33 research outputs found

    On the Commutative Equivalence of Context-Free Languages

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    The problem of the commutative equivalence of context-free and regular languages is studied. In particular conditions ensuring that a context-free language of exponential growth is commutatively equivalent with a regular language are investigated

    Aperiodic Weighted Automata and Weighted First-Order Logic

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    By fundamental results of Sch\"utzenberger, McNaughton and Papert from the 1970s, the classes of first-order definable and aperiodic languages coincide. Here, we extend this equivalence to a quantitative setting. For this, weighted automata form a general and widely studied model. We define a suitable notion of a weighted first-order logic. Then we show that this weighted first-order logic and aperiodic polynomially ambiguous weighted automata have the same expressive power. Moreover, we obtain such equivalence results for suitable weighted sublogics and finitely ambiguous or unambiguous aperiodic weighted automata. Our results hold for general weight structures, including all semirings, average computations of costs, bounded lattices, and others.Comment: An extended abstract of the paper appeared at MFCS'1

    Finding the growth rate of a regular language in polynomial time

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    We give an O(n^3+n^2 t) time algorithm to determine whether an NFA with n states and t transitions accepts a language of polynomial or exponential growth. We also show that given a DFA accepting a language of polynomial growth, we can determine the order of polynomial growth in quadratic time

    F-sets and finite automata

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    The classical notion of a k-automatic subset of the natural numbers is here extended to that of an F-automatic subset of an arbitrary finitely generated abelian group Γ\Gamma equipped with an arbitrary endomorphism F. This is applied to the isotrivial positive characteristic Mordell-Lang context where F is the Frobenius action on a commutative algebraic group G over a finite field, and Γ\Gamma is a finitely generated F-invariant subgroup of G. It is shown that the F-subsets of Γ\Gamma introduced by the second author and Scanlon are F-automatic. It follows that when G is semiabelian and X is a closed subvariety then X intersect Γ\Gamma is F-automatic. Derksen's notion of a k-normal subset of the natural numbers is also here extended to the above abstract setting, and it is shown that F-subsets are F-normal. In particular, the X intersect Γ\Gamma appearing in the Mordell-Lang problem are F-normal. This generalises Derksen's Skolem-Mahler-Lech theorem to the Mordell-Lang context.Comment: The final section is revised following an error discovered by Christopher Hawthorne; it is no longer claimed that an F-normal subset has a finite symmetric difference with an F-subset. The main theorems of the paper remain unchange

    On Bounded Linear Codes and the Commutative Equivalence

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    The problem of the commutative equivalence of semigroups generated by semi-linear languages is studied. In particular conditions ensuring that the Kleene closure of a bounded semi-linear code is commutatively equivalent to a regular language are investigated

    Polynomially ambiguous probabilistic automata on restricted languages

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    We consider the computability and complexity of decision questions for Probabilistic Finite Automata (PFA) with sub-exponential ambiguity. We show that the emptiness problem for strict and non-strict cut-points of polynomially ambiguous commutative PFA remains undecidable, implying that the problem is undecidable when inputs are from a letter monotonic language. We show that the problem remains undecidable over a binary input alphabet when the input word is over a bounded language, in the noncommutative case. In doing so, we introduce a new technique based upon the Turakainen construction of a PFA from a Weighted Finite Automaton which can be used to generate PFA of lower dimensions and of sub-exponential ambiguity. We also study freeness/injectivity problems for polynomially ambiguous PFA and study the border of decidability and tractability for various cases

    Ambiguity, Nondeterminism and State Complexity of Finite Automata

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