976 research outputs found

    Hopf monoids from class functions on unitriangular matrices

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    We build, from the collection of all groups of unitriangular matrices, Hopf monoids in Joyal's category of species. Such structure is carried by the collection of class function spaces on those groups, and also by the collection of superclass function spaces, in the sense of Diaconis and Isaacs. Superclasses of unitriangular matrices admit a simple description from which we deduce a combinatorial model for the Hopf monoid of superclass functions, in terms of the Hadamard product of the Hopf monoids of linear orders and of set partitions. This implies a recent result relating the Hopf algebra of superclass functions on unitriangular matrices to symmetric functions in noncommuting variables. We determine the algebraic structure of the Hopf monoid: it is a free monoid in species, with the canonical Hopf structure. As an application, we derive certain estimates on the number of conjugacy classes of unitriangular matrices.Comment: Final Version, 32 pages, accepted in "Algebra and Number Theory

    A strong geometric hyperbolicity property for directed graphs and monoids

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    We introduce and study a strong "thin triangle"' condition for directed graphs, which generalises the usual notion of hyperbolicity for a metric space. We prove that finitely generated left cancellative monoids whose right Cayley graphs satisfy this condition must be finitely presented with polynomial Dehn functions, and hence word problems in NP. Under the additional assumption of right cancellativity (or in some cases the weaker condition of bounded indegree), they also admit algorithms for more fundamentally semigroup-theoretic decision problems such as Green's relations L, R, J, D and the corresponding pre-orders. In contrast, we exhibit a right cancellative (but not left cancellative) finitely generated monoid (in fact, an infinite class of them) whose Cayley graph is a essentially a tree (hence hyperbolic in our sense and probably any reasonable sense), but which is not even recursively presentable. This seems to be strong evidence that no geometric notion of hyperbolicity will be strong enough to yield much information about finitely generated monoids in absolute generality.Comment: Exposition improved. Results unchange

    On the Hadamard product of Hopf monoids

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    Combinatorial structures which compose and decompose give rise to Hopf monoids in Joyal's category of species. The Hadamard product of two Hopf monoids is another Hopf monoid. We prove two main results regarding freeness of Hadamard products. The first one states that if one factor is connected and the other is free as a monoid, their Hadamard product is free (and connected). The second provides an explicit basis for the Hadamard product when both factors are free. The first main result is obtained by showing the existence of a one-parameter deformation of the comonoid structure and appealing to a rigidity result of Loday and Ronco which applies when the parameter is set to zero. To obtain the second result, we introduce an operation on species which is intertwined by the free monoid functor with the Hadamard product. As an application of the first result, we deduce that the dimension sequence of a connected Hopf monoid satisfies the following condition: except for the first, all coefficients of the reciprocal of its generating function are nonpositive

    Zappa-Sz\'ep products of Garside monoids

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    A monoid KK is the internal Zappa-Sz\'ep product of two submonoids, if every element of KK admits a unique factorisation as the product of one element of each of the submonoids in a given order. This definition yields actions of the submonoids on each other, which we show to be structure preserving. We prove that KK is a Garside monoid if and only if both of the submonoids are Garside monoids. In this case, these factors are parabolic submonoids of KK and the Garside structure of KK can be described in terms of the Garside structures of the factors. We give explicit isomorphisms between the lattice structures of KK and the product of the lattice structures on the factors that respect the Garside normal forms. In particular, we obtain explicit natural bijections between the normal form language of KK and the product of the normal form languages of its factors.Comment: Published versio

    Fomin-Greene monoids and Pieri operations

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    We explore monoids generated by operators on certain infinite partial orders. Our starting point is the work of Fomin and Greene on monoids satisfying the relations (r˘+r+1˘)r+1˘r˘=r+1˘r˘(r˘+r+1˘)(\u{r}+\u{r+1})\u{r+1}\u{r}=\u{r+1}\u{r}(\u{r}+\u{r+1}) and r˘t˘=s˘r˘\u{r}\u{t}=\u{s}\u{r} if rt>1.|r-t|>1. Given such a monoid, the non-commutative functions in the variables ˘\u{} are shown to commute. Symmetric functions in these operators often encode interesting structure constants. Our aim is to introduce similar results for more general monoids not satisfying the relations of Fomin and Greene. This paper is an extension of a talk by the second author at the workshop on algebraic monoids, group embeddings and algebraic combinatorics at The Fields Institute in 2012.Comment: 33 pages, this is a paper expanding on a talk given at Fields Institute in 201

    Strong forms of self-duality for Hopf monoids in species

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    A vector species is a functor from the category of finite sets with bijections to vector spaces (over a fixed field); informally, one can view this as a sequence of SnS_n-modules. A Hopf monoid (in the category of vector species) consists of a vector species with unit, counit, product, and coproduct morphisms satisfying several compatibility conditions, analogous to a graded Hopf algebra. A vector species has a basis if and only if it is given by a sequence of SnS_n-modules which are permutation representations. We say that a Hopf monoid is freely self-dual if it is connected and finite-dimensional, and if it has a basis in which the structure constants of its product and coproduct coincide. Such Hopf monoids are self-dual in the usual sense, and we show that they are furthermore both commutative and cocommutative. We prove more specific classification theorems for freely self-dual Hopf monoids whose products (respectively, coproducts) are linearized in the sense that they preserve the basis; we call such Hopf monoids strongly self-dual (respectively, linearly self-dual). In particular, we show that every strongly self-dual Hopf monoid has a basis isomorphic to some species of block-labeled set partitions, on which the product acts as the disjoint union. In turn, every linearly self-dual Hopf monoid has a basis isomorphic to the species of maps to a fixed set, on which the coproduct acts as restriction. It follows that every linearly self-dual Hopf monoid is strongly self-dual. Our final results concern connected Hopf monoids which are finite-dimensional, commutative, and cocommutative. We prove that such a Hopf monoid has a basis in which its product and coproduct are both linearized if and only if it is strongly self-dual with respect to a basis equipped with a certain partial order, generalizing the refinement partial order on set partitions.Comment: 42 pages; v2: a few typographical errors corrected and references updated; v3: discussion in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 slightly revised, Theorem A corrected to include hypothesis about ambient field, final versio

    Identities in the Algebra of Partial Maps

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    We consider the identities of a variety of semigroup-related algebras modelling the algebra of partial maps. We show that the identities are intimately related to a weak semigroup deductive system and we show that the equational theory is decidable. We do this by giving a term rewriting system for the variety. We then show that this variety has many subvarieties whose equational theory interprets the full uniform word problem for semigroups and consequently are undecidable. As a corollary it is shown that the equational theory of Clifford semigroups whose natural order is a semilattice is undecidable

    Monoids of O-type, subword reversing, and ordered groups

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    We describe a simple scheme for constructing finitely generated monoids in which left-divisibility is a linear ordering and for practically investigating these monoids. The approach is based on subword reversing, a general method of combinatorial group theory, and connected with Garside theory, here in a non-Noetherian context. As an application we describe several families of ordered groups whose space of left-invariant orderings has an isolated point, including torus knot groups and some of their amalgamated products.Comment: updated version with new result