8 research outputs found

    Incremental concept learning with few training examples and hierarchical classification

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    Object recognition and localization are important to automatically interpret video and allow better querying on its content. We propose a method for object localization that learns incrementally and addresses four key aspects. Firstly, we show that for certain applications, recognition is feasible with only a few training samples. Secondly, we show that novel objects can be added incrementally without retraining existing objects, which is important for fast interaction. Thirdly, we show that an unbalanced number of positive training samples leads to biased classi er scores that can be corrected by modifying weights. Fourthly, we show that the detector performance can deteriorate due to hard-negative mining for similar or closely related classes (e.g., for Barbie and dress, because the doll is wearing a dress). This can be solved by our hierarchical classi cation. We introduce a new dataset, which we call TOSO, and use it to demonstrate the e ectiveness of the proposed method for the localization and recognition of multiple objects in images.This research was performed in the GOOSE project, which is jointly funded by the enabling technology program Adaptive Multi Sensor Networks (AMSN) and the MIST research program of the Dutch Ministry of Defense. This publication was supported by the research program Making Sense of Big Data (MSoBD).peer-reviewe

    Hierarchical Classification of Scientific Taxonomies with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have catalysed a significant shift in the way marine habitats are studied. It is now possible to deploy an AUV from a ship, and capture tens of thousands of georeferenced images in a matter of hours. There is a growing body of research investigating ways to automatically apply semantic labels to this data, with two goals. The task of manually labelling a large number of images is time consuming and error prone. Further, there is the potential to change AUV surveys from being geographically defined (based on a pre-planned route), to permitting the AUV to adapt the mission plan in response to semantic observations. This thesis focusses on frameworks that permit a unified machine learning approach with applicability to a wide range of geographic areas, and diverse areas of interest for marine scientists. This can be addressed through the use of hierarchical classification; in which machine learning algorithms are trained to predict not just a binary or multi-class outcome, but a hierarchy of related output labels which are not mutually exclusive, such as a scientific taxonomy. In order to investigate classification on larger hierarchies with greater geographic diversity, the BENTHOZ-2015 data set was assembled as part of a collaboration between five Australian research groups. Existing labelled data was re-mapped to the CATAMI hierarchy, in total more than 400,000 point labels, conforming to a hierarchy of around 150 classes. The common hierarchical classification approach of building a network of binary classifiers was applied to the BENTHOZ-2015 data set, and a novel application of Bayesian Network theory and probability calibration was used as a theoretical foundation for the approach, resulting in improved classifier performance. This was extended to a more complex hidden node Bayesian Network structure, which permits inclusion of additional sensor modalities, and tuning for better performance in particular geographic regions

    On Taxonomies for Multi-class Image Categorization

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    We study the problem of classifying images into a given, pre-determined taxonomy. This task can be elegantly translated into the structured learning framework. However, despite its power, structured learning has known limits in scalability due to its high memory requirements and slow training process. We propose an efficient approximation of the structured learning approach by an ensemble of local support vector machines (SVMs) that can be trained efficiently with standard techniques. A first theoretical discussion and experiments on toy-data allow to shed light onto why taxonomy-based classification can outperform taxonomy-free approaches and why an appropriately combined ensemble of local SVMs might be of high practical use. Further empirical results on subsets of Caltech256 and VOC2006 data indeed show that our local SVM formulation can effectively exploit the taxonomy structure and thus outperforms standard multi-class classification algorithms while it achieves on par results with taxonomy-based structured algorithms at a significantly decreased computing time