265,272 research outputs found

    Cycles of free words in several independent random permutations with restricted cycle lengths

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    In this text, we consider random permutations which can be written as free words in several independent random permutations: firstly, we fix a non trivial word ww in letters g1,g11,...,gk,gk1g_1,g_1^{-1},..., g_k,g_k^{-1}, secondly, for all nn, we introduce a kk-tuple s1(n),...,sk(n)s_1(n),..., s_k(n) of independent random permutations of {1,...,n}\{1,..., n\}, and the random permutation σn\sigma_n we are going to consider is the one obtained by replacing each letter gig_i in ww by si(n)s_i(n). For example, for w=g1g2g3g21w=g_1g_2g_3g_2^{-1}, σn=s1(n)s2(n)s3(n)s2(n)1\sigma_n=s_1(n)\circ s_2(n)\circ s_3(n)\circ s_2(n)^{-1}. Moreover, we restrict the set of possible lengths of the cycles of the si(n)s_i(n)'s: we fix sets A1,...,AkA_1,..., A_k of positive integers and suppose that for all nn, for all ii, si(n)s_i(n) is uniformly distributed on the set of permutations of {1,...,n}\{1,..., n\} which have all their cycle lengths in AiA_i. For all positive integer ll, we are going to give asymptotics, as nn goes to infinity, on the number Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) of cycles of length ll of σn\sigma_n. We shall also consider the joint distribution of the random vectors (N1(σn),...,Nl(σn))(N_1(\sigma_n),..., N_l(\sigma_n)). We first prove that the order of ww in a certain quotient of the free group with generators g1,...,gkg_1,..., g_k determines the rate of growth of the random variables Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) as nn goes to infinity. We also prove that in many cases, the distribution of Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) converges to a Poisson law with parameter 1/l1/l and that the random variables N1(σn),N2(σn),...N_1(\sigma_n),N_2(\sigma_n), ... are asymptotically independent. We notice the surprising fact that from this point of view, many things happen as if σn\sigma_n were uniformly distributed on the nn-th symmetric group.Comment: 28 page

    A complete proof of the safety of Nöcker's strictness analysis

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    This paper proves correctness of Nöcker's method of strictness analysis, implemented in the Clean compiler, which is an effective way for strictness analysis in lazy functional languages based on their operational semantics. We improve upon the work of Clark, Hankin and Hunt did on the correctness of the abstract reduction rules. Our method fully considers the cycle detection rules, which are the main strength of Nöcker's strictness analysis. Our algorithm SAL is a reformulation of Nöcker's strictness analysis algorithm in a higher-order call-by-need lambda-calculus with case, constructors, letrec, and seq, extended by set constants like Top or Inf, denoting sets of expressions. It is also possible to define new set constants by recursive equations with a greatest fixpoint semantics. The operational semantics is a small-step semantics. Equality of expressions is defined by a contextual semantics that observes termination of expressions. Basically, SAL is a non-termination checker. The proof of its correctness and hence of Nöcker's strictness analysis is based mainly on an exact analysis of the lengths of normal order reduction sequences. The main measure being the number of 'essential' reductions in a normal order reduction sequence. Our tools and results provide new insights into call-by-need lambda-calculi, the role of sharing in functional programming languages, and into strictness analysis in general. The correctness result provides a foundation for Nöcker's strictness analysis in Clean, and also for its use in Haskell

    Minimum-weight Cycle Covers and Their Approximability

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    A cycle cover of a graph is a set of cycles such that every vertex is part of exactly one cycle. An L-cycle cover is a cycle cover in which the length of every cycle is in the set L. We investigate how well L-cycle covers of minimum weight can be approximated. For undirected graphs, we devise a polynomial-time approximation algorithm that achieves a constant approximation ratio for all sets L. On the other hand, we prove that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of 2-eps for certain sets L. For directed graphs, we present a polynomial-time approximation algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of O(n), where nn is the number of vertices. This is asymptotically optimal: We show that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of o(n). To contrast the results for cycle covers of minimum weight, we show that the problem of computing L-cycle covers of maximum weight can, at least in principle, be approximated arbitrarily well.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 33rd Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2007). Minor change

    Long path and cycle decompositions of even hypercubes

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    We consider edge decompositions of the nn-dimensional hypercube QnQ_n into isomorphic copies of a given graph HH. While a number of results are known about decomposing QnQ_n into graphs from various classes, the simplest cases of paths and cycles of a given length are far from being understood. A conjecture of Erde asserts that if nn is even, <2n\ell < 2^n and \ell divides the number of edges of QnQ_n, then the path of length \ell decomposes QnQ_n. Tapadia et al.\ proved that any path of length 2mn2^mn, where 2m<n2^m<n, satisfying these conditions decomposes QnQ_n. Here, we make progress toward resolving Erde's conjecture by showing that cycles of certain lengths up to 2n+1/n2^{n+1}/n decompose QnQ_n. As a consequence, we show that QnQ_n can be decomposed into copies of any path of length at most 2n/n2^{n}/n dividing the number of edges of QnQ_n, thereby settling Erde's conjecture up to a linear factor