data streams. Our results demonstrate that our approach is accurate and imposes a reasonable communication load and level of power consumption.Comment: Extended version of a paper appearing in the Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 200

    Evidential Label Propagation Algorithm for Graphs

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    Community detection has attracted considerable attention crossing many areas as it can be used for discovering the structure and features of complex networks. With the increasing size of social networks in real world, community detection approaches should be fast and accurate. The Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) is known to be one of the near-linear solutions and benefits of easy implementation, thus it forms a good basis for efficient community detection methods. In this paper, we extend the update rule and propagation criterion of LPA in the framework of belief functions. A new community detection approach, called Evidential Label Propagation (ELP), is proposed as an enhanced version of conventional LPA. The node influence is first defined to guide the propagation process. The plausibility is used to determine the domain label of each node. The update order of nodes is discussed to improve the robustness of the method. ELP algorithm will converge after the domain labels of all the nodes become unchanged. The mass assignments are calculated finally as memberships of nodes. The overlapping nodes and outliers can be detected simultaneously through the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of ELP.Comment: 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Jul 2016, Heidelber, Franc

    Outlier detection techniques for wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, those measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a comparative table to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier identity, and outlier degree

    Outlier Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the multivariate nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a decision tree to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier degree

    A similarity-based community detection method with multiple prototype representation

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    Communities are of great importance for understanding graph structures in social networks. Some existing community detection algorithms use a single prototype to represent each group. In real applications, this may not adequately model the different types of communities and hence limits the clustering performance on social networks. To address this problem, a Similarity-based Multi-Prototype (SMP) community detection approach is proposed in this paper. In SMP, vertices in each community carry various weights to describe their degree of representativeness. This mechanism enables each community to be represented by more than one node. The centrality of nodes is used to calculate prototype weights, while similarity is utilized to guide us to partitioning the graph. Experimental results on computer generated and real-world networks clearly show that SMP performs well for detecting communities. Moreover, the method could provide richer information for the inner structure of the detected communities with the help of prototype weights compared with the existing community detection models

    Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework, called Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers (SEANO), to learn a low-dimensional vector representation that systematically captures the topological proximity, attribute affinity and label similarity of vertices in a partially labeled attributed network (PLAN). Our method is designed to work in both transductive and inductive settings while explicitly alleviating noise effects from outliers. Experimental results on various datasets drawn from the web, text and image domains demonstrate the advantages of SEANO over state-of-the-art methods in semi-supervised classification under transductive as well as inductive settings. We also show that a subset of parameters in SEANO is interpretable as outlier score and can significantly outperform baseline methods when applied for detecting network outliers. Finally, we present the use of SEANO in a challenging real-world setting -- flood mapping of satellite images and show that it is able to outperform modern remote sensing algorithms for this task.Comment: in Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'18

    Outlier Edge Detection Using Random Graph Generation Models and Applications

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    Outliers are samples that are generated by different mechanisms from other normal data samples. Graphs, in particular social network graphs, may contain nodes and edges that are made by scammers, malicious programs or mistakenly by normal users. Detecting outlier nodes and edges is important for data mining and graph analytics. However, previous research in the field has merely focused on detecting outlier nodes. In this article, we study the properties of edges and propose outlier edge detection algorithms using two random graph generation models. We found that the edge-ego-network, which can be defined as the induced graph that contains two end nodes of an edge, their neighboring nodes and the edges that link these nodes, contains critical information to detect outlier edges. We evaluated the proposed algorithms by injecting outlier edges into some real-world graph data. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithms can effectively detect outlier edges. In particular, the algorithm based on the Preferential Attachment Random Graph Generation model consistently gives good performance regardless of the test graph data. Further more, the proposed algorithms are not limited in the area of outlier edge detection. We demonstrate three different applications that benefit from the proposed algorithms: 1) a preprocessing tool that improves the performance of graph clustering algorithms; 2) an outlier node detection algorithm; and 3) a novel noisy data clustering algorithm. These applications show the great potential of the proposed outlier edge detection techniques.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, journal pape