1,220 research outputs found

    Framework for sustainable TVET-Teacher Education Program in Malaysia Public Universities

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    Studies had stated that less attention was given to the education aspect, such as teaching and learning in planning for improving the TVET system. Due to the 21st Century context, the current paradigm of teaching for the TVET educators also has been reported to be fatal and need to be shifted. All these disadvantages reported hindering the country from achieving the 5th strategy in the Strategic Plan for Vocational Education Transformation to transform TVET system as a whole. Therefore, this study aims to develop a framework for sustainable TVET Teacher Education program in Malaysia. This study had adopted an Exploratory Sequential Mix-Method design, which involves a semi-structured interview (phase one) and survey method (phase two). Nine experts had involved in phase one chosen by using Purposive Sampling Technique. As in phase two, 118 TVET-TE program lecturers were selected as the survey sample chosen through random sampling method. After data analysis in phase one (thematic analysis) and phase two (Principal Component Analysis), eight domains and 22 elements have been identified for the framework for sustainable TVET-TE program in Malaysia. This framework was identified to embed the elements of 21st Century Education, thus filling the gap in this research. The research findings also indicate that the developed framework was unidimensional and valid for the development and research regarding TVET-TE program in Malaysia. Lastly, it is in the hope that this research can be a guide for the nations in producing a quality TVET teacher in the future

    A Comparative Representation Approach to Modern Heuristic Search Methods in a Job Shop

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    The job shop problem is among the class of NP- hard combinatorial problems. This Research paper addresses the problem of static job shop scheduling on the job-based representation and the rule based representations. The popular search techniques like the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are used for the determination of the objectives like minimizations of the makespan time and mean flow time. Various rules like the SPT, LPT, MWKR, and LWKR are used for the objective function to attain the results. The summary of results from this paper gives a conclusion that the genetic algorithm gives better results in the makespan time determination on both the job based representation and the rule based representation and the simulated annealing algorithm gives the better results in the mean flow time in both the representations

    Permutation Flow Shop via Simulated Annealing and NEH

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    Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling refers to the process of allocating operations of jobs to machines such that an operation starts to process on machine j only after the processing completes in j-1machine. At a time a machine can process only one operation and similarly a job can have only one operation processed at a time. Finding a schedule that minimizes the overall completion times for Permutation Flow Shop problems is NP-Hard if the number of machines is greater than 2. Sowe concentrates on approaches with approximate solutions that are good enough for the problems. Heuristics is one way to find the approximate solutions for a problem. For our thesis, we have used two heuristics - NEH and Simulated Annealing, both individually and in a combined form, to find the solutions for Permutation Flow Shop problems. We have compared NEH and Simulated Annealing algorithm based on result and execution time and also compared the combined algorithm with existing ones. Standard benchmarks are used to evaluate the performances of the implemented algorithm

    Performance evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems under uncertain and dynamic situations

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    The present era demands the efficient modelling of any manufacturing system to enable it to cope with unforeseen situations on the shop floor. One of the complex issues affecting the performance of manufacturing systems is the scheduling of part types. In this paper, the authors have attempted to overcome the impact of uncertainties such as machine breakdowns, deadlocks, etc., by inserting slack that can absorb these disruptions without affecting the other scheduled activities. The impact of the flexibilities in this scenario is also investigated. The objective functions have been formulated in such a manner that a better trade-off between the uncertainties and flexibilities can be established. Consideration of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in this scenario helps in the loading or unloading of part types in a better manner. In the recent past, a comprehensive literature survey revealed the supremacy of random search algorithms in evaluating the performance of these types of dynamic manufacturing system. The authors have used a metaheuristic known as the quick convergence simulated annealing (QCSA) algorithm, and employed it to resolve the dynamic manufacturing scenario. The metaheuristic encompasses a Cauchy distribution function as a probability function that helps in escaping the local minima in a better manner. Various machine breakdown scenarios are generated. A ‘heuristic gap’ is measured, and it indicates the effectiveness of the performance of the proposed methodology with the varying problem complexities. Statistical validation is also carried out, which helps in authenticating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The efficacy of the proposed approach is also compared with deterministic priority rules

    A new innovative cooling law for simulated annealing algorithms

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    The present paper proposes an original and innovative cooling law in the field of Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms. Particularly, such a law is based on the evolution of different initial seeds on which the algorithm works in parallel. The efficiency control of the new proposal, executed on problems of different kind, shows that the convergence quickness by using such a new cooling law is considerably greater than that obtained by traditional laws. Furthermore, it is shown that the effectiveness of the SA algorithm arising from the proposed cooling law is independent of the problem type. This last feature reduces the number of parameters to be initially fixed, so simplifying the preliminary calibration process necessary to optimize the algorithm efficiency

    Modified Pipelining Hybridization of Job Shop Scheduling

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    Hybridization involves generally genetic algorithm in a stage .Here instead of genetic algorithm,metaheuristics method Local search method, is applied as primary search routine, for tacklingcombinatorial search and optimization problems.The dispatching rule LPT is applied first, servingas a preprocessor. The local search methods are works on the iterative exploration of a solutionspace: at each iteration a local search algorithm start search from one solution to one of itsneighbor. The method is analysis the job shop bench mark problems. The comparison of theperformance measure is evaluated
