179 research outputs found

    Wireless Broadcast with Network Coding in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: DRAGONCAST

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    Network coding is a recently proposed method for transmitting data, which has been shown to have potential to improve wireless network performance. We study network coding for one specific case of multicast, broadcasting, from one source to all nodes of the network. We use network coding as a loss tolerant, energy-efficient, method for broadcast. Our emphasis is on mobile networks. Our contribution is the proposal of DRAGONCAST, a protocol to perform network coding in such a dynamically evolving environment. It is based on three building blocks: a method to permit real-time decoding of network coding, a method to adjust the network coding transmission rates, and a method for ensuring the termination of the broadcast. The performance and behavior of the method are explored experimentally by simulations; they illustrate the excellent performance of the protocol

    Cross-layer design through joint routing and link allocation in wireless sensor networks

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    Both energy and bandwidth are scarce resources in sensor networks. In the past, the energy efficient routing problem has been extensively studied in efforts to maximize sensor network lifetimes, but the link bandwidth has been optimistically assumed to be abundant. Because energy constraint affects how data should be routed, link bandwidth affects not only the routing topology, but also the allowed data rate on each link, which in turn affects the lifetime. Previous research that focus on energy efficient operations in sensor networks with the sole objective of maximizing network lifetime only consider the energy constraint ignoring the bandwidth constraint. This thesis shows how infeasible these solutions can be when bandwidth does present a constraint. It provides a new mathematical model that address both energy and bandwidth constraints and proposes two efficient heuristics for routing and rate allocation. Simulation results show that these heuristics provide more feasible routing solutions than previous work, and significantly improve throughput. A method of assigning the time slot based on the given link rates is presented. The cross layer design approach improves channel utility significantly and completely solves the hidden terminal and exposed terminal problems --Abstract, page iii

    Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Routing for Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks

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    With the emergence of industrial standards such as WirelessHART, process industries are adopting Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks (WSANs) that enable sensors and actuators to communicate through low-power wireless mesh networks. Industrial monitoring and control applications require real-time communication among sensors, controllers and actuators within end-to-end deadlines. Deadline misses may lead to production inefficiency, equipment destruction to irreparable financial and environmental impacts. Moreover, due to the large geographic area and harsh conditions of many industrial plants, it is labor-intensive or dan- gerous to change batteries of field devices. It is therefore important to achieve long network lifetime with battery-powered devices. This dissertation tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions. (1) We present a new end-to-end delay analysis for feedback control loops whose transmissions are scheduled based on the Earliest Deadline First policy. (2) We propose a new real-time routing algorithm that increases the real-time capacity of WSANs by exploiting the insights of the delay analysis. (3) We develop an energy-efficient routing algorithm to improve the network lifetime while maintaining path diversity for reliable communication. (4) Finally, we design a distributed game-theoretic algorithm to allocate sensing applications with near-optimal quality of sensing

    QoS Routing Solutions for Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Online unicasting and multicasting in software-defined networks

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as the paradigm of the next-generation networking through separating the control plane from the data plane. In a software-defined network, the forwarding table at each switch node usually is implemented by expensive and power-hungry Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) that only has limited numbers of entries. In addition, the bandwidth capacity at each link is limited as well. Provisioning quality services to users by admitting their requests subject to such critical network resource constraints is a fundamental problem, and very little attention has been paid. In this paper, we study online unicasting and multicasting in SDNs with an objective of maximizing the network throughput under network resource constraints, for which we first propose a novel cost model to accurately capture the usages of network resources at switch nodes and links. We then devise two online algorithms with competitive ratios O(log n) and O(Kϵlog n) for online unicasting and multicasting, respectively, where n is the network size, K is the maximum number of destinations in any multicast request, and ϵ is a constant with 0 < ϵ ≤ 1. We finally evaluate the proposed algorithms empirically through simulations. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are very promising

    An energy-aware and QOS assured wireless multi-hop transmission protocol

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    A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by researchThe Ad-hoc network is set up with multiple wireless devices without any pre-existing infrastructure. It usually supports best-effort traffic and occasionally some kinds of Quality of Service (QoS). However, there are some applications with real-time traffic requirements where deadlines must be met. To meet deadlines, the communication network has to support the timely delivery of inter-task messages. Furthermore, energy efficiency is a critical issue for battery-powered mobile devices in ad-hoc networks. Thus, A QoS guaranteed and energy-aware transmission scheme is one hot of research topics in the research area. The MSc research work is based on the idea of Real-Time Wireless Multi-hop Protocol (RT-WMP). RT-WMP is a well known protocol originally used in the robots control area. It allows wireless real-time traffic in relatively small mobile ad-hoc networks using the low-cost commercial IEEE 802.11 technology. The proposed scheme is based on a token-passing approach and message exchange is priority based. The idea of energy-aware routing mechanism is based on the AODV protocol. This energy-saving mechanism is analysed and simulated in our study as an extension of the RT-WMP. From the simulation results and analysis, it has been shown that adding energy-aware mechanism to RT-WMP is meaningful to optimise the performance of traffic on the network

    Improving broadcast performance in multi-radio multi-channel multi-rate wireless mesh networks.

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    This thesis addresses the problem of `efficient' broadcast in a multi-radio multi-channel multi-rate wireless mesh network (MR2^2-MC WMN). In such a MR2^2-MC WMN, nodes are equipped with multiple radio network interface cards, each tuned to an orthogonal channel, that can dynamically adjust transmission rate by choosing a modulation scheme appropriate for the channel conditions. We choose `broadcast latency', defined as the maximum delay between a packet's network-wide broadcast at the source and its eventual reception at all network nodes, as the `efficiency' metric of broadcast performance. The problem of constructing a broadcast forwarding structure having minimal broadcast latency is referred to as the `minimum-latency-broadcasting' (MLB) problem. While previous research for broadcast in single-radio single-rate wireless networks has highlighted the wireless medium's `\emph{wireless broadcast advantage}' (WBA); little is known regarding how the new features of MR2^2-MC WMN may be exploited. We study in this thesis how the availability of multiple radio interfaces (tuned to orthogonal channels) at WMN nodes, and WMN's multi-rate transmission capability and WBA, might be exploited to improve the `broadcast latency' performance. We show the MLB problem for MR2^2-MC WMN to be NP-hard, and resort to heuristics for its solution. We divide the overall problem into two sub-problems, which we address in two separate parts of this thesis. \emph{In the first part of this thesis}, the MLB problem is defined for the case of single-radio single-channel multi-rate WMNs where WMN nodes are equipped with a single radio tuned to a common channel. \emph{In the second part of this thesis}, the MLB problem is defined for MR2^2-MC WMNs where WMN nodes are equipped with multiple radios tuned to multiple orthogonal channels. We demonstrate that broadcasting in multi-rate WMNs is significantly different to broadcasting in single-rate WMNs, and that broadcast performance in multi-rate WMNs can be significantly improved by exploiting the availability of multi-rate feature and multiple interfaces. We also present two alternative MLB broadcast frameworks and specific algorithms, centralized and distributed, for each framework that can exploit multiple interfaces at a WMN node, and the multi-rate feature and WBA of MR2^2-MC WMN to return improved `broadcast latency' performance

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing
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