8 research outputs found

    Hopf monoids from class functions on unitriangular matrices

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    We build, from the collection of all groups of unitriangular matrices, Hopf monoids in Joyal's category of species. Such structure is carried by the collection of class function spaces on those groups, and also by the collection of superclass function spaces, in the sense of Diaconis and Isaacs. Superclasses of unitriangular matrices admit a simple description from which we deduce a combinatorial model for the Hopf monoid of superclass functions, in terms of the Hadamard product of the Hopf monoids of linear orders and of set partitions. This implies a recent result relating the Hopf algebra of superclass functions on unitriangular matrices to symmetric functions in noncommuting variables. We determine the algebraic structure of the Hopf monoid: it is a free monoid in species, with the canonical Hopf structure. As an application, we derive certain estimates on the number of conjugacy classes of unitriangular matrices.Comment: Final Version, 32 pages, accepted in "Algebra and Number Theory


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    В статье рассматривается социолект как средство межкультурной коммуникации; на примере сайтов из Интернета показано наличие объединений по интересам, которые для взаимодействия используют варианты языка. Выявлены способы преодоления барьера непонимания при межкультурной коммуникации, к которой отнесены контакты не только между носителями разных национальных культур, но и гендерных, возрастных, корпоративных

    Objects as culture-specific referents of color terms in Russian

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    The present study is an extension of our analysis of Russian basic color terms (BCTs) elicited in a web-based psycholinguistic experiment. Color samples (N = 600) were approximately uniformly distributed in the Munsell color solid. An unconstrained color-naming method was employed. Native Russian speakers (N = 713; 333 males) participated in the study. Among 1422 elicited unique color words, 698 terms (49%) were derived from object names. Here we explore object-derived non-BCTs, focusing on broad classes of names referred to objects, categories within these, and the inventory of color terms, as well as their frequency, patterns of derivation, and derivational productivity. Six classes of object referents were identified: flora, fauna, inanimate nature, food and beverages, man-made objects, body and bodily products. In detail, 20 most frequent object-derived terms are reported. These are accompanied by analysis of gender differences and representation of the terms' denotata on the Munsell Mercator projection. In addition, Russian object-derived color terms are related to those in English; discussed are differences between the 2 languages in the color term classes, inventories and incidences. We conclude that Russian object-derived color terms follow the generic metonymy pattern, that is, signifying color of objects in the speakers' natural environment. The inventory is also language-specific, reflecting social practices, preferences and views entrenched in the traditional Russian culture. Furthermore, recent extensive development of the inventory signals 2 novel phenomena: marked globalization influence, surfacing as abundant transliteration of English referent loanwords, and noticeable sociolectal diversification that manifests itself by novel evocative color terms, particularly in marketing and advertisement

    Inquiry and the expence of the medicine, treating thyroid insufficiency: pharmacy’s data

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    Bakalaura darbs veltīts hipotireozes ārstēšanas līdzekļu pieprasījuma un patēriņa pētījumiem aptiekā. Pētījuma laikā tika noskaidrots, ka kopš 2007. gada „Mēness aptiekās” ar katru gadu pieaug levotiroksīna tirdzniecības apjoms hipotireozes ārstēšanai. Aptiekās ir nopērkami arī bezrecepšu medikamenti un uztura bagātinātāji, kas satur jodu, un vitamīnu un minerālvielu kompleksi.. Tomēr hipotireozes ārstēšanai ārstēšanas līdzekļu ir maz. Neatkarīgi no bojājuma līmeņa un iemesliem, kuri izraisa hipotireozi, pielieto aizstājterapiju ar dažādu firmu ražoto L-tiroksīnu (levotiroksīnu). Pēdējā laikā retāk pielieto kombinētus trijodtironīna un tiroksīna preparātus. Darba teorētiskā daļa satur vispārīgo informāciju par mikroelementu jodu, tā ietekmi uz cilvēka organismu, joda saturu pārtikas produktos un nepieciešamo joda daudzumu, ka jāuzņem cilvēkam diennaktī, kā arī tiek apskatīta joda trūkuma problēma cilvēkiem dažādā vecumā – bērniem un pieaugušajiem, kā arī grūtniecēm. Apkopoti joda trūkuma novēršanas pasākumi un analizēti četru pacienšu klīniskie gadījumi. Izveidots “Mēness aptieku” tīklā pieejamo dažādu jodsaturošo preparātu saraksts. Atslēgas vārdi: Jods, Hipotireoze, L-tiroksīns, aptiekasBachelor thesis is devoted to the studies on dispensing and consumption of medicines for treatment of hypothyreosis. Obtained results show increase of L-tyroxine sell since year 2007 through „Meness aptiekas” chain pharmacies. However, there are quite litlle medicines to treat hypothyreosis -, mainly L-thyroxine produced with different trade names. Recently less are prescribed combined preparations with T3 and T4. Different food supplements, vitamins and minerals containing iodine are sold in pharmacies as well. The theoretical part contains the general information on a trace element – iodine, its influence on a human body, including sufficient quantities of iodine intake required per day and its supplementation as well as the describes symptoms of iodine deficiency related to both children and adults, also pregnant and lactating women. Compiled means of reducing iodine deficit and analyzed list of the non-prescription medicines available in pharmacies. Key words: Iodine, Hypothyroidism, L-thyroxine, pharmac


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    В статье рассматривается социолект как средство межкультурной коммуникации; на примере сайтов из Интернета показано наличие объединений по интересам, которые для взаимодействия используют варианты языка. Выявлены способы преодоления барьера непонимания при межкультурной коммуникации, к которой отнесены контакты не только между носителями разных национальных культур, но и гендерных, возрастных, корпоративных

    Ad-nilpotent Elements of Semiprime Rings with Involution

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